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Everything posted by itechforusa

  1. Hello, I am fairly new to DayZ Standalone and I am having a lot of trouble with everything! I was wondering if someone could help me start out playing. Skype: iTechForUSA Steam: itechforusa If you are kind enough to help me, please add me on Skype and Steam. (ps. I'm not a little kid, nor am I a squeaker.) Thanks!
  2. Hello all, I am fairly new to DayZ, I just bought it on steam, and I was wondering if anyone wanted to Skype and play on a DayZ server together? I also need to learn some of the tips and tricks to DayZ on Steam. If you are interested, please add me on Steam and Skype! Steam: itechforusa Skype: iTechForUSA I might also do some YouTubing and goofing around and such. Thanks! iTech