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Canned Muffins

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Everything posted by Canned Muffins

  1. Canned Muffins

    Any plans for 3PP immersion?

    Seems fine how it is now. Classic DayZ is the best DayZ.
  2. Canned Muffins

    Well, I combat logged.

    I logged on people taking pop shots at me before and didn't really care that I did. Was going to jump servers to join a friend before they started lobbing lead at me and wasn't really feeling like spending 20+ minutes avoiding them or flanking. Jumped on with my friend on a different server and we had a great time and met and helped out some people with food and medical help. Did I perhaps ruin those guys fun who were taking pop shots at me? Maybe but I didn't care and they should figure out how to zero the rifles they had a bit better so they can actually hit a target in a wide open coverless field. I had time to get into town and log after waiting a bit to see if they were comming to pay me a visit. They didn't and I had a better gaming experience with my friend later. I've done plenty of firefight encounters and played many through to know that these ones where you try and track down people taking pop shots are pointless. Your lucky if you ever find the source of the shots and if the person is dumb enough to hang around after failed shots.Wasted countless hours searching for these people. They interact with their firearms and if that fails you never find them. TL:DR: Im not wasting up to an hour dodging lead and being someones target when they clearly are not able to zero and use their rifles anyways. I'll run away and eventually decide where to go on the map or another server. If they let me go or can't catch me before I go then thats unfortunate.
  3. Canned Muffins

    What to expect in the next update

    We need beards :D
  4. Canned Muffins

    The TANK Thread

    I don't think you understand what kind of tires are on the vehicles. Military and law enforcement tires on these sorts of vehicles may take many rounds before running flat and even then they may have steel or solid rubber so they can never run "flat".
  5. Canned Muffins

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    Helicopters should be in the game. They are amazing transport and something to work for and towards as an end game goal. They themselves don't effect the game all to much how they are used by players are reflected by peoples opinions here. The people who are opposed to them generally had bad experiences with them. Others enjoyed the utility of such a vehicle and tool. It can be used for all kinds of things not just PVP. When they are used for PVP they were great fun and challenging to avoid and engage with. I just remember finally having a use for my light machine gun when I heard the distant sound of helicopter blades. Finding bandit or player campsites was also a great indirect PVP /PVE aspect they added. I look forward to seeing them return and with new challenges they present in terms of maintenance and piloting. Types of helicopters we probably shouldn't see are fully armed gunship style helos. Civilian helicopters and some perhaps law enforcement ones should be expected.
  6. Canned Muffins

    clearly they do not have pull-ring tins in Russia

    Sardines and soda cans both employ the pull tab method.
  7. Canned Muffins

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    I doesn't matter what 90 percent of players intended to do when they are doing PVE the majority of the time. They need to loot and interact with the environment far more than they ever will with players. In fact you can avoid all player contact in the game and still essentially have fun. You can stalk and hunt when its added,even raid camps and steal goodies from others without the need for direct PVP. We have so many things not yet added for PVE and yet the main thing about this game is the PVE build up that leads to brief moments of PVP. Players are the true threat that will kill you but without working and beating the enviroment you would never learn enough to be able to kill others or defend yourself. Plenty of mechanics can shift the focus of players and thats by making zombies/infected a true threat.
  8. Canned Muffins

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    Consider how the majority of your time playing Dayz is actually spent. You eat,walk,kill zeds and rarely see players.The game is mainly PVE with some player interaction and even less actual PVP. People spend most of their game time gearing up and getting healthy. Then when they can't loot anymore they turn to PVP and end game goals which then gets them killed and then they are PVE all over again for several hours. Honestly consider how long a PVP or even player interaction compares to the amount of time you are literally interacting with the environment. We have an apocalyptic horror survival sim with the ability to play with others online. The core game is PVE with PVP moments.
  9. Canned Muffins

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    Oh okay so remove the hunger system,stop production on the weather effecting player,forget illness or infection as well. In fact lets never make use for hunting ,cleaning water,or cooking at all. Lets just be ignorant and think that the mod or SA is mainly focused as PVP. PVE is the core with zombie and surviving by eating and staying healthy being key to living. Players and PVP is how many die but to say thats the prime focus is wrong. Interaction with others livens the game up but this is a horror survival zombie apocalypse game. Other players is the most dangerous hazard but they are the thing you interact with the least in the game. What players are actually doing the majority of the mod and game are doing things to stay alive or better their chances of surviving(looting,traveling,hunting). Players and multiplayer in general is the true filler as it makes up for such a small part of gameplay. The majority of the game is spent gearing up,walking places,eating,and fighting zeds.
  10. Canned Muffins

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    I can imagine more empty servers ahhhhhh just imagine a whole community just leaving the game thats quite literally built on a foundation that was a zombie mod for Arma. I think we have seen many sorts of shitty zombies/infected in the Alpha so far but they are an environmental hazard. They are the most dangerous environmental hazard because they give away positions,distract players, and generally injure players. They are a dynamic threat and will be more so when we see different kinds of infected/zombies and when they are more developed. I see the possibility of hordes and night time advantage of the infected as being very dangerous for players. Needless to say the Zeds are not going anywhere its a matter of how they end up finally being implemented that I am looking forward too. PVP is great but its not the biggest or most important aspect of DayZ. Considering the majority of the time we play this game it is PVE. PVP interaction is important but not as much as the base meta game of surviving in a Zed filled apocalypse. Long live the zeds and our dark lord Hoxton ,may he grant us the dark powers so that we may triumph.
  11. Canned Muffins

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    If you think conservative posts are edited or removed on Reddit then you are probably in the wrong sub Reddit. The only people with the power to actualy remove posts are mods and even then is posts that violate the terms of service. You can see videos of murder ,genocide,abuse of all kinds on Reddit and say anything you wish. Its only on Subs where you see abuse like that. As long as you are not being racist generally you'll never have an issue.Report abuse of mods.
  12. I want to dig a hole and drop supplies in it.
  13. Canned Muffins

    Military Tents Spawn To Much Loot?

    High pop servers wont have this issue. Mid to low pop servers will and thats understandable.
  14. Canned Muffins

    This is how dumb punching is in this game.

    I say make it a flip of a coin for the chance of a one hit KO and if the first punch doesn't do it have the second one do the job. We are talking about a game and there is a very very very simple way to not get knocked out and its a common loot item. A motorcycle helmet will prevent a knockout. So there are two things people should take away from being knocked out. The first lesson is do not allow players to get that close to you and be prepared for it regardless. The second lesson is do not think that gear alone will give you the advantage or that any amount of loot will somehow make you better than a player that has a drop on you. I like powerful punches but if the butt hurt sways the hearts and minds of the chumps in the community then by all means allow one or two hits to do the job. If I had control Id say let assassination or choke moves be allowed for players who sneak up behind people. Snapping a neck or choking someone who is unaware is very possible.
  15. Canned Muffins

    Unrealistic Firearms

    The mod had great gunplay but to say it was realistic in the least is horse shit. I just think of the AS50 and LMGs and how players could have pin point accuracy with these things with little effort. I could even take out helicopter pilots and gunners with a damn Makorov LOL. I do agree with you on how the weapons were consistent because they absolutely were but in no way were they as realistic as they could have been. They were the best we could get at the time and that is not the case anymore with windage and actual ballistics(penetration) playing in with newer games like Arma 3. This is to be expected though with newer sim games having access to newer engines and technology. I do miss the gunplay of the mod but im willing to see where this game goes especially with item degradation(which needs work).
  16. Canned Muffins

    Should we have an animation for backpacks ?

    It sounds like a good idea until you actually get stuck in the animation to check your inventory or the animation bugs out and you can't get into your inventory. Right now we have troubles with our hot bar and just inventory slots bugging out and eating items or creating unusable slots. I like the idea of adding more animations to the game for many actions but honestly for the thing people do most it would be the definition of tedious. I could see something like that bringing much of the gameplay to almost a standstill and firefights would be a nightmare to deal with just because of clumsiness of drawing items and how easy items are ruined. I say yes for more animations specifically I would love one for looting a body. Looting a body should be risky so an animation going with it could be beneficial to ambushes or traps. It leaves a player vulnerable as they check a corpse. As for an animation for checking your inventory I don't think so unless it was a couple of seconds tops and could be interrupted. Another big issue currently in the Standalone is not being able to interrupt animations and actions which makes for very shitty moments in game.
  17. Canned Muffins

    Cigarettes ?

    ehhh why not seems a bit needless but it can add immersion.
  18. Two silent guys followed me and my pal. One tried to handcuff me while my back was turned. I put him down and it was sad because he seemed like a okay guy. Then another guy just charged my friend and I with a shovel. My friends sawed off shotgun took care of him. I approached another guy at Polana and he was afk so I handcuffed him and left him in his cloths but my friend took his bag. Many players are not speaking and oddly enough the few who did were friendly.
  19. Canned Muffins

    Sooo about that side chat?

    Walkie talkies are never going to be a viable loot or communication device. They are a wasted slot and easily substituted by a server team speak and text chat. Some people don't like the text or voice side chats and they had the option to turn it off in the mod. I say make it an option to turn it on since this is a damn game and some people like it. If you truly dislike it for immersion then by all means do not activate it and do not worry. I see it coming back through private hives or by mods. This is a game at the end of the day and this game benefits from any communication even the side chat bullshit we used to have. As for walkie talkies I would only pick it up if it could play music but since we havn't heard about radio stations in a while I again consider this loot as garbage that has little use other than staging ambushes/messing with people. This is PC gaming side chats and channels are standard.
  20. Canned Muffins

    A third M1911

    No the fact that there are two types already is odd. Waste of time for a silly skin rather see a different side arm show up perhaps one that doesn't suck. Currently the in game 1911 blows.
  21. Canned Muffins

    Tranquilizer Gun

    Meh so useless when you think about it.
  22. Canned Muffins

    Lol @ you

    Bad players get what is coming to them even if their target is essentially harmless and unarmed. Got to love killing bad hostile players.
  23. Canned Muffins

    Why does the cross bow do more damage than the m4?

    That is with a bow how about a cross bow? How about with a compound bow? His testing seems very weak and not a good guide for anything more than the craft able bow in game. Ive watched even weak crossbows with target blunt head bolts and arrows piece Kevlar. Needless to say there is a factor of power thats missing with his test and I have a feeling its because of the bow he is using. Then again the grade of Kevlar can be very important to. We'll see how protective clothing comes into play with balistics as we see the game developed.
  24. Canned Muffins

    Why does the cross bow do more damage than the m4?

    Depends on what a person has on in terms of protection. Vests may stop bullet ballistics but not arrows or bolts. If no protection is involved say a new spawn with a t-shirt than yeah one for one the damage to the chest will be the same. I see damage and protective items playing a roll in how PVP plays out in the future.
  25. Canned Muffins

    Why does the cross bow do more damage than the m4?

    Crossbow is perfect as is. With its short range,slow reload,and silent death nature its just a perfect fit for the game. I see it as the perfect hero,hunter,or urban fighter weapon. If you can get close enough to a target you dispatch them fast and quietly before anyone around notices. A shot to the chest is absolutely devastating as it should be. If people think it should not kill instantly thats fine then make them fall unconscious instead because the trauma and blood loss would do just that. Incapacitate or quick death are the options I see this weapon delivering. Say a bolt misses your heart but takes out a lung well at this point you are drowning in your own blood and on the ground. Perfect stealth weapon and survivalist tool.