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About Earthmonkey

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  1. Earthmonkey

    Mosin burlap wrap with grass

    Yeah, it's a little white, I like the idea some people had of rubbing it in mud or something, like how you can add grass. I think there needs to be more grass added as well, imo. I really don't like though, that it obscures the iron sights, though that could be a balancing feature, because your obviously turning the weapon into a pure sniper rifle if your camo-ing it. idk. Another thing, I'm not sure if people noticed, but I think the wrap actually bugs the mosin's damage, making it hit like a sporter. Watched Jam Jar's stream the other day, and hit a guy 4 times in the chest and he didn't go down, with the wrapped mosin. (the guy later went down after 2 more shots from KDWolf with the new Carbine) Off Topic: With the addition of fishing hooks on boonies, and the grass added to the wrap, I could see them start making it possible to add shrubbery to boonie hats in the future too.
  2. Earthmonkey

    Remove In-game Player List

    I think no, why? Because it simply hurts the dudes that don't know what they're doing. If you know what you're doing, you'd know you check the players your playing with through Steam.
  3. Earthmonkey

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    I don't see the need for a rangefinder to be honest, when I snipe, I usually have "spots" that I've already ranged in and I know how far away certain landmarks are from it, and can make very educated guesses as to how far most things are. If I'm at somewhere I'm not familiar with, I simply draw from my experience and take the best educated guess that I can as to how far away it is. It's more fun this way, in my opinion, and I think Rangefinders would ruin that. I'm all for a ghilliesuit if it took a ton of stuff to craft, and required plenty of sewing kits to maintain. (running in ghillie should wear down the jute threads, degrading the suit over time)
  4. Earthmonkey

    Best place to find a backpack?

    I think they seem to spawn more, the farther north you go. I couldn't find them anywhere near where I spawned on the coast, but I see them more often now that I've gone through the 2 Sobor cities.
  5. Earthmonkey

    [LAW] The Lawbringers are forming up!

    I'd be interested in this, though I'm still very much a newbie.