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Posts posted by beansy

  1. I have AMD and I wish I had Intel, it's not a fanboy thing it's a gamer thing.


    Every intel user knows, most AMD users know that Intel hardware is better, the same goes for Nvidia, the only fanboys I see in this topic are stubborn AMD users who, despite seeing the evidence clear as day on any benchmarking website are determined to stand by thier brand. i have an AMD based rig, i honestly believed i was making a wise decision when I bought it what with saving a few quid here and there.


    I now know I was wrong and deeply regret my purchase.


    yep, AMD ain't no good son

  2. ...I'm not seeing anything about a cure for the infection.


    eh??? who said anything about a cure for the infection lol, do yerself a favour and read the topic before replying son



    He talks about Point of Care testing, thats basically blood tests, urine tests, any Lab would most likely just be basic test equipment to determine the illness so that players then know what medicine to go looking for.


    The basic system for illness and disease is already in game, it's just not active at the moment. 


    Yeah and he talks about creating labs and battery powered diagnosis tools etc, look I'm all for making this game hard and realistic but let's not monkey about with 12 different infections and various treatments that are effective for one but not others and ways to investigate whos got what and what is needed to cure him lol, thats a different game pal. Stick a couple of diseases in and give us penicillin, painkillers, rest, food and water to treat em so we can focus on enjoying the game.



    Never mentions labs.


    You are really something you know that? a real special case, I even directed you to the actual post where he mentions labs, I guess fanbois only see what they want to see and are blind to anything else lol, on top of that there is a video where he goes into more detail and waffles on about mobile testing labs that can be driven around to help stem an epidemic haha, I can see all the snipers playing along with that little caper lol, madness.

  3. To be honest I agree with everything the OP says, although his delivery could be better. I hope they don't put pooping etc in and as for mobile laboratories and viruses that need to be cured, Rocket didn't actually say that did he? can't see how that would fit this game at all. And a back story wouldn't hurt.


    Even the Anti materiel sniper rifle idea, why not make those in vehicles feel the same sense of vulnerability that us pedestrians are forced to endure? As for thermal scopes, could be a tad over powered but imagine knowing there were thermal scopes out there as you crept along a treeline, would certainly add to the sense of jeopardy that this game thrives on... they would need to be extremely rare but now we have the beginnings of a centralized loot economy why not?


    edit -  and EVERYBODY calls them Zombies or Zeds, no matter what Rockets original intentions the community has overruled him on that one.



    yep, he gets it and he ain't no reactionary fanboi

  4. I think the plan is to implement pooping before the thermal scope. That way if someone drops a Cleveland steamer on someone's tomato patch at night at least you'll be able to spot it...


    ... I'm joking, of course, on both fronts. Why all the Rocket hate? This sounds a lot like someone who's not been actively playing or involved in the early access alpha effort.


    thanks for reminding me of his other mad idea lol, OP edited. And if you read my post thoroughly you'd notice I mentioned my love for Rocket, the only hate in this thread is emanating from over sensitive fanboys lol

  5. ...can we stop with the pretence that this is some mystical anti game bollocks and start getting sensible? There is no such thing as an anti game, it's a game lol, a computer game.


    All that wacky talk he was spouting about viruses and antibodies and mobile labs where players can work on cures LMAO, please tell me all of that nonsense has been binned. Listen, I FUCKIN love the man for creating the mod but come on, he had a beered up night with his virologist brother, all excited about his new standalone project and the crazy drink talk leaked into his dev brain box lol.


    Also, Zombies, Zeds. He kept saying 'but they ain't zombies they are infected' LOL, DayZ 'Z' haha you named it Deano, why not call it Day''I'', they are zombies, they are the undead,walking dead, reanimated corpses or Zeds lol, let's just clear that up to clear that up.


    And while we are on the subject and we no longer automatically spawn on the beaches can we have a decent back story please? A simple little tale that explains what happened and why we are here, you know a 'premise'. Every game ever made has one so let's get creative and give this world some meaning.


    And let us all hope that Rockets most nutty idea of all, adding shitting and pissing to the game has been well and truly flushed down the khazi where it belongs.



    As a side note, when will we get a thermal scoped anti material sniper rifle? It don't need to be a .50 cal but we need a gun that can disable vehicles at night from a kilometre away.

  6. i like the idea of this but if i am too lazy to go to all that effort and i like teamspeak because it gives us a huge advantage over lone players, we can plan and discuss our ambush safe in the knowledge that they can't hear a thing, i know that ain't really in the spirit of the game but i need me easy kills lol

    • Like 1

  7. We been doing a bit of clan infil lately and it has to be said it's a right good fucking laugh, either me or Lee joins a clan and 'befriends' them then the other one joins too and we then feed intel to a rival clan whats asked us to do it for em normally for revenge or maybe just out of pure spite, we dont care why we just love taking clans apart, sowing mistrust and paranoia and setting the wheels of in-fighting in action.


    It is quite a labour intensive endeavor, you need to spend a lot of quality time with these mugs, you need to pretend to like them, you need to earn trust and respect and lying all the time can get a little wearing but when the pay off finally comes, my god it aint half worth it i tell yer, proper fun times me and lee are having right now.


    Our favourite caper was in this German hjardcore clan, proper carebear types and quite organised, we spent 3 months behaving ourselves and becoming accepted and trusted members then the fun and games, lying, stealing, shit stirring, rumour spreading and just generally fucking with their heads, a real blast, in the end they disbanded after the leader and his #2 fell out because the boss man was convinced the #2 was setting him up for kills, but he weren't lol, it was me and Lee, we had em set up so many times for a rival clan that bore some grudge for some percieved slight that me and Lee didn't care about.


    Tents and vehicles are the future for our little enterprise, we are currently members of 16 clans between us, just logging in from time to time and being nice, generating good feels and nurturing fake friendships but, when the game goes full release we are planning to really go to work on these communities, most of them are genuine commissions, other clans aquire our services in return for games off of steam or other goodies but others we just doing for giggle an shit, maybe we seen a dick on the forums and decided to make him and his crew our next project lol.


    the reason i'm sharing this is not because you're remotely interestd, no, i just want to get it date stamped and on the record because soon we will be taking down a prominent youtuber who has been our 'buddy' now for several months and we regularly join him and his ass licking acolytes for live stream sessions, but this one is gonna be a classic and we are saving it for when we can do the most damage, timing is of the essence.


    Whats really awseome about this line of work is the way we never get suspected, incredible, we have become very adept at casting aspersions and suspicions amongst the clan while managing to remain close to the powerbase, often one of us is the main targets closest confidante at the very time we are slowly and methodically destroying his gaming life LOL.


    Clans and groups watch yer backs, professional sociopaths are in your midst.

    • Like 1

  8. intro - outro was sick maybe best intro/outro I've seen for a while.

    choice of music - nice if you like whiny geek rock ballads and generic ambient soundtracks

    the actual game play footage itself was pretty bland

  9. for my money OP makes some valid points, in no other industry would the creative mind behind an idea be put in full charge of overseeing its development through to market, play a role sure, sort of like an advisor to the project lead, or as mentioned before the idea is taken out of his hands altogether and given to professionals to make the vision reality.


    Lets all wake up here shall we, eh? fanboys and haters just cool yer jets and look at this objectively, the towns example the OP makes is also spot on, how many more crappy little identi-towns they gonna put in at the expense of wilderness?  What use will tents be if you're never more than 2 minutes from a town? what use will vehicles be? perhaps that's the point.


    i think rocket believed his own hype and is now out of his depth and it's showing, it was never the map that needed work, it was the engine and the zombies and the lag and the performance issues and the glitches and loot cycles.... and all we get is towns, lots and lots of towns.


    Is rocket really the best person in the gaming industry to take this project forwards? is he even the best at Bohemia? I very seriously doubt that.

    • Like 5

  10. HOLY SHIT SON!!!! fancy meeting a subscriber while playin on yer regular server after tellin everyone who'll listen on yer previous vid where you can be found, quite incredible how small the world really is, my mind has been completely blown and as a direct result of witnessing this extraordinary miracle i shall be forced to reconsider the nature of the universe and my place within it.

  11. too many fellas posting here who seem to lack any imagination and humour, they seem hellbent on turning a funny, harmless and thoroughly entertaining topic into an outlet for all their pent up frustrations with life in general. You know who you are yer joy sapping purveyors of misery.


    If i may be so bold as to make a suggestion son, if yer dont like the mans stories an videos then, and heres the science, DONT CLICK ON EM!, i know mindblowing revelation time. See him post? why not let the mouse pointer float on by and go find some other outlet for your obvious unhappiness with the world, i dunno son, maybe join a political party or hang yerself or summat.

  12. A. ingame name: FullB4stardMode

    B. medical: busted leg an low blood

    C. location: sniper hill north of starry

    D. character: black man full military clothin m4 gasmask hunters backpack hardcore hive


    ambush went pear shaped, killed the mug but he got me a couple of shots in the leg, need a fix up so I can get back to picking off survivors in starry, don't panic son, I wont shoot yer if yer play this straight but any monkey business and you'll be beach bound.

  13. I see this thread turning into a redpilling eh.


    But anyway, how you think it is that subscription based hacks (monthly fee for hack) are always one step ahead of anti-hacks?


    Becouse people who makes anti-hacks are very same people that makes hacks.



    oldest trick in the book, self generating business. Provide a cure for the disease you are propagating. I admire the fuckers I really do.

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  14. But rest assured everything you just said is 100% false.


    either you believe that and are shockingly naïve or yer in denial son, tell us, without lying, what happens to confiscated game keys eh? just bear in mind that we all know yer sell em on via 3rd party sites all cheap like.


    Arma 2 keys were goin for a fiver a pop back in the days of the mod and the punters were primarily hackers.


    No hackin = no bans

    no bans = no keys

    no keys = no profits

    no profits = no business son, ergo it's in yer interests to keep hacking active.

    • Like 1

  15. The last thing battleeye want to do is end hackin, think about it, they fix hacks for good then wheres the future income coming from? There job is to maintain a certain level of hacking to generate a demand for their services, chuck in the occasional fix to show willing, add a round of bans so they can gather a few game keys to sell back on the cheap to the hackers and the cycle continues.


    it's a scam.

    • Like 2

  16. awesome idea, I already did a thread on how stealth attacks would help balance the melee system...

    it would have to be difficult to do though, as otherwise you would simply unbalance the system again.

    The main issue is whether this would make you too powerful. Are we talking about a system where if you get a strangle hold in you have won? Because in that case the person you are attacking has no option to fight you off...


    There would have to be some way to counter, either by grabbing a weapon on their person (hand gun or knife) or by grabbing a nearby object (stone, lamp) and using it to hit the strangler.


    simple solution


    if they spot you creepin up on em all they gotta do is move and they live, be easy to make it so once they get a few feet from the attacker the options to grab em disappear.


    If they don't see yer and you grab em fair n square you earned the right to open their throat like a kipper son for being a badass ninja muthafucka. I don't care who you are, if you have a fully grown male human being with a length of rope wrapped around yer neck and he's dead set on ending yer life you ain't gonna see the morning. maybe add a struggle option but make it 10% successful just to give em hope and make the kill all the more enjoyable for the strangler. Knife kills though, instant.
