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Everything posted by dogdark123

  1. I got separated parents so i will be playing DayZ in both places. Therefor i wonder if my saved game is saved locally or on a server of some sort. if it is saved locally where can i access it?
  2. dogdark123

    How does the saving work??

    Ok, Thanks!:D
  3. dogdark123

    Bandit Skin or something like that

    I think that if something like this would happen it shouldn't be too drastic. maybe if you can find some sort of red/green/colored band that you can tie around your arm. however this would be pretty bad. lets say that i am going around to find a player to kill. if i then put a green band (frendly) on i will gain someones trust then i just shoot him in the back. so something like this wouldn't be that good!:-/
  4. when i try to connect to a DayZ server it freezes on Receiving data and then returns to the serverlist/main menu. sometimes i get this message "No Entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.'." Please help!
  5. I did somehow get it to work but i don't know how! very well, thanks for your help anyways!