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Posts posted by Zedicologist

  1. I do not understand people like this. You're the guy that's always like, "This is gonna go wrong and this is gonna go wrong and this is gonna go wrong and then this and then probably that, definitely that..." ad infinitum. 


    Wait for it to be implemented, try it out, you're probably going to love it. 


    Because right now, you sound like a very very whiny combat logger who is tossing his toys out of the pram due to his exploit being removed.

    I agree with this dude.  Give it a try.  Dont go on a butthurt rant about something you have not fully tested and experienced to the fullest.  Its progress in the right direction.  Like i said before, im sure they considered your proposed fix to the situation but for some reason it was defective in some way.  So deal with it.  ADAPT.  access your surroundings before logging out even if the you're in a safe place.  Its 30 seconds.  A risk you will have to take, which im sure wont be a problem at all.  But for some reason or another you felt like you needed to rant a little.  In the end, its just a game.

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  2. With all this painting going on now in game, i'm sure it is only a matter of time before we get some type of face painting option.  Maybe not with spray paint lol but some form would be cool later on down the road.  

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  3. No, as I have said a few times here, I am happy a fix is being implemented.


    I am just debating why we can't be IN GAME when logging.  I never said you would live if you were still in-game but at least you would have a chance to do something instead of not.  If you don't sit down in a "safe" spot whether you're in game or not you will likely die yes.


    But in the off chance the guy is noob and opens fire early or just plain misses, or say you hear/see him running full speed at you.  You then have a chance to defend yourself instead of just afking while he walks up firing his gun into the air you only to pull out his ax and chop your face off.

    I have no problem with either way.  But with being able to stay in game is exploitable apparently according to a reddit post from rocket.  There is a link in another post a few comments up showing his reddit post.  Whether or not it is exploitable i do not know exactly.  Im sure they considered this option and for one reason or another it just didnt work.  Maybe they implement something better later on down the road if this doesnt work out. As of right now im happy with the fix.

  4. So you log out in a bush but someone sees you walk into this "safe" bush and takes a bet that you are logging out.  Charges the bush when they see you sit down.  They have 30 seconds to get close enough to take a shot and since you are blind, deaf and dumb you do nothing when he starts to open fire.  He unloads his entire 60 round clip and finally kills you before the 30 second timer.


    Wouldn't you rather have a chance to stand up and run or take out your gun and shoot back?


    I do like that this kind of feature is being implemented it's better than not having it but I don't know why we can't be present while we log out (safely), for the rare chance someone saw us setting up to log out.

    So you do it your way, you go into the bush and sit down.  Either way your helpless and more than likely dead.  If your sitting down,  and he/she has a drop on you.  That's it.  Your'e dead.  Its funny though, all month ive seen posts of people complaining about how this game needs a Combat log fix.  We get the combat log fix, and now we have people cpmlaining on how the fix isnt good enough for them.  Seriously?  

  5. You play the game wrong if your death rate is higher than the blood test rate.

    Has your little brain thought that you use the kits to test captured players to see if they have the correct blood type so they can be a successful donor if you yourself arent at healthy status to use your own blood.  Or do you just try to troll the forums with little thought? 

  6. Walking and scavenging to survive is what this game is about.  What you are suggesting is adding a team deathmatch.  Play a different game if you want that.  I personally love gunfights in dayZ, its the only game that gives me a thrill when im getting shot at or doing the shooting.  Being able to spawn right into that would be game breaking for me and the majority of people who play this game cause im sure they feel the same.  So no i strongly disagree,  even though the game is in alpha and can be boring at times does not give a reason to change this game into something it is not.

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  7. I would say a lot of people have no clue what their blood type is.  I do personally, but i would say the majority have no clue of their blood type or have simply forgotten it.  


    Pro tip of the day:  Get your character to healthy status and have a friend or recently befriended survivor take your own blood for later use, and you dont have to worry ab your blood type or finding a compatible donor.  When you're healthy you will regenerate the lost blood in a few minutes.

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  8. Well you dont have to eat nearly as much.  Drink is lowered a lil bit.  But before the patch you had to eat crazy amounts of food to get healthy status.  Now its nearly half as much and healthy status is easily achieved.

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