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Everything posted by disastr

  1. Funny that you say that, because 80% of the players I shoot at disconnect, I guess that's the skill behind true survival in DayZ. Also, Quake and CS were survival games, they were just done in a different format.
  2. I come from playing games like Quake and CS 1.6 - so I can't sit still for long, I enjoy rushing in and ambushing players lol Appreciate the compliment - I will have better videos in the near future, I just wanted to test out compiling one to see how it pans out :)
  3. Just pick a server with it off... 3rd person is great - you just prefer a different play style, so go and play it and stop trying to ruin other peoples fun because your not having any.
  4. I wonder how long it will take until the PVE players realize how fast the game will become boring with out PVP, by running in to a tent, coming out and getting ammo 20 times a day. Good luck with that, pvp is the only reason why this game is thriving. If you like crawling around zombies non stop all day just to find new gear and walk around with it on, jesus lol.
  5. disastr

    Is DayZ realistic?

    The game has failed? I bet you still have it installed and play it religiously day in and day out like the other 250, 000 players currently playing as we speak and growing. Stop crying about bandits, its part of the game, I am already so sick of seeing a small select few of players that cry and can't hack surviving and trying to kill of the most epic game play ever to be implemented in to such a great game. PVP and Bandits are here to stay, accept the fact that you need to watch over your shoulders at all time, that's called "surviving".
  6. Generators - Used to charge anything battery related such as, flashlights, defibrillator, night vision, etc. Must be fueled up like vehicles, by using Jerry Cans. Defibrillator - Can be found in hospitals and military complex's only. The item should have no more than 5 charges to it and then the battery dies. When using the Defibrillator on a dead team mate, it should have a chance of reviving not 100%, this way it promotes more "group play". Lock Picks - Since vehicles are becoming more common and people dislike having them stolen instantly, players should be able to lock their vehicles. Finding Lock Picks of some sort, allows you to pick the locks of vehicles to break in, rather than just getting in and starting it up with out a key or even trying to "hot wire" the vehicle. Trailers - Allowing players to attach their vehicle to a mobile home, trailer or any other attachment to the vehicle, would make for interesting game play. Mobile homes would allow you to cook inside of it, stash clothes, guns and attach a generator to it to use it for electricity. Capturing a Player - When a player is down and unconscious, you should be able to find an item, such as a large bag or a set of ropes to capture him only if he is a bandit. This allows for the players who dislike bandits so much, to get involved in the pvp and rewarded by capturing them and doing whatever they want with them for 15 minutes of game play. Once the 15 minutes is up, the player can choose whether to respawn as a new player or stay as a prisoner. Putting a mask over the players head would distort his vision on the screen, so he can't tell people over VoIP where his location is.. but he gets a funky visual to make it some what pleasant on his eyes, rather than just a black screen for 15 minutes. Marjuana - Planting Herbs on your server and growing them, allowing you to smoke up and get a buzz in-game. This allows you to run faster but see blurry in the distance. Hope you like my list - I have more ideas and could go on all night, but I thought these would make for an interesting game play :) Especially if they make Day Z a stand alone game using Arma 3 Engine.
  7. As this game grows and expands it only gets better. I know not everyone here is a fan of the whole "bandit concept" but for the ones that are and work as an organized team, this game is too good. I haven't played a single other pvp game like this, it's the most addicting virtual crack I have ever immersed myself in to. Rocket, my hats are off to you, for creating the most bad ass game ever made, keep it up buddy!
  8. I don't fight down by the Ocean' date=' I fight up North, usually by that time players are fairly knowledgeable of the game. If they die and that's their first time run, they made it pretty far and it was a lesson learned for them. I've been killed many times and it only makes me a better player. [hr'] The entire reason why this game has such amazing replay value is because of the PVP aspect. If you removed it, the game would become boring and predictable so fast. Any game that has player encounters that have infinite replay value, such as counter-strike - the game never dies and the content is infinite and user generated. Anybody that is looking just to kill Zombies, you need to learn to adapt against players. Once you do, you will realize your playing the ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Game.
  9. Without PVP, DayZ wouldn't be even half as populated as it is now. I have over 20 people from previous games I have played with, that bought DayZ for the PVP Sandbox aspect of the game only. If the PVP was disabled or removed, not one single person in my guild would continue to play the game. My advice for the players that are not a fan of PVP, you need to adapt and evolve as a player. If you manage to sneak by 20 zombies to gather loot and get out alive, the same rules apply to the PVP aspect. The only difference is, players are not predictable, they're random, clever and usually have a good shot. Group up with real life friends or other players you encounter, trusting them will be the hardest thing to do... Which is why you should come on the forums and ask for friends rather than trust people in game. Remember DayZ is in Alpha, as the game progresses, I am sure newer and better systems will be put in to play, for players to group up and survive. Welcome to DayZ
  10. disastr

    IF this was an actual game...

    Eve is a different kind of animal, I get where your coming from, but at the same time judging from what you wrote, I think you know what I am talking about aswell. I find with Eve, only certain type of people play that game, even though it has a ton of beautiful systems integrated in to the game.
  11. disastr

    IF this was an actual game...

    If you do it with monthly fee's, the game has to have cross server, grouping, guilds, crafting system and a more intensive map that allows you to physically build full blown bases on minimum of 500+ man servers. If you do free 2 play model, it would have to be something similar to above, but you have to justify why they need to pay besides just for your server rental fee's that I know are costly. It all depends on how you decide to build your game and where you want to go with it. If you do the whole WoW gear grind concept and make it go mainstream and sell out to the care bear crowd, then you will need to back it with an entire system of pve, crafting, sandbox pvp. If you keep to the game roots as it stands now, there isn't any way you can justify that money, since were all clearly playing it for free now and do not need to do anything but buy boxes in order to play the game. I personally think you need to aim the game in an open sand box pvp that helps guilds / players build entire bases like you see happening in the tv show "The Walking Dead". People have to learn to trust each other to build mini empires on large scaled maps, but your always looking over your shoulder. Add in new items that make it so when you die, with a group of buddies you still have a chance of surviving with professions that work in game. For example : Some survivors pick the professions of a medic - they can use defibrillators to revive players once they're down with a limited time. They can craft medicines with herbs they find, etc. Nobody to date has mixed hardcore crafting with hardcore pvp and pve in the middle - I think your game is the perfect blend of all 3 and if done right, would be one of the most popular sandbox mmo's to date.
  12. Learn to adapt or die. THere is nothing wrong with the PVP in this game, in fact without it the game would be extremely boring and more than half the population would quit the game. Part of the game is surviving and watching over your shoulder. I like the fact that people are trigger happy, it keeps me on my toes, because when you do encounter the battle, there isn't any other game out there that can give you that intense satisfying pvp feeling.
  13. lmao thats the same as me yesterday. I had buddies look for morphine for me for over 2 hrs an we couldn't find any.
  14. Has civilian clothing bug been fixed yet? I put on new clothes and forgot to switch them back.before i.logged out. Now Im worried ill get sent to the debug zone
  15. disastr

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    You're a beast dude, I am glad you listen to your community - keep up the good work!
  16. The darkness was perfect before. 20+ othrt friends of mine i play with say the same. Its not even playable at this point. Darkness before patch 1.7.1 was perfect, now its just enjoyable gameplay. Please revert it back, i refuse to play on night servers at this point.
  17. i am not sure why the darkness was changed in the new patch, but myself and about 30 others are confused on why it was changed. Whether it was for more realism or a test, its unplayable for us all. Before it was perfect, moonlight in through folds, forests were dark and inside buildings were dark. Now my screen is completely black and i cant see virtually anything unless i have a flashlight. A vast majority of players arent going to creep for the entire duration of night with a flashlight, its not even realistic. I understand the game is beta and under testing and i respect that, which is why i am voicing my concerns on the matter. What about the rest of you guys playing the game? What's your views on the matter.
  18. disastr

    Long list of 1.7.1 issues...

    What is this Beta you guys are speaking of? I installed the files with my buddies, we loaded in a few servers and every single one of them spawned us in the debug zones.
  19. Dayz is doing so well because it is a breath of fresh air. It has been over 10 years since the gaming industry has returned to true hardcore sandbox pvp. If Dayz was another left 4 Dead or any other cheesey zombie game, it would have been forgotten. What is separating DayZ from the rest is not the zombie factor, its the large open world meets survival of the fittest and player crafting that truly matters. The game could have been mediaeval based and guilds build and create castles, capture horses, hunt for food and claim lands. Gamers like myself have been waiting for the noob mainstream gaming industry to die and indie / mod developers to pave the way for next generation creative gaming. Fk call of duty, battlefield, world of warcraft, starcraft and all the other boring unimaginative games that were brought to the market only for profit. This is the game we've been waiting for. You all know who you're, stand your ground against the influx of noob that will cry and try to water your game down. This game is ours Rocket, keep up the amazing work.
  20. I think' date=' if done properly, DayZ can be extremely profitable. I'm no hippie, I think I'm a total realist. But I like to think, I'm going for the big win - trying to think 5-10 years ahead. Not just this development cycle. The big companies, that is what they do - just one cycle at a time (ahem... THQ, may they RIP). Again, to reiterate. Chose wisely, be an informed consumer. Social media lets you do this now. You don't have to jump on the bandwagon anymore, and that is why sites like IGN and etc... will become irrelevant if they don't start valuing the real power: social media, streamers, youtubers.... basically: you. fucking. guys. The customer. It's no longer a bullshit marketing statement, it's fact. And I think it is social media that has made that happen. What I love about it, is that now it means I can talk directly to you as a developer, argue with you, get mad, and all that. That was never possible before in development, for me at least. It's very liberating. I agree completely and because we share the same vision, it's the very reason why your game is a hit, it is filling in the void corporations were afraid to step near. You understand what "Gamers want" and to top it off, you were able to put it together in a nice clean package for them to play your manifestation. As for my original post, when I referred to noobs and not selling it to cater to them, I meant that. I believe change is good, but not the type that waters a game down for the average noob, when you kill competition, you kill off room for growth. Dull games get boring fast, games that have amazing replay value, such as counter-strike 1.6 - never die. You have created a game that has the most amazing replay value... simple expansions and changes is all it is needed. I'm truly addicted to this game, like a crack fiend.
  21. I wonder if rocket really did ban him.