Yeah, it's a little white, I like the idea some people had of rubbing it in mud or something, like how you can add grass. I think there needs to be more grass added as well, imo. I really don't like though, that it obscures the iron sights, though that could be a balancing feature, because your obviously turning the weapon into a pure sniper rifle if your camo-ing it. idk. Another thing, I'm not sure if people noticed, but I think the wrap actually bugs the mosin's damage, making it hit like a sporter. Watched Jam Jar's stream the other day, and hit a guy 4 times in the chest and he didn't go down, with the wrapped mosin. (the guy later went down after 2 more shots from KDWolf with the new Carbine) Off Topic: With the addition of fishing hooks on boonies, and the grass added to the wrap, I could see them start making it possible to add shrubbery to boonie hats in the future too.