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Everything posted by Canned Muffins
Anyone want to imagine how awful looting items that fail to register with the inventory vicinity look will now be? It at times is ridiculously tedious to grab visible items that are on cabinets and above the players model. I don't care for the dot for weapons I care about it for looting. Rather it be an optional setting for those who dislike it. Crosses fingers that loot is fixed so its not so finicky to interact with.
I only use the keyboard for my number pad hot bar items and global chat/text chat function and F key emotions/actions. I have been playing the SA for 400+ hours with the Xbox 360 controller and Xpadder and have never had issues with clumsiness or reaction issues. I find that if I have all the primary functions mapped correctly to my preferences then I have no issue. I end up putting more people on the coast then people putting me on the coast and I would say its because I have better control over player positioning and movement rather than pure accuracy that the mouse may provide. Several of these keys have multiple bindings such as the left joy stick which has the keys X-C-Z binded to them so I can control crouching and laying down with clicks or holding it. I have my B button as Z if I need to lay down fast. My bumpers are set to number pad 1 and 3 as well as alt so I can quick look to the side with a click or hold to free look. To assign different functions to one button /trigger is easy you just select advance options when you are given the virtual keyboard after selection a button.
Murderers kill for sport and probably KOS,any loot is just icing on the cake. Bandit at least interacts with you might rob you,hurt,or kill you. At least they tried to interact even if it was to harm you. Survivor is neutral generally but may take advantage when presented especially for beans. Freshspawn is a player who knows how to play but is recently died. Bambi is a new player to the game. Hero is a player tries to help others and hunt bandits.
Can we add this whistling addon to standalone?
Canned Muffins replied to toejam's topic in General Discussion
Local chat would work just fine ? -
Its the closest town North west of the North East airfield. Krasnovastav.
Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?
Canned Muffins replied to OrLoK's topic in General Discussion
Fourth wall as shown in the video is easily exploitable and broken. Rendering is distance limited and what is broken is that people just pop fully in or out of sight. Parts of the people do not show when they would. Meaning that in third person with 4th wall you actually may be at a disadvantage. You are not seeing limbs or sections of the players render they simply plop in fully which is exploitable to anyone who would peak to see plays flash. Id use it as a sort of spotter if it were implemented as shown. Needless to say it wont be added as the community already likes the current state of regular. Again it can be an option for private hives and server hosts but if this is put on official servers expect the game to basically take a huge community hit. That kind of change even if it makes sense to people who have issue with typical third person gaming would harm the community. A thing Id rather them work on is how weapons handle and how zeds interact with the environment. -
Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?
Canned Muffins replied to OrLoK's topic in General Discussion
Lets leave regular servers as they are if people want this if it ever even gets considered then it can be for private hives and server hosts to decide. -
Played the on the first hardcore server I saw over 25 players a day ago and it was the same old same. Slow gameplay and easy looting mixed with moth people being in Electro circle jerking while leaving main Norther cities even ones like Berezino untouched for hours. My squad mates crossed the map from Electro talking about seeing firefights happening there to meet with a few of us waiting at Berezino and while we waited we saw no one pass through. After we all grouped up we visited Rifty,Svetlo,NEAF,Kransnovastav,The new chernars Polana or whatever it is then we croossed the map to the NWAF and Stary then went East to Gorka and returned back to Berezino and looted the entire place and ran into NO ONE the entire time with 25+ people on a hardcore server. It was pathetic that they were all clearly in the typical areas of the map of the South West. The immersion of a hardcore server is no different then a regular server. The main difference is that there are less people on hardcore and they still are fighting each other in the South West rather than exploring or navigating the map. Hardly any of the locations we visited were even touched and we played as a group for 4 hours that day. Immersion of Electro deathmatch is the same regardless of hardcore or regular servers.
I play both 1st and 3rd on stable and experimental so at any time I have 4 characters to play with and test. Gameplay is not different and the immersion is the same. I do play it generally more cautiously on hardcore for some reason even when I don't see many people in the newer towns up North.What I like about 3rd person is that I can literally tell if my character is in cover or see if they are doing an animation or what stance they are currently in fast. What I like with 1st person is that I have 2 more character avatars to play with and generally looting on the servers are extremely easy regardless of population. So far all my hardcore interactions in the past few weeks have been very friendly and uneventful. Think I should start shooting peoples legs out from underneath them to liven up the dead servers and lack of crazy violent players. The gameplay is slower and you pay more attention to what you do see. However when it comes to navigation 3rd person is just infinitely better because of positioning perception of your character. You really do have better spacial awareness in regular and I see that as the main reason the community has always preferred having both options available. I have a feeling private hives will all but make hardcore servers wither out even more. I only see maybe 5-10 medium populated servers on any given day on the entire server listing. Out of the many servers that lay empty for hardcore I see a very small active community of dedicated users. I expect to see a drop in hardcore server hosts in the near future. If we are arguing about immersion I find many issues with first person especially with interactive items and abstract map geometry and buildings. Ladders,stairs,doors,gates,looting,ect.... I can't count the amount of times I tried climbing stairs or tried interacting with things in first person and it was just a hassle. One of my most memerable moments was traveling in first person and navigating a hill side by Kamyshovo which is not very hard. I was fresh spawn passing through and I failed to see a sudden drop in the hill that was a slope. I ramped off it and was stuck on a tree ,so I began vaulting and then was thrusted up into the sky. I came back down and died. I've passed by this hillside countless times before in the mod and this standalone but this time I died. I attribute it partially to me not paying attention but with the better navigation view in a regular server this crap rarely happens. Would help if these evil slopes were smoothed out as well though. All in all though it doesn't matter which server hive you play on its worth doing both and sending others and yourself on coastal vacations as often as you can.
Canned Muffins replied to [email protected]'s topic in General Discussion
Well when zombies actually interact with map and building geometry then they wont be as bad unless they follow you up the stair wells to murder you. I advise you to run along slopes because the current run speed allows them to kill themselves by ramping off ledges. Also just side step them. -
An empty mag would be great. Currently I find it a bit hard to test any of the new weapons because of the mags being fairly scarce anywhere on the map besides firehouses,police stations, and military facilities. I want to test the new pistols be have yet to find any mags for them and Ive logged a good amount of hours on this latest branch.
They are only a threat because you kill one and then it spawns back perhaps in the same spot it died in. Then it knows where you were if you killed it with a gun and aggro right as it spawns. I have killed 2-3 zombies and watched them spawn and then aggro on me seconds later. Its not that its difficult to fight just an annoying bug really or shallow mechanic. The zombies having no clip,spawning in front of your eyes,and the new melee system which is a bit clunky you have people seeing zombies as a threat. Its not good design that made them hard its flawed and bad game play and mechanics that made them a threat. There is a difference because one is intentional while the other is by programming jenga. Issues with current zombie implementation: 1. They have no clip and can ignore map and building geometry. 2. They can see players through geometry and at great distance. 3. They spawn as fast as you kill them sometimes a matter of feet from where you just killed them. 4.They retain aggro as they spawn so you have a zombie that has knowledge of where you are after many deaths and it will keep coming back to attack you. 5.The zombies a too few and they don't work correctly at all.
Why do 'heroes' think all fresh spawns are new players?
Canned Muffins replied to Sebidee's topic in General Discussion
Who logs into a game which requires a mic without testing it or plugging it in?Furthermore what kind of experienced player doesn't know how to type with the in game vicinity chat? Also he said he only has 50 hours logged and he makes many careless mistakes gameplay wise that should have led to his death. It was only out of the kindness of the other players that he didn't get killed and tortured. He was slow to even type. If a guy was pausing to type or respond verbally I would simply leave them or shoot them depending on what sort of threat they posed to me.You don't take chances with shady players who could easily be talking to friends over team speak. You are lucky if anyone even waits for you to respond and when you are unappreciative to a little help and advice you end up looking conceited or apathetic to a major part of this game. That being player interaction. Everything he said and did really should have ended in his death but he was lucky. You don't need to be friendly to others but when you do get to meet some players its best not to spit in their face unless thats what your playstyle is. -
Why do 'heroes' think all fresh spawns are new players?
Canned Muffins replied to Sebidee's topic in General Discussion
So the OP got killed and has 50 hours of game time well in my books you would be a new player. Many people who play do not know how to get the healthy status and even less know the map well. So you can tell these players that you are fine but you yourself said your mic was messed up or not set up. Again this further suggests you are a very new player and should take notes on how to play. You should have been heading inland already from spawn but you were seen and approached by armed players. If they were not as kind you would be getting tortured and killed then sent to respawn somewhere else. To be clear playing as a hero or just a player who decides to interact or approach other players is not very easy. You have to approach or sneak up on players to a situation where you could die but that you have some advantage like the element of surprise. See new players generally can't do this or they get dropped on by other players and in turn many are ultra hostile and shoot at anything that moves most can barely shoot and hit anything to begin with. Its easy to be a bandit or murderer in this game its hard to be a player who puts themselves in danger to interact and survive. You could try and take them out if you like as a challenge to yourself but if they are half way competent then they will likely remove you as the threat fairly quickly. New spawns can leave or ignore players if they like if not they may get helped or if they are hostile they die. That is the nature of player interaction. Sadly many players don't even bother to interact or hold people up and rob others they simply shoot on sight like crack heads. -
Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.42.116002
Canned Muffins replied to rocket's topic in News & Announcements
Still Down :(. -
The reason I carry the revolver is because of this. They should spawn with a single empty mag some of the time.
Side scrollers.
I posted this in the past as a response to a person who did feel it was an exploit. : "Its not cheating or an exploit when the largest games in the history of gaming have continued to use it and players enjoy it. Star Wars Battlefront,SOCOM,Splinter Cell,Assasins Creed,Unreal Tournament,Grand Theft Auto,Gears of War,Halo(vehicles),Battlefield(vehicles) ,and Call of Duty (vehicles) ect.....all prove your point to be incorrect. It is not cheating it is a play style preference. One that exists in all of those massive titles. Are you saying that this feature thats been included for the past several decades is cheating? If so the community and industry disagree.It comes down to preference and the preference of the majority prefers having the option of 3rd person. This is proven by the server population in both Arma and DayZ." Its matter of play style and preference.
Any confirmation on stamina system?
Canned Muffins replied to Slyguy65's topic in General Discussion
Yeah I sort of hope we don't see anything like this until we do have vehicles. -
I look forward to finding a reason to kill zombies. I want generally basic loot like bandages and equipment.
I like this as a neat useful loot. It can be balanced as taking a vest slot.
How is the spoilered scenario in any way even? You can see me coming while I have absolutely no idea that you are there! I could be the best scout in the game and you still have a huge advantage over me. You can simply wait for me to turn away from you, pop up and shoot me without ever exposing yourself to risk from me. That is not skill or patience or positioning, it's a legal and lethal wallhack. Once again, I am not arguing that you shouldn't be able to have 3pp. But it needs to be fixed so that in the above scenario you cannot see me either. I am effectively invisible to you unless you stand up and look over the wall with your characters eyes. Here's another one: In this situation you can potentially see me coming from miles away without ever exposing yourself, giving you a huge advantage. You now have a very long time to set up an ambush for me, and I still have no idea you're there even if I am the most observant player in the game. If you cannot see the issues with this, then I have to assume you're part of the crowd that just wants cheap and easy kills in a game that is NOT supposed to be about that type of thing. The challenge of PVP is more prevalent in regular servers due to both population sizes and yes tactics of 3rd person.This ability is no exploit it is built into the system and it has evolved all sorts of strategy to both combat and optimize its use. You gain information off of the few ways you can in this game and that includes vision,hearing,and spacial awareness which would be a bigger factor if we could smell,feel,use mirrors,peak over ledges,use cameras,or what have you but these things just don't fully exist in this game. Gameplay and mechanics make up for what should be present or available in a real life scenario. Even as a game DayZ and Arma games are simulations to an extent. This game is classic in its anti game style its classic in the features incorporated to suit gameplay better. It is not doing anything that has not been done in another game all it is doing is applying old gaming mechanics with a new concept a new world. The wheel has not bee reinvented it simply has bee given new treads and put on a different car. DayZ is a survival game at its core but PVE is not the core threat to players what is the core threat is other players. The end game is other players and interacting with them. DayZ is a PVP environment the moment you spawn in on the beach with even a single player in the server. The only PVE pure moments in DayZ is when you are on a server alone with no competition for any resources or threat of other players. A single player as potential competition is what makes it a PVP game. The point of bringing up past games is to highlight that in terms of history of 3rd person shooters or games in general is that this ability and camera view point has existed in them. It has then carried over into modern games and it will continue to move along in future games because its how the genre and community wants it. If the community and industry saw it as a real issue it would have been gone years ago but it exists because it is wanted because it works in the video game world. We see things all the time that are not directly in our line of sight or we know they are present by our many senses and the environment we have surrounding us. We have horrible lighting and shadows in the game so that wont aid us at all even on ultra settings it has never aided me. There are no dynamic reflections or mirrors to use or even wet metallic surfaces to aid us. Sound of walking on debris or different surfaces is horrible currently and half the time sound doesn't register to begin with we are stuck with buggy ambient noises and delayed sounds. So games make up for this with other features and mechanics like view perspectives,statuses,information bars,different menus for player stats,environments, or equipment. DayZ we get told many things we can't feel ,we are told things we can not check manually,and we are through into environments where several primary senses are erased. We replace these senses with in game ones. You say DayZ is not competitive? Interesting that there are server leader boards ,highscores,and yes competitions like tournaments.In fact thats how most of the mod went and when private highs come there will be stat tracking which lead to these things. Who kills the most zombies,who killed the most players.who lasted the longest,who has the more rare gear, whats the longest kill shot do you have,how big is your camp,how many vehicles do you have,how risky can you be without dying,who rescued or killed the most bamis,ect....These sorts of competition exist in any gaming community and we do track these things and measure them. Clans and groups in this community compete on all sorts of levels. Both perspectives will continue to exist and advantage is gained through playstyle. Preference can hinder your abilities if you choose to limit yourself and not utilize your resources. If you wish to go into a firefight with a self imposed handicap you are able to do that but expecting others to abide by this is impossible. When we end up talking about preferences majorities matter. We are not arguing an objective truth but rather a subjective opinion. Popular opinion sways society and majorities are what make changes happen or prevent them from happening. IF you can create a game that replicates smell/taste accurate life like sounds,accurate life like lighting,and spacial awareness then we wouldn't need 3rd person. But as of late we can't do basics correctly so the simple best solution is to keep certain mechanics in the game that function for gameplay sake. We wont ever even see an Arma 3 style peaking system in the SA and honestly that can still be improved on to simulate movement better and spacial awareness. The Oculus Rift is tackling head and eye movements and one day we may have the rest of the body simulated in game better. Until then we are going to have features and mechanics that reward information. If a player truly feels they must not have this ability they have the prerogative to not use it and play on the servers that restrict it. Myself see no need in fixing something thats not even broken. I will play both modes regardless and wont ask that DayZ neuter regular mode in the name of bullshit balance. Balance crusades are what ruin games the only balance we have in DayZ is that we all spawn on the coast with basically nothing and from then on out what ever we do determines if we live or die. Where you move to and how you move there may kill you. You may think your cover that you are in is a sure thing,you may also think that just because you know where an enemy is that you can dispatch them or correctly handle the situation. However thats not the reality of the game. No scenario is even no matter how much one may try to balance things.