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Everything posted by altosk

  1. altosk

    tent persistence in .59

    Wish i would have known this last night, found a tent and setup shop under a bridge and when i logged back on later it was gone :(
  2. altosk

    Reaction On Dying

  3. altosk

    Can i STOP LOOSING MY FUC**N character!!!!

    Havent lost a single character since the start. I wonder what im doing right.
  4. altosk

    Too Many Servers

    30 Servers for a minimum of 1000000 player that purchased the game?? o.0
  5. Military tents and barracks in General have been empty since the patch. Can't say if it's intended or a bug tho.
  6. altosk

    Hack Stories

    We talking hackers or esp users. Huge difference
  7. Full release is always amazing
  8. What does post count have to do with anything. Theres atleast 4 hack sites providing cheats for this game within hours of a patch. Stop being retarded.
  9. altosk

    Hidden - Nuke Silo w/ live missile..

    This is pretty fucking stupid
  10. altosk

    Mosin problem

  11. altosk

    So I may jog on for a while....

    IMHO streamers are causing most of the problems. They play dayz as cod on a huge map with perma death and everyone wants to play like them. Unless they actually implement some reason not to kos it won't get any better. My personal opinion anyway.
  12. altosk

    Get Lost Characters Back Glitch??

    Yes I had the same problem, it worked itself out by server hopping until the hive "found" it again
  13. altosk

    Faith in DayZ players restored

    My guy has been alive for about 14 days now and I've been playing everyday. Full pristine kit, 2 guns, 8 protective cases filled with enough ammo meds and food to ride out the apocalypse. Got bored, found a new spawn on the coast, gave him everything and started over. He was pretty happy.
  14. I've literally only had one character wipe. Stop server hopping for one. I 99.9% guarantee you joined a sever that is version like 11380 or something instead of the current 11480 or something like that. Take a moment to look at the sever before you join. Don't join servers that don't have the current version posted, and forthe love of god stop being a douche. There's enough of them in these forums.
  15. altosk

    character random reset

    It's because you sever hop without looking at the correct version of the server you're joining
  16. altosk


    I swear i remember Campbells soup cans being in the game for a while then suddenly they were gone. Maybe im losing my mind. I know they were in the mod, but does anyone know/remember if they were in the SA for a bit? And if so why were they removed?
  17. altosk

    Like to See Squad.xml Added

    I thnk the simpler idea is to have a squad system and only have these patches/emblems show up for the people in said squad
  18. altosk

    Too many buildings to loot

    Jesus fucking Christ is this guy serious? Please don't reproduce OP.
  19. altosk


    Im use to the random character wipes, but this time my backpack and boots vanished on login...Feels like i been violated. -.-
  20. altosk

    Identifying other players

    This ones easy, the ginger is the 3rd from the left. Look how sad his soul looks. The rastafi is the 4th from the left, hes obviously trying to use his gas mask as a bong.
  21. altosk


    Just realized my vest is gone as well...sigh