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Everything posted by Murow

  1. Murow

    Great Update

    Oh jesus, these first world problems are hilarious.
  2. Murow

    This game

    Oh, look! It's this thread again!
  3. Murow

    Challenges Accepted

    Shoot somebody from afar and then "act" as you're not the shooter and help him get away.
  4. Murow

    Fucking doors.

    It's your own fault for getting smashed by a door. Jk, i think it is hardcoded into the engine. Unless there will be a fix in a the new betapatch, there is nothing we can do about it.
  5. Murow

    Side Chat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In b4 lock
  6. Maybe we should give these casuals a seperate difficulty level.
  7. Murow

    Ban for playing old versions

    That's a bit of an empty statement' date=' care to back that up with some reasoning ? how exactly does it harm development ? [/quote'] I wouldnt say its an empty statement mate and please lets keep this civil!! The reason I said that is because the dev team are rolling out updates on an (almost) daily basis it seems. These new updates are put out so that the testers (us) can do the testing and report back with bug reports and things that we do not like from a personal point of view. If people dont like a feature of an update and revert back to a previous version then how can they report bugs or state reasons of why they like / hate the mod with any clarity? The worst thing people can do it roll back to a previous version and then play on upto date servers. Then they come on these forums stating this isnt working or that sucks etc. The (probable) reason they have found something that is broke is because they are playing incompatible versions of the mod. In all honestly, I would love to see all servers connected to the hive running the most upto date version of the mod. That way any bugs that are reported are actual bugs to do with the most recent build. It's no use bro. This generation doesn't even what an actual "mod" is. Or even worse, an alpha version of a modification. You can thank DICE, EA and Call of Duty for allowing us to modifiy their game. I miss the old HL1/2 modding times.
  8. Murow

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    Do you even know what the hell you're actually supposed to do here? Do you even know what a fucking mod is?
  9. Playing an FPS with a fucking CONTROLLER? You can't be serious, right? right?
  10. The whole patch is a "FUCKING BUG". Too much in one patch again. Should be one patch for fixes' date=' then next for features, then fixes, then features, etc. THAT is proper Project Management. Rocket would get less hassle if he followed this protocol. [/quote'] >proper Project Management So rocket actually gets payed for creating the modification Day Z? Cool.
  11. tl;dr It's an alpha and your job here is TO FIND FUCKING BUGS AND REPORT THEM.
  12. >Beta patch Alpha. It's still an alpha of a modification.
  13. I have to fully agree with you. This game just went on a completely new level with the no weapon spawning. I LOVE IT!
  14. What? Are you thinking there are 1 million users in this game? Do you even know what a mod is? I know' date=' but the way you saying is like you are expecting more users than 230k. If that is not your point, then ok, my mistake. [/quote'] No worries. Just meant that this isn't something you see often these days where "DLC ONLY NO MODS ALLOWED" rule the gaming industry. Day Z and BI deserve the publicity.
  15. What? Are you thinking there are 1 million users in this game? Do you even know what a mod is?
  16. ONLY 230k users for A MODIFICATION? Are you fucking serious?