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About Joseph1234

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  1. Joseph1234

    Status Report - 16 Feb 2016

    Has me sitting in my chair going OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY!
  2. So imagine this. You're walking down through Elektro, and you get shot in the head. Your character dies instantly, before he/she even knew what hit them. OK. So now imagine this. You're walking down through Elektro, and you get shot in the chest to the point where death is inevitable. You fall, slamming down onto the concrete/pavement. You're not completely dead, but seconds from it. You're slipping in and out of consciousness, seeing in spurts, your surroundings and possibly, your assailant. After a couple more seconds, you slip away into darkness. So let me give you the rundown of exactly what i'm thinking. A headshot is a headshot. you die, no matter what. A chest shot that brings available life(Blood) to zero, queue's a little scenario. You're perspective immediately goes to First person if it wasn't already, and you fall to the ground, slamming hard with a audible thud. add some fading effects that can correspond to a heartbeat fading, maybe a little *THUD* here and there to add to the immersion. I hope everyone can somewhat understand what i'm trying to get at here. I'm more along the lines of an immersion player. i love being immersed into any game i play (but doesnt everyone?)
  3. Joseph1234

    Dean "Rocket" Hall, may I ask a Favor?

    The brain can distinguish it, but at REALTIME, the Human EYE , cannot distinguish difference. People believe that they can see the difference, when you really cannot... go ahead and starr at a screen for hours and try to find the diffence... crytek proved it bud..
  4. Joseph1234

    Dean "Rocket" Hall, may I ask a Favor?

    If you would have any common sense, you would see that there is no "visible difference" between 30fps and 60fps.. slowing it down, yes, at realtime, no.
  5. Joseph1234

    Dean "Rocket" Hall, may I ask a Favor?

    "Also, for the record, you can buy a decent gaming PC for as much or maybe one to two hundred dollars more than a PS4 and Xbox one. Just saying." I agree completely, but most families dont have such extra money to spend sadly, unless given children or adults have a job.
  6. Joseph1234

    Dean "Rocket" Hall, may I ask a Favor?

    @gibonez, they would be stupid to hinder or halt production on patches for the PC version right now only to push for a xbox or ps4 release. Simple as this, Xbox One, and Playstation 4, have the capability to run the game, its key mapping, and developers thoughts about putting the said title to such consoles. Honestly, if you guys are so butthurt about a "immature community" coming to dayz, then you shouldnt be playing it in the first place. A game is a game, deal with what the developers do and the people you play with, if you have a issue with the people that play the game, then take that up with devs....period.
  7. Joseph1234

    Dean "Rocket" Hall, may I ask a Favor?

    Also, the graphics for DayZ are not "That good", Current Playstation 4 and Xbox one hardware would not have a problem running the games at a decent 30 fps. An honestly, there is no "visible difference" between 30fps and 60fps, not that the human eye can see. Also, button combinations would make up for the loss of keys.
  8. Joseph1234

    Dean "Rocket" Hall, may I ask a Favor?

    I don't understand why people are saying that PC gaming is the master race, as Personal Computers dont have access to the marketing Xbox, Playstation, and other consoles have. Main titles such as Grand Theft auto, halo, and Call of Duty, have made more on Consoles, than PCs could ever imagine. Now I'm not saying PCs are bad, their graphics are good, and barely lag, but there are more hackers on PC, than Xbox and PSN.
  9. Joseph1234

    Dean "Rocket" Hall, may I ask a Favor?

    Its a console, features will always lack, but remember this. Tap B- Crouch Tap B- Stand up Hold B- Prone Tap A- Pickup Item Tap A on Player- Options to (Open backpack, Use Blood Bag on, etc) Hold LT - Aim Down Sights Tap RT- fire RB- Switch Weapons LB- I'm not sure, Sitdown? Use an item such as tents? Make fire place? Perhaps another menu?
  10. If any Developers read this, please take this seriously and respectfully. Dean Hall, many gamers have been moved by your release "Dayz" and have wanted to play it for a while, however some gamers have only Playstation 4, and Xbox One. In all Seriousness, not every family, let alone young adult, can afford a Desktop or Gaming laptop Capable of playing your Awesome Mod/ Standalone release. Afrer some research online, I have only come across a couple websites, mainly News, that mentions Your title coming to New generation Consoles, and these, are lacking in important details, and are leaving console gamers in the dark. If you, as you have the most influence on media right now, could make a Official announcement pertaining to Console release, which we all know is, if indeed is true, is some way off. I know, after reading, that Microsoft has put in effect a fee, for updating the game. If I remember correctly, is 10,000$. We all know this is an obstacle, but console gaming is, as you said, a mainstream right into the market. So if you would, please give your thoughts and, if necessary, your plans for Dayz Coming to consoles, if indeed these rumors are true.. Thankyou