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Everything posted by Zedicologist

  1. Zedicologist

    2nd copy of dayZ?

    If i buy a second copy of Dayz for my alt steam account, will i have the same character or will it be different? I ask this cause my character has been in the middle of the ocean for ab 11 days now without being able to die. Nothing works for resetting it so i give up on that atm. Considering that this wont be fixed for awhile because ive only seen ab 5 other posts like mine. But anyways if you guys could answer my question that would be great. Cheers.
  2. Zedicologist

    2nd copy of dayZ?

    Hicks tweeted that the FP servers will have seperate hives but atm it seems that it is not working.
  3. Zedicologist

    2nd copy of dayZ?

    Dude im not trying to be dick here. If you have any clue how many different things ive tried in the last 11 days. Every day when i get off work i make a new post on various different sites trying to get some other advice. As of now, ive given up on that. Since i played the mod so damn much o more than willing to buy a second copy. But since you know what ive personally ttried the last couple of days, congrats on that lol.
  4. Zedicologist

    2nd copy of dayZ?

    Yes i have been doing this, But as of today, it is using my old character instead of giving me a new character. Also i live in America and those servers are european i think and the ping is horrible for me.
  5. Zedicologist

    2nd copy of dayZ?

    Well once they get it fixed, i will just give one of my buddies my alt steam account, so he can play Dayz. Since he cant really afford to buy a copy atm. So it will work out for both of us i guess.
  6. Zedicologist

    2nd copy of dayZ?

    Trust me guys, anything you suggest i have tried. And no i cannot die from starvation or hunger for some reason. Pretty sure the admin cant kill you in SA atm. Theres no way to actually reach him anyways, since there is no global chat atm
  7. Battleye is an anti-cheat/hack software. So +1 for that.
  8. Zedicologist

    Dayz Standalone

    Its a great game. But it also no where near finished, and wont be for awhile but im sure you will have fun experiences playing dayz
  9. Zedicologist

    [suggestion] drinking your own piss

    I think it wont be in the game but i hope it does.
  10. Zedicologist

    I can't stand this any longer.

    There are a lot of rants going about. But sometimes people take it a little to far imo, when they sjould just be addressing the issue simply.
  11. Zedicologist

    Constantly being rubberbanded back to spawn

    It happened with the last patch. Its alpha man, they fix something while causing something else to break. Im pretty sure it will be fixed in the next patch. That patch should be soon because the experimental servers are alreadt running that build. I could be wrong but im sure it will be fixed within a day or too.
  12. A DMR isnt a specific gun. It is a class of weapon. DMR stands for "Designated Marksman Rifle." Why DayZ mod had a gun specifically labeled DMR i will never now considering the game is based on a military simulator. Call me weird but that bugged me more ab the mod than anything else that was wrong with the mod.
  13. The mod will die from here on out. With all the updates coming in the future for the SA, the mod is kinda irrelevant now. They have there own dev team so the game will live on for the few loyal fanbase to the mod. But finding full servers will become harder and harder as time goes on as expected. Unless the SA just becomes completely shitt. But from what ive played, and all my mates, various f=different forumns ive visited. The SA will be beyond epic.
  14. Zedicologist

    Compound Bow?

    I know i know, the crossbow is already coming to the game later on. Heard that they are having a few problems with it atm but i dont really know any details or anything. I know everyone wants to be like Darryl from TWD, i mean dont get me wrong, hes a badass for sure. If there is a place for a crossbow in the game, there is most definitely a place for a compound bow later down the road. It shouldnt be to hard to achieve for the devs considering they get the technical difficulties fixed for the crossbow. Me personally, i cannot wait for a gillie suit and the bow to do some stalking and silent kills. Its going to be great. Does anyone know if the bows are going to be considered as a primary weapon or not?? If they are primary its going to be a true challenge to master. But it would be awesome for it to take the place of the axe, as another silent weapon for taking out zombies. Anyways, hopefully the bow in this game is actually usable unlike the Mod version, which was laughable imo. Its not like im asking for unlimited amounts of AS50's or M107's. Just a simple compound bow. Your thoughts??
  15. Zedicologist

    Compound Bow?

    Yea i was so disappointed in the crossbow from the mod. Im sure it was because of the arma engine, they had troubles with it. Hopefully with the SA being its own engine. The so called Arma 2.5 engine lol they can do the bows right this time around.
  16. Zedicologist

    Battleye is now on experimental servers.

    Yes vac is already implemented. But multiple Anti hack/cheat software stacked has to be good right? They should pick up most of the store bought hackers out there. Im guessing you cant really do anything ab the guys that make there own hacks, cause they are pretty smart with hacking so to say. But im glad to see this happening i can welcome as many hack/cheat software they want to throw at the game. In my 6 years of PC gaming ive only ran across a couple of really noticeable hackers and that was in BF3(killing people with spawn beacons lol) and the Dayz mod(obvious reasons why this game was so easily hacked). But for the most part hacking hasnt been a problem for my years gaming. Knock on wood XD
  17. Zedicologist

    Let's talk about Perma Death (No Bug talk)

    That's the best part of Dayz. Its not a casual mainstream kind of game. This game is brutal. It can be really rewarding at times but also is ruthless and unforgiving. Perma death will always be in dayZ. Starting over from scratch after you die is what keeps the game fresh. So no go play something else if you cant handle it.
  18. Zedicologist

    Are the rumors true ?

    You would spend more on a labtop that could play this game than building a decent rig that could run most games at medium settings. Yes it does take a lil more money to get into the PC gaming but its more than worth it. Consoles are for the casual. If you are really into gaming save up the cash and get yourself a decent rig. You wont regret it.
  19. Zedicologist

    Make drab/dark/green/camo clothing more rare?

    i think the clothing aspect of the game is good where it is now. Im sure more custimation will be added in the future.
  20. Zedicologist

    Two hands

  21. Zedicologist

    Mute people with duct tape!

    lol that would be cool. +1
  22. As of right now all the servers are night time servers. The last time i played on them they had 2 daytime and 2 nighttime. @raynor009 He's posting this for people who are not up to date with every single thing ab this game like some of us are. Most people have no clue the Exp servers even exist because they are usually never full or half full for that matter.
  23. Zedicologist

    Random hidden strengths and weaknesses on every spawn

    I dunno ab this subject. Interesting though i will say.
  24. Plus 1 for sure. Im sure its just a waiting game for this subject. This game is going to be freaking awesome once finished.
  25. Zedicologist

    48 Hours Into Standalone..
