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Everything posted by Lyganesh

  1. Lyganesh

    [Weather] Fog

    Hey, I don't know if this is already planned, but I think adding foggy weather (of a random density) at random times would be really nice. It would make the game more interesting in a sense that you wouldn't know what to expect, as well as it would make player encounters more fun in various ways.
  2. Lyganesh

    [Mechanics] Weight system?

    Hey, I just thought of something interesting. How about, in addition to the inventory system, you add in a weight system, where your character can only carry a certain weight (Thus making you have to plan on what items you should keep in your inventory). It would make more realistic than having a character carry around 50 cans of beans. Also, every time you re-spawn the capacity of weight you can carry will be randomized between chosen min and max values (to define some what of a "strength" system).
  3. Lyganesh

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Your CPU is VERY weak, on very low to low settings you will get around 10~15 FPS in cities
  4. Lyganesh

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Nothing, you can't play this game.
  5. Lyganesh

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    25~35 on cities, 50~60 average everywhere.
  6. Lyganesh

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    So, it's been a while since the last patch. Hopefully a big one is coming, does anyone have a clue on the ETA?
  7. Lyganesh

    Single Player

    DayZ is not a single player type of game. The way it works it's just not. There aren't enough emphasis on Zombies for it to even be near a single player game. If you want single player, wait until private servers are available, buy one and have boredom.
  8. Lyganesh

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    You will be fine on the low/medium settings until the game is optimized.
  9. Lyganesh

    FPS issue in Dayz

    Do a clean installation on the Graphics driver.
  10. Lyganesh

    "Windowed + Fullscreen"

    Yes it does, I used it a few days ago.
  11. Lyganesh

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    I love to stream DayZ. www.twitch.tv/lyganesh I stream in 720p 30FPS. I also currently need a buddy to play with (US East) who doesn't mind some late night gaming.
  12. Lyganesh

    Compass always wrong?

    Guys, it's not the compass that's wrong, it's the position of the sun in some servers. I noticed once I was running towards the sun (East) but was going north instead. The sun position is wrong in some servers.
  13. Pretty self explanatory, just tell us how you first died when you started playing DayZ SA. My first death was (Of course...) from a ladder. I was climbing up a ladder when suddenly, at the top, my character slips off and died. This was at a deer stand somewhere around the coast. I learned then that other players are my least concern, as I had several of these deaths.
  14. Lyganesh

    Fullscreen Windowed?

    Can we have a proper fullscreen windowed option, I tried using many other tools that would automatically do that to the game, but it screws up with the rendering resolution.
  15. Lyganesh

    Fullscreen Windowed?

    The one problem is that awful border on the right side.
  16. Lyganesh

    Fullscreen Windowed?

    Yeah, I am a heavy alt-tabber. Especially because I don't have a 2nd monitor yet.
  17. Lyganesh

    What is wrong with my game?

    Did you not read the rest of the post? He said that other games are fine.
  18. Lyganesh

    What is wrong with my game?

    Turn off Aero. Also, does this game even support windows 8.1? I think it works with 8 but I never seen many people with 8.1 play this. Make sure that your game options are optimized.
  19. Lyganesh

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    You will get min 40 FPS on cities average 90 FPS with settings on Medium/High
  20. Lyganesh

    Compass always wrong?

    Stop picking up "Ruined" compasses.
  21. Lyganesh

    Always on direct chat

    *Cough* Mutes in-game microphone *Cough* got any other cards to play?
  22. Lyganesh

    Severe FPS problems

    Lmao, that's so weird, I have a crappier system than yours and I get 30 FPS min on cities and 70 on average on High/Mid settings on 40/40 servers. AMD 965 Black Edition 1 EVGA GTX 660 Windows 7 x64 8GB RAM P.S.: Re-install the graphics driver, with clean installation. That usually fixes some of GTX with DayZ's problem.
  23. Lyganesh


    Not a bug... It's coded that way.