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HeXedMinD (DayZ)

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Everything posted by HeXedMinD (DayZ)

  1. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Cut 12 gauge shells to make slugs

    I'm curious on the accuracy of slugs through a non rifled barrel, never tried it myself but i would assume it would be affected. Watching the video i had something completely different in mind, pretty cool idea probably not very accurate over range.
  2. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Was only using "-newui" but i did try without it to no avail.
  3. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    So i updated my DayZ to the latest experimental version today only to have a problem running the game completely. When i launch it from Steam or the "DayZ_BE.exe" my computer completely freezes up(except sound) and requires me to reboot my PC. Launching the normal "DayZ.exe" which doesn't load BattlEye allows me to load into the menu with no artifacting etc, joining a server obviously makes the game restart with BattlEye(thus freezing my PC again). I have tried verifying the game files, running as admin but nothing has helped. Has anyone has similar issues? Nothing useful has come up from my searches. EDIT: PC Specs: GTX 970, i5 4690k, 16GB RAM
  4. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Yes please, can't stand the wall peeking.
  5. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    More vegetation in city's, warning announcement, roads

    I heard it was 5 years but Dayz has basically no lore so who knows.
  6. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    The current delay

    I am sure the computer has been fixed for a while now, they probably have some issues blocking them from releasing to experimental. A tweet from Eugen said it was a PSU and HDD issue so they might need to recover some data from the HDD which can take some time and effort(though they should have backups).
  7. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    POLL: DayZ and BI experience so far

    I have the same problem, absolutely no point in my playing anymore. I am overall happy with the time i have gotten out of the game but i am frustrated with the lack of players in my region(most quit because of desync and performance issues) i hope it will change now the development focus shifts.
  8. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    New reload mechanic for bolt-action rifles with scopes

    This has been suggested, i do agree we need a way to manually work the bolt.
  9. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Animation Menu

    I think a radial menu would be a more elegant solution, i do believe the keys are just a place holder system.
  10. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Hicks = Zombie or Player?

    Would be fine with either but i would prefer him as a playable character.
  11. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Buying a new desktop

    Horribly overpriced for the hardware you get which is pretty common with prebuilt computers. I would suggest building one yourself, if you need help with parts i can help out.
  12. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    20 vs 20 at Pavlovo Military base. Survived till the last opponent :)

    Good job, but i really think stuff like this should be 1st person only peeking around corners is really lame.
  13. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Inventory & Hud concepts.

    Not a fan of the inventory menu(though it looks like it would work well for consoles) i love the status portion on the bottom left and the radial action menu(reminds me of ACE in ARMA).
  14. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Shooting people feels terrible

    A small flinch would be nice, if you look carefully you can usually see them start bleeding. If it is anything like ARMA3's flinches i would die it looks terrible how exaggerated it is in ARMA3.
  15. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    DayZ 0.58 Stabel Update (Spoof News Video)

    Nice work man, lots of effort went into this.
  16. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Notification of item dropped from your hands

    I can see this in DayZ, especially since you dropped .22 rounds xD Considering they are moving away from the message spam i doubt this will be added.
  17. Try searching for "lastMPServer" it should give you the IP or just check your recent servers in the server browser(could be hard to find).
  18. C:\Users\USER\Documents\DayZ\NAME.DayZProfile and search for lastMPServerName
  19. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    so...wheres 0.58 stable?

    They have given information about the delays... Go check Hicks' twitter.
  20. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    base building concerns

    I agree, i hope it does not allow people to build entire structures and towers like we had in Epoch.
  21. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    58. still possible today?

    It has been delayed. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sn731b
  22. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    best dayz pc for 1000 euro

    I suggest r/buildmeapc
  23. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Hotkey to unequip items in hands

    H by default clears your hands.
  24. BE bans are global, so yes. Oh wait, if its on a different Steam account then it should be fine. You would need to buy it on your alternate account(the one without a BE ban).
  25. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Composite, Wooden, and Bones arrows

    Gews posted the exact numbers on reddit, but Composite>Bone>Wooden.