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HeXedMinD (DayZ)

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Everything posted by HeXedMinD (DayZ)

  1. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    "Only guns are configured now" - This can't be true

    Playing this morning i also found like 6x 30 round mags for the MP5 in a single police station(not much else besides clothing) and everyone ive run into the last couple days has had an MP5 and AUG xD
  2. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    .55 sucks its too hard!

    I am fine with the loot but the zombies are too buggy, they hit you the instant you are in range and are fast as hell.
  3. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Why did I get a 968.8mb update.

    and the lack of patch notes i assume.
  4. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    A player ran in game economy.

    I feel the game leans more towards a bartering economy if any. You and the person would need trade items you find valuable.
  5. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    This is what Dayz is REALLY about

    Leather sewing kit i would guess.
  6. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    any chance of dayz battle royale

    Modding is both a good and a bad thing. It allows for innovation but it also fragments the community. It was a big reason i stopped playing ARMA 2, too many mods popping up and people moving from one to the other.
  7. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Status Report - 17 Feb 15

    Super excited for this, will add value to hospitals again. On that note something should also be done with broken limbs, there is no point in finding morphine when you can easily make a splint. Both unrealistically instantly fix a broken leg :P
  8. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Long Range Scope Issues

    Its based on your "Object" detail in the options. Its quite a big issue as turning it up really hurts performance no matter the computers power. You should keep Objects on Normal detail level at a minimum.
  9. Not to mention that the turn speed is instant.
  10. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    How to drink the hicks way

    More impressive still is the mustache.
  11. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    I kind of did something...unspeakable

    Its a man eat man world.
  12. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    How often should server restarts occur

    The devs know much more on how the servers should be handled than me or most others here. For the moment the 4 hour restarts are done to improve server performance, in the future that could be more far between because of optimization done server side. I think ideally once or twice a day would be nice for users but if it affects how the server performs i would rather have every 4 hours like we have now.
  13. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    How often should server restarts occur

    As often as they need to.
  14. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    I don't really pay attention to premade PCs but i really really really doubt it. If you have a nearby computer store and really feel uncomfortable building the PC check if they would do it for you.
  15. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Check http://www.ebay.com/you can find a lot of them and really cheap. EDIT: There are also less legit ways :rolleyes:
  16. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Its hard to say really because DayZ runs really badly right now. I would expect 60 or so in wilderness but the usual 20-30 in cities, it depends on your settings. Either way its probably 1000 times better than that PC you were looking at would get xP It doesn't include windows but you can buy a legit key online for around $10-20.
  17. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Its really easy, you can even go watch a video about it on youtube but i anyone can do it. I made a quick build, i really wanted to squeeze in an i5 but i was unable to do so, i picked an i3 over an AMD FX processor simply because DayZ relies more on single threaded performance than mutiple cores. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Core i3-4130 3.4GHz Dual-Core Processor ($105.75 @ OutletPC) Motherboard: MSI H81M-P33 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($44.88 @ OutletPC) Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($62.99 @ Newegg) Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($51.88 @ OutletPC) Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Superclocked Video Card ($123.99 @ NCIX US) Case: Thermaltake Versa H21 ATX Mid Tower Case ($30.59 @ Directron) Power Supply: Corsair Builder 430W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($19.99 @ Newegg) Total: $508.46After Rebates: $440.07 EDIT: This doesn't include a copy of windows which you can usually find online for around $10-20
  18. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    You would need to build it with your hands xD Its really easy though, everything just slides/screws into place. It would probably take you and hour or 2 to build.
  19. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    No please don't buy that PC :X Its terrible. Make a post on reddit and people will help you squeeze the most out of your budget. http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/ http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcforme/ You would need to build the PC yourself but it will be infinitely more powerful.
  20. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Logging in and out of Servers

    Not a fan of this in Rust, not a fan of this in DayZ. I would be ok with my character staying around for a couple minutes(2-5) but being there for 2 hours is just too long and would be frustrating to find a safe spot.
  21. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Pve servers in australia

    I would say suck it up. The most fun part of DayZ is the player interaction, good and bad.
  22. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    PC overheating.

    Make sure the heat sink isn't filled with dust/tar(if you smoke). If you haven't changed the thermal paste since you got the PC you should probably do that it might be old and flaky. High idle temps usually mean you have a bad mounting but since you didn't change anything it might just be the paste that needs replacing. If all else fails, open the side panel and put a desk fan to blow into it xD
  23. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Basic OC Question

    I wouldn't overclock a laptop, they run hot enough already. I doubt it will help with performance in ARMA/DayZ anyways.
  24. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Teenagers who play

    Most of them hang around the coastal cities preying on new spawns. As a comment i see little difference to their playstyle and someone who just kills on sight, also not sure if it is fair to lump them all together.
  25. HeXedMinD (DayZ)

    Server Enforced Terrain Quality

    This was brought up to the devs a while back and someone said they would look into it. If they changed it on the server side from Very High to Normal we might get a bit of an fps increase without completely getting rid of the grass. Im not sure how much of a difference it will make for people with good computers but any fps increase would be nice. I think it would be a nice change which could be reverted at a later time when the game runs better.