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About LetLiveEverything

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  • Interests
    I write and I play games.
    Mostly a PC gamer, though I love my consoles all the same.
    Mostly into first person shooters and racing games.

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  • Bio
    I write books towards my dream of an author, and I play games every chance I get.
    I've built several PCs, both for myself and other people.
    I mostly play friendly in games like DayZ, where my first intention is very rarely to kill you, however that can change if you do something to make it that way.
    I try to be very understanding. I'm always open to other viewpoints on things, however that doesn't give you or anyone right to ridicule me and my thoughts on something, even if it's wrong. I don't mind being wrong, however I do mind being made out to be an idiot.

    I'm a bit of a loner in online games, I'm not very fond of playing with others I don't know, as friendly as I am. If I don't wish you join you, don't take it as a hostility, I simply prefer playing on my own, or with people I've known before hand.
  1. LetLiveEverything

    Problem with In-Game Sodas?

    Soda has calories. Calories give energy. That's a pretty good reasoning for it. I can't say I've ever felt particularly satisfied when drinking a soda while hungry, but it does seem to impede the hunger from getting worse sometimes.
  2. LetLiveEverything

    What do you guys think of this PC build?

    It's basically what I use except I use an overclocked GTX 670. I can play pretty much anything at max settings usually at 60 FPS. DayZ I get about 30FPS at the lowest if I have most of the settings set at reasonable choices.
  3. LetLiveEverything

    Berry Nodes? Little white "plant bulbs/pods" in the forest...

    You mean the mushrooms? That's the only thing I can think of. They've always been there.Of course, I haven't played the game since the latest patch since I want to make sure they fix all the server issues.
  4. I wish I could meet legitimate friendly players. Where are you when I play, seriously? All I ever get is people trying to instantly kill me, or people who think they are comedians and obnoxiously jump around me in their underwear telling me to kill them (Which one time i did. It was a stupid trap. And I mean STUUUPID. It went "Hey, hey, hey, kill me! Hey, kill me! Do it! Kill me!" *Kills* "HE'S A BANDIT! HE'S A BANDIT! SHOOT HIM NOW!!" And three guys came out of nowhere shooting at me. Yep, I'm clearly a bandit even though the guy begged me to kill him. Real "clever".) I also get people shouting incoherently at me and when I stand there doing NOTHING, they kill me. Seriously, some people are serious morons playing this game.
  5. LetLiveEverything

    Newb: couple of questions...

    The zombies are still buggy, so there's really no real tips to give on combating them except trying to exploit their AI. I just continuously run around in a circle around them and hit them in the head. I rarely get hit. Doors stay open for quite awhile, so most of the loot may be gone, but if you're desperate for supplies it might be worth a look to see if they left anything behind. More than a few times I've found very useful stuff despite all the doors being open. And I do believe that loot resets when the server resets, however the map is big enough that traveling to different towns should provide you with enough loot for your play sessions.
  6. LetLiveEverything

    Buying a gaming PC!

    I have the CX600 in my system, I haven't had any problems with it at all, and it'd dead quiet.However, the GS600 is 80+ Certified. There are other specifications of the GS600 that are better, but I don't know if I need to get into it. Just know that the GS600 is technically the better PSU. Edit: Really, it comes down to the fact if you want to spend about $15 more for slightly higher quality. Either should do fine assuming you're within a reasonable power usage.
  7. LetLiveEverything

    DayZ SA - Which headset do you use ?

    A set of Arctic 5.1 surround sound headphones. They actually have all the speakers in them rather than just relying on software to do the mixing. I do have software that can do 7.1 surround if I wish though, but 5.1 is fine. Once you get the right EQ and speaker settings, these things demolish any other headphones I've owned, and the vibration feedback only kicks in at certain bass frequencies. Metro 2033 had some amazing moment with the rumble. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004GGNOJI/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  8. LetLiveEverything

    How long have you SURVIED!?

    So far I've only played 28 hours of Standalone, and I've survived all of it. I've technically died 3 times, but I did that on my own so I could get the thrill of starting with nothing again. I'm hoping when more zombies are able to added and their AI is changed, the game will pose more of a challenge other than other players.
  9. LetLiveEverything

    Found a Pristine Walkie Talkie, any use for it?

    I think it allows you to talk to someone over a far distance if you change voicechat to the appropriate channel? I never found one myself to be honest, however if you already use something like Skype to voice chat with friends, there's little point in using it except for immersion.
  10. LetLiveEverything

    No healthy

    It takes quite awhile. Just yesterday (after annoyingly being ambushed by a zombie a floor BELOW me), I was bleeding with a grey screen. It took a LOT of food and exploring to get to healthy and to get my color back. I'm sure the healing system will improve over time, like everything else about the game inevitably will, but for now eat until your character claims he is full, then drink some water until grey text says "healthy" or "healing" in the menu.
  11. so, recently my graphic settings have been a bit weird. For the most part, they are fine. I have textures on high and most other settings on normal or low. However two options have been giving me a bit of a problem, as well as the AA option at times. For one, the ability to change Alpha to coverage has completely vanished. The menu drops down and only has the "off" option, both in game, and in the main menu. Second, my ambient occlusion keeps turning itself off. I can turn it on just fine, but everytime I leave the game and come back later, it's always turned off, and since I like ambient occlusion always on (as it doesn't effect my framerate AT ALL), it's a bit annoying to keep toggling it all the time. Finally, Anti aliasing doesn't not seem to make any difference, and it sometimes turns itself off as well. I know what AA does, it smooths out the edges of objects, but it doesn't make any difference at all, no matter how high I turn it up.
  12. LetLiveEverything

    Do you support "Killing on sight"?

    My votes were a little contradictory. I said kill on sight was wrong, but banditry was part of the game. Just because I feel something is wrong doesn't mean it isn't integral to the experience. I'm not a bandit myself. I'll either run from confrontation, or try to communicate before I take action, however I understand not everyone will play exactly like I do. Sometimes it would be nice if they did, but if everyone did I'd imagine survival games like this would be very boring.
  13. LetLiveEverything

    RAM question

    As long as the RAM is the same type, they should be interchangeable. RAM is pretty much one of the easier components to replace, and the only real understanding needed is it's DDR type.
  14. I used the search function this time, so if there is another topic like this somewhere already, I apologize, but I would like to reset my character on purpose. However, is there a way to do so without waiting for someone or something to kill me? To me, starting completely fresh is the most fun part of this game right now. I love feeling a little bit helpless. However, I have never once experienced my character being reset. I always keep my stuff, and even if I change servers, I'm in the exact same spot with all my equipment. Sometimes, it gets a bit boring being fully equipped with not much else to do except look for people to kill, and since I don't want to be made out as a bandit, I'd rather avoid doing that. So is there a way to reset my character that I'm just not seeing? Something that doesn't involve changing my Steam name?
  15. LetLiveEverything

    Do Deerstands ever have loot?

    I've heard somewhere that they can sometimes have weapons, but every time I go out of my way to visit one, I have always found nothing. Do they even have loot? Or maybe that was just in the mod version? Also, how many different guns are in the mod so far? I've only ever found a M4, but I see shotgun shells ALL the time.