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About zwicker122

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I've only been playing this for two days now, and really there is no point to holding somone up or killing them for anything. Every major town is well within reach from spawning with minimal effort. I think it might have taken me 30 minutes at most to get to one. Zombies are easy kills (stand still, one hit with firemans axe to the head) so they shouldn't slow you down too much unless your reckless. You will alway's find food or water in a house somewhere. Holding people up or killing them is pretty much for your own ego where everything you need is all over the place in the major cities. I personally don't go online to help a person stroke their ego. With reguard to the people server jumping, the game rarely makes it past 10 minutes without connection issues and 1 hour of play before it starts crapping out for me personally. 4 or 5 times now i've logged back in loosing everything and respawning. So not everyone is server jumping for loot i'm guessing.
  2. zwicker122


    i found i had to have it completely empty in order for it to give the option to fill, if that helps at all.
  3. zwicker122

    Painful story

    I've been decked out twice now since buying the game 2 days ago. Both times finding a magnum with ammo and lots of storage on the clothes, a mountain backpack full of food, drink and medical supplies of all sorts. just getting ready in one of the major towns on the cost for the military base thinking i should give it a try. Took a break on the first character before making the long hike only to log back in and have everything stripped away and starting fresh with a flashlight all over againstanding on the shore. With the second character and all the gear. I left the town heading for a cabin i knew had a well to stock up on thirst only to be shot at and killed by somone in a tower on a no kill server. But for some reason i keep logging back in and trying to see how well i can do before the game crashes yet again, for the 20th"ish" time.
  4. zwicker122

    Can't stay connected

    I was wondering about this myself, as soon as i start playing i loose connection every few minutes. it comes and goes causing real problems with trying to move and use inventory. Now that you moved your location is your connectivity stable? i wasen't sure if this is just my system or if other people are having the same issue. I know my internet service provider starts cutting back the service in the evenings which may be part of my problem.