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Everything posted by Zedicologist

  1. Zedicologist

    names of the towns and what they mean

    Cant wait for the new towns and cities that are going to be in the north. Especially the one in the NE close to Guba qith all the rock cliffs. That area looks huge from what ive seen.
  2. Zedicologist

    dayz surpassed in population

    I wouldnt consider myself as a fanboy. But imo Rust sucks and doesnt even begin to compare to DayZ. DayZ isnt for everyone. A lot of people will buy the game because of the hype and it will turn out that they wont like it. Its either too hard and people are most definitely not use to playing this kind of game. I like the way the devs are doing it. They are making this game the way the main fanbase wants it made. They are not trying to please every single person that will play the game. And yea im sure a lot of people bought the game and are waiting later on in development to jump in to it. This is actually a good idea considering that the price im sure will only go up. Like i told a guy earlier, If you can come up with multiple patches to fix the game faster by all means enlighten us and do it. If not then why are you complaining?
  3. Zedicologist

    What do you think of fresh spawns being able to punch?

    No need to take a fresh spawns only line of defense away from them.
  4. Zedicologist

    Dayz Chemisty/Chemical Warfare!

    Im sure all this will come later on in the game if they stick to their plans. Im confident that the devs will do this game right unlike most of the other games that have failed recently (BF4)
  5. Zedicologist

    Combat Logging and Server Hopping

    Thank god!!!!
  6. If you can make the game at a quicker pace with all these complex features by all means enlighten us.
  7. Zedicologist

    Cooking Food?

    Huntin and also they are adding enviromental resources that you will be able to collect. The resources are not known yet but im sure some stuff will be edible.
  8. Zedicologist

    12 gauge Shotgun. What happened to it?

    They havnt it got it working properly yet. Im sure they put it off to the side until they fixed the more pressing issues at hand. It will be in the game but you just have to give it time for all these features and be patient
  9. Im sure this will be a good place to find loot later on in the game.
  10. Zedicologist

    Deer stands/barns

    Im sure they will spawn hunting rifles and more civilian weapons in the future. I wouldnt expect anything like the mod tho xD
  11. Zedicologist

    Mosin or M4? Consider upcoming changes to game

    Depending on my play style ill usually take the Mosin over the M4. Its the ultimate Combat logger killer. When im planning on killing someone, I like for it o be quick, less time for cowards to alt f4. The mosin is usually and most all ways for me a one hit kill to the chest at any range. Some people have had problems with it not being a one hit kill. As for me ive not really had that problem. For the mosin to be an affective choice as your main rifle, you need to carry a sidearm. I prefer the Magnum right now. Because you cant see the condition of your gun, choosing the FNX is a hit or miss. If the FNX is not in good condtion, the accuracy is god awful. not really had to big pf a problem with the magnum.
  12. Zedicologist

    2 Different Profiles?

    have to buy a second copy for an alt steam account.
  13. Zedicologist

    Rude conduct by players.

    The NWAF is probably not the best place to be trying helping people out xD
  14. Zedicologist

    I think I found the rarest item in the game so far

    There not as much rare as they are to spot.
  15. Zedicologist

    Dean The Lying Salesman

  16. Zedicologist

    SOME Suggestions (UPDATED)

  17. Zedicologist

    Quick question about chernarus plus

    Cant wait for the new stuff up north. Ive heard that they are adding a lot of stuff to the map. I personally cant wait for the big prison they are adding.
  18. Zedicologist

    Sick after antibiotics - help

    As long as it says from time to time ''My wounds look cleaner" you should be fine.
  19. Zedicologist

    I just don't find item decay fun...

    I like it a lot actually. But its not perfect yet and probably wont be for awhile.
  20. Zedicologist

    learn something new everyday!

    Yea its more of a pain than anything.
  21. Zedicologist

    jammed pistol?

    His pistol is ruined. Weapons have a condition like every other item. it just doesnt show up yet like everything else. That pistol is useless, so it would be ebst to just throw it away.
  22. Zedicologist

    More civilian guns- especially lever actions!

    I live in america and i have about 6 differnt guns in my collection that are made across the world. I dont really see this being an issue.
  23. Its possible to do so now just extremely annoying
  24. Zedicologist

    Identifying other players

    +1 for the armbands. That would be pretty cool, and realistic
  25. Zedicologist

    Ambient noises

    I get freaked out by the zombie bunnies...