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Everything posted by DayzLegionnaire

  1. DayzLegionnaire

    Trying to find a server not ruined by bandits.

    Point of the squad is to be able to scan incoming threats easier. More eyes scouting, that is. Dayz is all about who see who first. This is the main problem when you start Dayz: being able to see incoming threats. Actually, North West Airfield is the safest place to get some gear as most of bandits are roaming near spawn points. You can use http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus to plan your trip to the north.
  2. DayzLegionnaire

    Trying to find a server not ruined by bandits.

    If you're looking for some really friendly server you will have to wait private Hives feature to be release. At this point, private admins will be able to set their own set of rules and ban people not playing them. Until then, try to play sneaky or bring your mates into the game and play as a squad. Dont expect some public friendly server, at this stage of the dev this won't happen. This is nothing else to do but to kill people.
  3. DayzLegionnaire

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Check : 1. With your server provider. They should have info/news somewhere. If not, just dismiss and choose a "serious" one. 2. Type #beclient guid in the direct chat. If BE is installed and running on the server it will return your own GUID. 3. Change server provider any case, if they didnt restart your server for the whole day, they pretty much sux a lot =)
  4. DayzLegionnaire

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Who's disrespecting the devs ? The problem is not the devs, they do what they can with the level of allocated resources. The problem is up them, the program manager or the dude above him... Last call was 750K+ copies * 24€/$ - (steam charges) = lot of money. And dont talk about Christmas and new years. Any people work these days if you pay them well.. Even dayz streamers do work during this time. The dev team need serious means, because as it is, someone gave them amateurish resources level when they needed serious means to reach expected goals. Someone is banking so much that it is impacting the seriousness of Dayz SA development.
  5. DayzLegionnaire

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    A 2 years alpha phase sounds ok to you? Blinded biazed fanboy answer. Dont get me wrong, im a fan of Dayz, i play since the first initial weeks of the mod release. But this is getting ridiculous. With all the money they gathered from the steam alpha release, they should be able to set a decent dev team. 3 fixes / patches is just ridiculous, looks like there is 1 or 2 devs behind this patch... If this is not the case and there is 20 dev behind this patch, there is something totaly fcked in their code which would be even much more ridiculous after more than 1 years of development considering they just modded an existing game engine (Arma2) (no new game engine from scratch). Moreover, each path bring some new defects or regressions. Come on, SA success is has been prooved so far, time to inject the cash from the bank account into the dev team.
  6. DayzLegionnaire

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    3 fixes per patch. God, this game will be ready in 2 years