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Everything posted by beansy

  1. simple solution if they spot you creepin up on em all they gotta do is move and they live, be easy to make it so once they get a few feet from the attacker the options to grab em disappear. If they don't see yer and you grab em fair n square you earned the right to open their throat like a kipper son for being a badass ninja muthafucka. I don't care who you are, if you have a fully grown male human being with a length of rope wrapped around yer neck and he's dead set on ending yer life you ain't gonna see the morning. maybe add a struggle option but make it 10% successful just to give em hope and make the kill all the more enjoyable for the strangler. Knife kills though, instant.
  2. I like it son, I like it a lot
  3. beansy

    Best. Game. Ever.

    the mod blew my mind. It came outta nowhere son and offered a completely new and original experience that no one had seen before, I think the mod was an accidental stroke of genius, Rocket still don't get why it exploded onto the scene the way it did. Standalone will look better but for me the magical experience of playing the mod for the first time will never be surpassed son.
  4. I log in, check me hunger etc then venture outside into the street. Pick up a woman zombie what i lose by running through the supermarket and head over to the piano house to see if there's some cheeky ammo for me mosin. doors open an thers a dead zed laying face down on the floor at the bottom of the stairs so a player is close, I raise me mosin and slowly climb the stairs and as I round the corner at the top I see im. He's just stood there empty handed, double barrel rifle and axe on his back so I shoot, I hit im but he aint dead, he jogs behind the wardrobe already stripped of dignity and says 'why yer shootin? I'm friendly' I don't answer, me reload animation has completed as I move round and as he comes into view, still no weapon equipped he says 'please....come on man...' all sad and desperate like so I headshotted him. Always nice to get a kill within 3 minutes of loggin in son but I did feel a bit bad afterwards, I felt sorry for not recording it on fraps so I can't share just how pathetic a specimen this coward noob truly was.
  5. beansy

    regrets? i have one son

    nice one son its a shady 6/10 I reckon he was well confused an that when got back from his piss break, you coulda won the thread by waitin around till he got back, givin him a bit a time to work out what was what then, popped yer head round the corner, shouted 'OI NOOB' then popped couple a rounds off into his face like. solid 7/10 for you boy that's more like it son, pop a few rounds in the arseholes an move on, put it behind yer an don't look back, maybe a quiet smile to yerself while yer reloadin then jog on to find the next noob.
  6. beansy

    zombies coming along nicely

    yep I know son, is alpha. Check this shit out and tell me we're making progress lovely sunsets crackin new little towns crossbows an that hold on a minute though, how dem zeds coming along rocket??? here's 5 minutes in the company of some of chernarus's famous undeads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwPkMJ_PZ_g
  7. beansy

    regrets? i have one son

    I know, he don't play dayz no more, he's more into strategy games and brainy shit lol, but he will play H1Z1 when it comes out
  8. I never talk no more. not on experiment or normal, I let me gun make the conversation and they usually have plenty to say in response. usually swearin and angry things but it makes me chuckle son
  9. beansy

    regrets? i have one son

    double bubble postage while I'm here though you got any regrets related to kills? feel free to share and try to make it interesting
  10. beansy

    zombies coming along nicely

    cheers for the tip but I like proper music from real bands. I hate google they are cunts.
  11. beansy

    rockets vision

    found some binos went to me usual sniping spot to spy out some noobz an guess what??? dem binos don't fuckin work right *sigh* why aint I surprised? check this shit out son https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwYrXUdI7GY
  12. beansy

    rockets vision

    I raised me fists son an if I ever see you in real life i'll be raisng em again, don't make dumb assumptions, you jus make yerself look like a proper noob son.
  13. Shooting without interacting can get a little bit boring so to spice things up me and Lee decided to take a different approach We have developed a system which requires teamwork, a modicum of intelligence, a quick wit and the ability smile as you tell lies. It also helps if you can like your victims but detach yourself from all emotions when it comes to the moment of the actual murder. Enjoy the prize. Be warm and attentive throughout the early stages of the seduction, 'seduction' applies in all cases, not only those of a romantic nature, view each and every interaction as a potential seduction and you are well on your way. work together, one of you be bad cop the other good cop, if there are more than 2 of you then one must be the dominant leader of the group and the others must always behave submissively around the leader when in the presence of the victim. This is vital. it creates an air of authority which the victim cannot help but be impressed by and he will unwittingly slip into a subservient role within the group. Many people are weak and afraid , this is a fact of life, learn to identify the lost sheep and half the job is done, armed with a little wisdom these sad souls can be yours to do with as you wish. Become adept at spotting weakness and fear and be ruthless in your exploitation of it, all the tools you need to control someone exist inside them, just learn how to spot the signs and arm yourself with a few techniques to enable you to manipulate the situation to your advantage. read this http://www.reallyweirdstuff.com/howtobesuccessfulcultleader.htm there are literally thousands of handy texts out there filled with useful tips, me and Lee have become almost scholars of the dark art of mind control and it helps us in many ways, it is amazing how malleable the majority of people are. How does this work in Dayz? I hear you ask. Well that should be obvious. You need to work on your voice as in a game you don't have the benefit of using body language and your eyes which are both extremely powerful tools. But the voice is also extremely powerful, use it well and you'll be amazed at the results. Many people want to be dominated, they may not be aware of it but trust me, they crave leadership, this is doubly true in Chernarus. The game creates an air of menace and a climate of fear, this creates in the minds of the weak a fertile ground for us to plant our seeds, people are easily distracted and highly suggestible when in a heightened state like that experienced in game. Use it. here's an example 2 voices used together is ridiculously powerful, headphones and direction of sound are used by hypnotherapists the world over to communicate with both sides of the brain simultaneously and to plant suggestions into the persons subconscious. Get your partner to stand to the right of the victim and ask him questions that force the victim to think about something like 'how many rounds of mosin ammo you got?' get them counting something, anything at all just distract him. Then, you, standing on the left can say all manner of things and because the victim is all distracted he don't register any of this in his conscious mind, it gets fast tracked deep into his unconscious mind and that is a very powerful trick indeed. There is loads of this stuff, it's a very interesting subject and you could spend a lifetime studying it, point is there are laughs to be had. Learn to sound like a boss. Be commanding. don't ask him, TELL HIM. I gotta go, I have loads more tips for anyone interested in starting a cult or just fucking with the minds of noobs, i'll add more later. Peace out my brothers.
  14. you sir, as a lone operator need to study both the Art of the Confidence trickster and Pimp craft. Both utilize many of the basic principles discussed above and are well suited to lone wolves. The Key is honing your ability to identify the vulnerable, being able to charm them into trusting you and what you decide to do with them once you've established power over them is entirely up to you. Gather a few followers around you and allow natural group mechanics to do its thing, or kill em when their back is turned, whatever floats yer boat. Here is a reading list, I recommend you absorb as much as possible. Sweet Peter Deeder II a.k.a. 'mr Sweets' - by Odie Hawkins The 48 Laws of power - by Robert Greene The Art of seduction - by Robert Greene Also visit this website http://changingminds.org/ to learn more about manipulating other people for personal gain. Reading about it, meeting others and talking about it is all fine but to really get the hang of this shit you need to get started doing it. A great place to start the process is to walk around the coast unarmed and see how many 'friends' you can make. Good luck brother, and pm me if you want to meet up and see how we work.
  15. beansy

    the Beast of Berezino

    just me asserting my dominance and punishing stupidity in my quest to secure a can opener http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHRUfyMg0xg
  16. I need a medic I'm near berezino with a busted leg an I need blood or saline, I'm on the hardcore hive do I need morphine? or if I get my health up will my leg fix itself?
  17. beansy

    StandAlone friends

    I reckon your a bloke mate, i'll be on Skype in 2 minutes so you better be sounding female
  18. its nice to be nice its good to be good and all that boll*cks but its way better to be feared and that's why I treat every player I meet like the bitches they are give them an inch and they want a mile so I give f*ck all son. don't try an get all friendly with me an Lee cos we aint having it, if we don't know you in real life you aint worth sh*t. while you are busy talking we are busy shooting. I don't know nothing about bandits and heros, don't you try an put no label on me son I'm about the shits and giggles an killing everything what moves.
  19. beansy

    death by kiwi

    Lee bruv why you telling these losers all about our shits n giggles mate?