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Everything posted by Rangers7x

  1. Is the character resets a bug?
  2. The already huge clan ZealotGaming is starting up a DayZ Division! The aim of the division is to go from server to server, helping out new players and potentially recruiting them. the clan's site is http://www.zealotgaming.com/forum/forum.php , and if your interested in joining add screm111 on steam ( he is the DayZ leader ). We have many clan members and have TS. The clan also plays many other games and you can join as many as you want!
  3. Rangers7x

    Recruiting new players

    Impressive clan ^_^
  4. Rangers7x

    Hey, am I the only one?

    Hello there, as you will see this is my first post, ive been looking through the forums for a while now and eventually made an account, i just want to say, i see the standalone get alot of hate and complaints but to me, i love the game, its VERY good-looking, like seriously the game is beautiful, its early alpha and already the game is more pleasing than the main-stream trash such as CoD, im very excited for the future of the game. If you agree with me then lets try and stop all this negativity and appreciate the work Rocket and his team are putting into making this game both enjoyable and professional, if you disagree with me feel free and post your viewpoint.
  5. Rangers7x

    Hey, am I the only one?

    Very true, just feel it could do with more of the later especially at this time of great hate.
  6. Rangers7x

    Hey, am I the only one?

    regardless of the development stage, im happy with the game and excited for what is to come, in a recent interview rocket mentioned some things he would like to see implemented and even if only a couple of the things are added, the game will be great. Though everyone is entitled to their opinion, just saying id much rather spend my money on the standalone than arma 3
  7. Rangers7x

    Hey, am I the only one?

    Appreciate the support to my point guys.