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Everything posted by w1lg5r

  1. I like the scar and i think both the SCAR-L AND SCAR-H and i think they should be added as they would make a great end game. One of those "HOLY SH*T I NEED TO KEEP THIS" kind of guns like the AS50 in the mod (pre mass duping). The snipers, maybe the same deal as with the SCARs. Only if sniping is made hard.
  2. On a seperate note what about a standard RPK, very similar to the '74 but wouold use the already modeled 7.62 drums and 30rnd mags. RPK RPK-74 On a different note a reskin of the '74 may as well be added as the 74M:
  3. I think a simple: A - generalize all weapon calibers into large categories to make spawns simpler (e.g. AK74 being 5.45x39 into 5.56x45 NATO) B - give weapons a more accurate caliber whilst generalizing relatively similar calibers for a balance in spawns and realism (e.g. 9x19 parabellum and 9x18 makarov are 9mm; on the other hand 5.45 and 5.56 are different) C - give all weapons their exact calibers to promote realism and make weaponry more unique This doesn't seem biased to me personally, however I am of the opinion that generalizing as they are is going to breach the somewhat realistic nature of the game, make all weapons too similar and ruin specialization. In other words it really p*sses me off considering the game is supposed to be realistic and if they are going for weapon authenticity they can hardly bunk out on caliber.
  4. In addition to wetness we should get dirty and bloody as should our clothes. Also, what about British MTP: http://www.springfields.co.uk/media/catalog/category/prod_6406.jpg British DPM: http://www.armynnavy.com/catalog/catalog/images/soldier95.jpg French CE: http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/m5Qkqx25trCyCYyZCGY632Q.jpg Russian digital flora: http://www.rusmilitary.com/images/digital_flora.jpg Russian beryozka: http://www.sovietarmystuff.com/images/products/201107272019410.200902071250370.klmk31.jpg Russian SMK (SF): http://i933.photobucket.com/albums/ad178/escammo/smk_jacket.jpg http://www.tridentmilitary.com/new-photos10/r13jb.jpg I'd also like to see MARPAT http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MARPAT_woodland_pattern.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MARPAT_desert_pattern.jpg because people are gonna steer towards wearing military clothing and the more variety we can get in that the better.
  5. w1lg5r

    Few Items I Believe Should Be Added

    great ideas. btw a model for goggles has already been made http://www.dayztv.com/pic/dayz-leaked-standalone-3d-models/
  6. w1lg5r

    Realism fix for supplies

    No, this would make looting buildings pointless right?
  7. If there was US military involvement, such as the w.ar with the chedaki or if NATO just got involved with the zombie situation, they would for sure bring their GPMG, most likely the MAG/M240
  8. w1lg5r

    for balancing the pvp

    no, zombies hear too well at present, when there are hundreds in cities, the first one that agros is pretty much the dinner bell. Therefore, making the zombies hear too well removes the prospect of sneaking around cities.
  9. w1lg5r

    Attachment System For Clothing

    cool idea. I would like to cut sleeves off and use a hood, maybe an attachable hood.
  10. w1lg5r

    More WW2 guns?

    Thompson would feel great even though it doesn't make a lot of sense
  11. w1lg5r

    Marijuana plant, grow and smoke

    why not, could be used as a painkiller as well
  12. w1lg5r

    Combination Safes for Storage

    If the devs do look at these forums for ideas (which it looks like they have by some of the stuff planned) they are not gonna get ideas from general.
  13. w1lg5r

    Combination Safes for Storage

    that's in general discussion not suggestions.
  14. w1lg5r

    car attachements

    Personally, i'd strip my car down and attach jerry cans and wheels. If possible i'd attach some guns too. Just like this And cars are gonna be customisable, so there's probable gonna be stuff like that. Also, i don't know about that car, but military humvees are likely.
  15. w1lg5r

    Remove 'sniper' rifles?

    Unfortunately i doubt players would team up, they mostly dont now so i imagine if snipers are rare, people will try to get them on their own. Also you can guarantee that you are gonna get shot in the back for it.
  16. w1lg5r

    Remove 'sniper' rifles?

    Yeah, you just need practice. Get used to common sniper spots and identify where they could be. I don't think snipers are that easy to find either, obviously the mosin is but the LR scope is pretty rare. Most of the snipers in berez are hacked or got from hopping. I do however agree that they are far to easy to use and you should really need to get used to the gun to use it accurately.
  17. Anyone thought of the SVU yet? It's pretty much a bullpup variant of the SVD they are adding and would be really rare. It would have less recoil than the SVD (muzzle brake) and less sway for CQB. THis would be extremely high end and rare, but IMO it still gives a really russian feel. You could add a bayonet and would usually come with the PSO-1 that they are adding next patch.Also uses 7.62x54r like the mosin should.
  18. w1lg5r

    broken tank or apc at an army base

    Goes from the arma 2 campaign.
  19. w1lg5r

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    Problem is, rarity this makes adding stuff like basebuilding and vehicles damn near pointless. There's stuff that point to arma 2's campaign (chedaki berets, blown up IFVs etc) I'm not sure it would force people to explore other places, just continually server hop NW or balota for a single mag.
  20. w1lg5r

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    No one would play the game if there was no fun in it. You do not realise the amount of ammo produced in the soviet union, Also, there was a war before the apocalypse, shown in the arma 2 campaign. Do some research before you tell me to play something else, i never suggested that they should be ammo everywhere, i am just saying that making it that scarce would be bad.
  21. w1lg5r

    Tan spraypaint

    Just something i would like to see in game. There's already tan tac shirts and i'd love to have some tan guns/gear. Tan and probably grey are the two most viable colours to add i think.
  22. w1lg5r

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    I wouldn't say it seems obvious with what kind of weapons they are adding (amphibia s) and in any case its incredibly unrealistic. There was a war and a zombie epidemic, ammo would be EVERYWHERE if we went full realism. And again, if ammo was really really rare, the ones who had it would be virtually invincible and the game would be boring (no firefights at all).
  23. w1lg5r

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    You dont know that. I think weapons are way too common on the coast personally but who knows which direction they'll go.
  24. w1lg5r

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    What are you talking about. Have you played the mod recently?? PvP servers everywhere, KoS everywhere. Not to mention everyone runs round with DMRs. And you can very easily fill up with mags and bullets. What we need is a bigger threat than people, namely zombies. If zombies swarm and kill you all the time, you are going to use your bullets on them, not people mostly.
  25. w1lg5r

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    Getting rid of ammo will make the game really really boring. No one will shoot at anything, and all we will ever do is run, loot etc. Not to mention it makes no sense.