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About Eldrick

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Eldrick

    Dead Drops

    this would be a nice addition to the game.this way, people won't just be walking all day looking for loot (or people to shoot).
  2. Eldrick

    Aggressive Zombies?

    Anyone noticed that Zombies are alot more aggressive than usual? I've been encountering zombies noticing me from afar (I had to use a sniper's scope to clearly see the zombie). this was regardless if I was walking or jogging. i've also encountered zombies not making any noise while approaching me. I was eating (crouched) and was surprised to find a zombie hacking at me from behind. or is this just all me? lol
  3. Eldrick

    Need a way to tell who's on your team.

    i'd second that. or atleast a way to tell which people are in your group (since most of us all look alike)
  4. Eldrick

    Lots of suicide after mass wipe

    looks like it. I spawned on a few servers and people were either just standing there or sitting down... they must have lost it. lol