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Everything posted by yorkmorgan

  1. yorkmorgan

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    This list might look disappointingly short but it contains some serious development, particularly: 'Server: New guaranteed messaging system for network traffic'. I imagine that was a lot of work and it has fixed wall clipping and improved server performance, greatly reducing the sheer amount of information being thrown between the clients and at the server. I've been playing this build a lot on the experimental servers and it doesn't disappoint, the gameplay is smooth and the new controls are lovely.
  2. yorkmorgan

    A Way To Fix Gamma Exploiting

    This completely, and I would go a step further and say that once you have confirmed your settings then they are locked to that character and any changes you subsequently make will only take effect on respawning. So if you play on an accelerated time server and gamma exploit then day time will become unplayable on that character. Also I don't see the need to make the night brighter, just suck it up and turn on the torch, its a lot of fun!
  3. I too miss those spawns a lot. There was the swamp and green mountain and those two little villages. I know this sounds ridiculous and that clearly there could be no actual difference in temp from it being more southerly but it just seems warmer and brighter down there than in Berezino and Svet (although thats probably just because there was no rain back when we spawned down there)
  4. I never played the mod, that's really interesting. I think the decision to make it military was a very poor one. IMO I wouldn't even want the military camp (although it would make sense that the military set up a camp by the airport at the start of the crisis), I think all that military gear right by the coast would still stop them bringing back the south coast spawns (which I really miss).
  5. yorkmorgan

    Zombies - The Make or Break of DayZ?

    I know rocket plays a lot of project zomboid, and this makes me hopeful because you've got to seriously respect the zombies in that game! One stupid move and they will make you pay for it. In fact If the devs could transfer many of the zombie features from Zomboid to DayZ it would make for a much better game.
  6. yorkmorgan

    Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)

    The thing I'm struggling to understand is, seeing as you are so eminently wise about the great conspiracy where developers release a game as an alpha to hide the fact they have done no work, why on earth did you buy the game?
  7. yorkmorgan

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    Its just that if you read the earlier posts one of the devs emphatically stated that nothing will be done about third party comms in dayz. So I do find a purely theoretical discussion about the legalities of a program that closes third party comms programmes to now be irrelevant as this is all about Metagaming in Dayz.
  8. yorkmorgan

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    I feel a bit like this thread has served its purpose. It was very interesting when the devs were responding and I got all the answers I was looking for but now it seems to have turned into a discussion about 3pp (for reasons that are beyond me) and how we all want to remain free citizens and not live in an Orwellian state ruled over by the Dayz devs... Can this thread please be ended/return to the actual discussion/become a discussion about cheeses. I would like stilton.
  9. yorkmorgan

    Night and Day, Why?

    on the new experimental servers there is a VERY fast day night cycle among other things.
  10. yorkmorgan

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    Thanks for the reply, much appreciated!
  11. yorkmorgan

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    Sure, I was using the definition from wiki: 'Metagaming is a broad term usually used to define any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game.'
  12. yorkmorgan

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    I've clocked 212 hours and am yet to see any definite hacking (a lot of very frustrating player desync though), so seeing as someone from battleeye is checking this i'd like to say good job, meeting no hackers in over 200 hours is pretty darn good going for a game that's being constantly assaulted by them! (also i'm not sure if your sig makes me want to laugh or cry...)
  13. yorkmorgan

    Do not shoot the rabbit!

    Never fight the bunnies. Your lucky you lived to tell the tale. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcxKIJTb3Hg
  14. yorkmorgan

    Music in the car

    There is a wide and wonderful selection of literature available in this game so why neglect the other arts? It would be a lot of fun if just like books are scattered around the place CD's were too. They could be played on CD players found in vehicles. I'm sure there are loads of great albums out there that have dirtcheap/no copyright just like the ingame books. Just imagine driving down the coast blasting out some good old rock and roll, or if your mental imaging faculties aren't up to that then just watch this video instead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Fror4ZhaGQ -(not my video and not my music choice) Opinions/What albums would you want-the cheaper the copyright the better!
  15. yorkmorgan

    Any Windows 8 users.

    Windows 8 runs fine. So does 8.1... UNLESS your computer uses two graphics cards in SLI! Then it will half your performance! Its something to do with how windows 8.1 recognises devises. Anyways I have the Lenovo Y500 laptop with SLI graphics cards and after getting windows 8.1 my second graphics card simply wasn't recognised by the computer. This problem isn't isolated to the Y500 and will affect any SLI setup. So to reiterate, windows 8.1 will run your games just fine unless you have an SLI setup in which case you will need to look up a fix. Luckily for me Lenovo released one for the Y500 and now everything's just fine. I downloaded 8.1 at the same time as one of the stable updates and for ages thought it was the update that had ruined my performance!
  16. yorkmorgan

    Hunger Isn't an issue. And it should be,

    The main reason food is so plentiful even in some full servers is due to 'food imports'. Many players go the route of farming low pop servers for loot ,where there's a tonne of food. Then when they are fully geared and with all the food they need to survive for weeks they join high pop servers and go around PvPing. This means that they are not taking food from this server and so all the food is left for the newspawns. This means foods a plenty because half the people in the server have imported their own supplies. However if you play on experimental where all the servers are packed you experience the loot as its supposed to be its a very different situation. Not even a measly rotten kiwi can be found along the coast and its a battle to run inland before you starve to death. About 1/2 the time you will die of starvation before you've found anything. It is a much better survival experience. My point is that basically everything wrong with this game can be put down to the public hive system that allows players to transfer between servers :).
  17. yorkmorgan

    weapon suggestion "Desert eagle"

    No to Desert Eagle... Also I thought this too until I looked up the small arms of the CZ. (Chernarus is in the Czech Republic) Here's the relevant quote: " The M4 carbine (or similar variants) is currently in service with military and police organizations in over 60 nations around the world.[1] Czech Republic: The Bushmaster M4A3 B.M.A.S. is used by special forces units of the Czech Armed Forces. These rifles are usually seen with an M203 grenade launcher.[5] The 601st Special Forces Group is armed with the M4A3.[6] The Emergency department of Military police use the M4A3 [7] and sniper group of 43rd Airborne mechanized battalion." And here's the source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushmaster_M4A3 So it isn't as out of place as one might think.
  18. yorkmorgan


    Patience, content will come and it will get much more interesting. I've uninstalled for the while because I agree its pretty frustrating right now.
  19. yorkmorgan

    handgun sights, knife swings and protector case

    I don't know if this is true or not but I heard on reddit that on experimental they have implemented the system from the mod for all the weapons, so no change to fov when you raise the weapon unless you hold the right mouse button. EDIT: after trawling around I found my source http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/21gbn9/you_can_zoom_in_while_aiming_down_sights_now_in/
  20. yorkmorgan

    Ideas for the game

    Yer I'm sure chopping down trees will be in the game. I just doubt that the animation will be as good, spearfishing could probably be put in but again I can't imagine it would be anywhere near as smooth. I'm talking out of my ass here but could the fact 'the forest' is single player explain how its engine is capable of rendering such smooth animations? (I'm only just proficient at c, so a game engine is a mystical beast to me) Although one thing I seriously hope they add at some point is proper dense forests, as dense as the ones in that vid. That would be swell.
  21. yorkmorgan

    Ideas for the game

    Wow, that actually looks fantastic... The spearfishing/woodchopping would such awesome features for dayz, I just doubt the engine can handle any of that though.
  22. yorkmorgan

    What has the standalone become ?

    im a bit disappointed that Frankie doesn't seem to get what an alpha means... Of course its not that great at the moment: You can't barricade, zombie AI is broken, you can't drive or repair vehicles, you can't hunt, you can't cook, loot spawning is messed up, damage and medical system is messed up, there are only 6 character models, there aren't many tree models, there's a very limited number of items.... in fact there's barely any standard zombie game content in it! So of course it doesn't play like a great zombie apocalypse game. All in good time
  23. yorkmorgan

    Pistols should spawn w/Magazines {POLL ADDED}

    someone posted this idea on reddit and quick as a flash rocket acknowledged that this might be a good idea, which is a great outcome, but its sad that hicks and rocket only ever respond to reddit posts ATM. I just can't like reddit, I don't even know why...
  24. yorkmorgan

    How Do you Play

    Beans just for this line. I can see the Epi Morphine speedball commanding high prices on the mean streets of Chernarus. If you did this IRL I'm pretty sure your heart would explode.
  25. yorkmorgan

    New Pistol [P38?]

    pistol focus is good IMO, if mags sometimes spawn with the pistols with some ammo in them and if rifles/rifle ammo gets scarcer, it would lead to some really intense shootouts. I had a shootout in Svenska with a guy where we both had pistols with no mags, I got taken out eventually but it took a few minutes and my heart was pounding the whole time.