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Everything posted by w1lg5r

  1. w1lg5r

    HUD for masks

    yeah wolf mind got the idea, maybe if water gathered you could wipe it off metro last light style
  2. w1lg5r


    the military would probably be using mines to defend against zeds and they wouldn't have set them all up so yeah.
  3. w1lg5r

    Suggest an Item Thread!

    Eotech sight http://www.eotech-inc.com/products/sights/512 Eotech zoom http://www.eotech-inc.com/products/sights/hhs2
  4. w1lg5r

    The Soviet Connection.

    there should definitely be a focus on soviet gear but NATO were involved in the outbreak and the US before that explaining the M4s. The outbreak is set after 2017 (cereal pack dates) so modern equipment (like AK12s) are plausible.
  5. w1lg5r

    Rare maps? Really? In 2014?

    nah in stary or cherno you can make a couple of maps just look in wrecks
  6. w1lg5r

    Driving/Flying Mechanics

    i think the removal of autohover, only first person in choppers and some cockpit interactions would make flying harder but not too hard.
  7. w1lg5r

    Stealth mode

    A simple idea, you would hold on to a key (like you would shift, to go slow) and your character would try to move or do whatever he is doing with less noise. He would do the action slower and use more energy (use up food and drink quicker). Say you are reloading, you would carefully slide out the mag etc making slightly less noise. If you are walking you would make less noise and be slower.
  8. w1lg5r

    Stealth mode

    yeah, good idea
  9. w1lg5r

    Stealth mode

    well trying to run and not make noise is harder than running normally. Maybe you're right but i think it would help balance.
  10. w1lg5r

    M107 in Standalone

    well considering that there are M4A1s, US army fatigues and blown up BMPs (unless there are rpg wielding infected) i think it's safe to assume that there is US involvement. I just assumed that they followed through from the arma 2 campaign. The BMPs indicate that US forces were fighting insurgents (the chedaki).
  11. w1lg5r

    Mauser C96

    makes sense that a few would have ended up in chernarus and would add to the game with the clip system. Should do high damage to balance the complicated reload in my opinion.
  12. w1lg5r

    M107 in Standalone

    yeah, why not. It's in the arma 2 campaign and was deployed with US soldiers who entered chernarus. If they made sniping as realistic and hard as ACE mod made it, only the skilled or equipped could use it, making it not op.
  13. i would like to see some way to interact with the clothes you wear in SA. For example: zipping up and down a jacket, tearing sleeves off long sleeve shirt to make short/no sleeve shirts. not really high priority but shouldn't be too hard and could make use of the right click functionality