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Posts posted by Zedicologist

  1. That would certainly add some depth to the newspawn immersion experience.  But it would be wise from a game design standpoint to make sure that the majority of newspawns have a fair shake at making it.  Broken legs would just be an insta suicide spawn without semi ample splinting material.  Plus there is the clan play aspect where people who get fragged want to haul ass back to where their buddies are.


    Beyond loot adjustments, I think the addition of water borne illness in ground water will further make the n00b newspawn experience tougher since those big ole drinky sinks will be essentially rotten kiwis until you find a medpack to treat your water.  Assuming of course that once cooking is introduced it'll be even potentially harder to scrounge all those parts together to boil water. 

    water pumps will more than likely be clean water and safe to drink considering it is well or spring water.  That kind of water source is naturally purified and cleansed by the earth.  But the water that will be needed purified will be the water you collect from rivers, streams, ponds, swamps, ect.  


    And also this is not some casual, noob friendly kinda game.  The tougher the better.  If the game gets dumbed down and easier gameplay im sure DayZ will lose most of its main player base.  We likr dayZ because its not mainstream casual easy gameplay.  Its brutal, harsh, and unforgiving.

  2. Im having some serious issues pin pointing the exact direction gunshots are coming from in this game.  Is it just me having this problem?  I use Astro A50's.  I figured it might just be the headset or something so i switched to my Counter strike headset, SS Siberia V something cant really remember exactly what they are but i had the same issue.  I didn't have this problem with the mod,  so hopefully they haven't got the sound perfect yet and its not just me lol.


    I used the search function and didn't see anything relatively specific to this topic.  So if this is a duplicate thread, oh well ban me xD. 

  3. Im more than happy to pay 30$ now for a game that will cost probably 60$ on release.  i can speak for a lot of us and see im having a lot of fun playing the SA even with all its bugs and lack of features.  But we all knew it would be like this(well the people that can read anyways).  As long as they keep rolling out the updates and stick to what they've promised ill be happy with it.

  4. As of right now yes.  But later on they are going to add a pretty high chance of gettting some form of sickness if you drink from ponds, rivers, lakes ect.  So this will require you to hopefully boil the water(if thast an option) or use the purification tablets.  But drinking from wells in the cities and towns probably will be safe to drink without getting sick.

  5. That happened to me.  Your best bet is to just wait and die of starvation or thirst atm.  Even though that didnt work for me it has worked for a lot of people.  My character counldnt die by these means though.  I ended up buying another copy of dayz for my alt account for the time being.  Its a known issue but it might be awhile before it gets fixed.  So just keep your game up while you go do something else until your character dies.

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  6. The firefighter axe is the best melee wepaon in the game right now.  But with the servers having really bad desync and runbberbanding atm(should be fixed today with the next update, hopefully).  Your hits were not registering.  This is pretty common as of right now so im safe to say he was not hacking and its just an issue with the game.

  7. Search for DE 0-1, DE 0-2, DE 0-3, DE 0-4.  those are the only experimental servers up.  PLaying on these servers does help them roll up at the patches a lil faster im guessing, the faster we test them.  So if you save them in your favorites, and check to see if they are up from time to time im sure it helps them out somewhat.
