My friend and I were looting the NW airfield round midnight. We approched from the North side of the runway and headed along the runway to the barracks. We noticed a red chemlight in the barracks but no one there. I turned off the light and regretted that becasue if the unknown was still there he would notice. So i took the M4a1CCo in there and 2 mags. We headed to the firestation roof to scout the airfield. As we were approching the ladder for the roof we heard around 2 shots from an m16 or m4 from the barracks. Was it his chemlight we did not know. We waited on the roof and watched an army of zeds rush him. When we spotted him he ran into the firestation. He was still fighting. I postioned myself along the tower windows on the roof because i knew he would check it because well theres usally loot there. We waited a good 5 minutes on the roof and heard the fight finnish with a grenade. As soon as i saw him run up i unloaded my m4 into him. I would of asked friendly but that dosent usually mean they wont shoot you in the head soon after. I looted his body and he had a coyote backpack, an M4a3CCo with 8 mags and medical supplies. I kinda felt bad but thats the world of DayZ. The only ppl i trust are the ones i meet outside of this game.