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Everything posted by pteryx

  1. pteryx

    Night time servers--- THE BEST SERVERS

    You're right, they should fix it. By adjusting it so that you can see at night, similar to you know, real life. Until then I'll adjust it myself, with the settings.
  2. pteryx

    Night time servers--- THE BEST SERVERS

    I don't see how using gamma and brightness to be able to see in a full moon is an exploit. Do yourself a favor and walk outside next time there's a full moon and sit out there for 20 minutes and you'll be able to see great.
  3. pteryx

    Night time servers--- THE BEST SERVERS

    I always move at night. "The snipers can see you through their night scopes, but at least you have some cover from the infected" as our good friend doyle said. Night time is safer, and since it's a survival game it only makes sense to stick to the shadows.
  4. pteryx

    What you can do with 10 bullets

    Bravo, OP. Well done. Keep the carebears on edge until I get back to slaughtering them.
  5. Server hopping right now is a major issue due in part to the fact that loot is already spawned when you log into a server, which makes it very efficient to server hop. Timers to join servers or combat log would perhaps slow it down. However, here's something I propose. In a twenty four hour period, players are limited to a certain number of servers, say 2-3. After these initial two servers, every server change in this time period would result in five percent gear degradation. This means that hopping 5 servers would result in a severe damage penalty on your gear. This would allow players to change servers for reasonable purposes and normal play, but would prevent server hopping for the purposes of farming gear and sniping.
  6. So every server essentially becomes a private hive? Also, responding to other posts, yes, there are announcements they may or may not get implemented in the next year regarding issues, that hardly restricts the ability to discuss the topic.
  7. I punched a rabbit a few times but the server lagged and 2-3 seconds later the punching made bullet ricochet sounds on the ground around me and I thought for a split second I was being shot at. My chest hurt for about twenty minutes afterward from the adrenaline rush
  8. Server hopping is easy enough when gear spawns if you're 200 meters away, it only takes about one minute to run far enough away and logout that gear will spawn. However, I'm fine with that system, so long as everyone realizes it won't actually stop server hopping at all. The timers would be very annoying IMO. I guess if the timers are implemented it would be nice if you still had a set number of free server changes per time period. I'd hate to wait some of the ridiculous times I've seen suggested (30+ minutes) every time I get into a server only to get poor performance.
  9. Pristine acogs, antibiotics, and other elite level gear that won't be easy to acquire would be ruined. Sure, you could keep hopping and run around with an orange mountain backpack and a few mags of ammo, but you can find that anywhere on any single server.
  10. pteryx

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    Most of the types that complain about KoS claim to shoot someone in the back if they're trying to just run away. What's the difference? There is none. The people I snipe from 400m away are no less of a threat than a new spawn with a melee trying to run away when being barked orders at in a squeaky voice over direct chat.
  11. pteryx

    What's worse? Being KoS'd or held up

    Where's the option for never getting held up because when idiotboys run around yelling on direct chat they get shot?
  12. pteryx

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    I don't have time to listen to police academy dropouts yell at me over direct chat. Losing gear never matters, but landing an axe or shooting them is always rewarding.
  13. pteryx

    My Kit: What can i improve on ?

    Don't worry about all the types here that want you to ditch the good gear so you won't be more of a "target". Assume everyone is going to kill you anyway, and use your superior gear to kill them first.
  14. I usually scout the area I want to snipe until I find a spot that has both a good view of the target area, but is also not a popular spot that would result in players logging in near me. After that I sit in my sniper hide I've found for the next 3-4 nights only moving to knock down grass and I watch the area until I need to go resupply.
  15. pteryx

    My Kit: What can i improve on ?

    Ditch the handgun and use the space for something useful.
  16. pteryx

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    I'd rather stick an axe in someone if that's all I have, or otherwise shoot them, than to play whatever game they think I have time for
  17. pteryx

    "Friendlies" are just a bunch of lamers

    I am inclined to agree with phantasm, every time I hear little friendly squeaks over direct chat tries to talk over direct chat it makes me savor the kill.
  18. pteryx

    "Friendlies" are just a bunch of lamers

    It's hard to tell someone you're friendly while you watch them through an acog from 400 meters away
  19. pteryx

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    Not the M4 nor the mosin are accurate at long range without the use of a deployed bipod. With the bipod, the M4 has been accurate all the way out to 760m so far for me.
  20. pteryx

    More than 1 Character?

    I've considered buying two dayz keys for this purpose, because I play with several unaffiliated individuals and groups and I spend a vast amount of time traveling to meet up with different people.
  21. pteryx

    Mosin Help?

    Well, you're right, it is difficult to find a pristine acog. I've been sniping for a few days and it's just my personal preference for a few reasons. The mosin is bolt action. Often times it doesn't kill in one shot and it takes too long to get a follow up shot, often times meaning you won't get the kill. The mosin has 5 rounds, must be manually reloaded from the inventory, and if you reload while you're prone, there's a bug that causes it to reload about four or five times before you can use it. The long range scope is not zeroed properly and shoots to the left. The M4 with a pristine acog however shoots perfectly everytime, has 60 round magazines, allows for follow up shots, and is still very capable in close quarters.
  22. pteryx

    Mosin Help?

    Most lootable cars if you walk to near it you'll get options to open the trunk. Office buildings, such as the one at the military base north of kamenka, schools, and the one story apartments with the hallway going through the middle have been where I've found most of mine. If you prefer to snipe just get an M4 and an acog.
  23. pteryx

    Bad Way to Wake Up

    Try hopping around 5-6 servers. If it doesn't work, try again a few hours later. If that doesn't work your gear is probably gone. I got wiped with a full kit and after checking 5 servers I gave up and decided my gear was gone, only to find out it was back the next day.
  24. I don't trust strangers in real life, why would that change when I log on dayz?
  25. pteryx

    Do You Server Hop?

    Most of the time once I'm already geared a single server has enough ammunition, food, and water to carry me for an entire day so I typically sit in servers and snipe until I need to go out and resupply, and most of the time I'll be on a server maybe 20-30 minutes and if I haven't looted what I need I'll swap to a different server and comb the area again. I don't believe server hopping is as much of an issue as people believe because it's not as if they are clearing out all of the loot. The only time I server hop is when I'm looking for something very specific, for example antibiotics, and I don't just farm a building and leave a server, I'm very rarely in a server for less than half an hour. Anyone who has played breaking point knows that they have an eight minute timer when you change servers, and something like that would allow players to freely change servers while reducing the efficiency of server hopping high value targets. Also, to those who say that the developers are going to ban anyone for exploiting the problems in the game (not hacking) at this point - it's an alpha, and it's our job to find out what the bugs and balance problems are so that they can be neutralized before full release.