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Everything posted by Zedicologist

  1. Zedicologist


    Its been snowing at my place for like weeks now and i wondered how cool it would be for Dayz to have have snow, and not just on Namalsk. While i was browsing youtube i stumbled upon this video. Its a new weather engine or software whatever it is lol made by Bohemia Interactive. It generates procedural snow on any terrain at real time. This means when it snows in game, the snow will actually change the landscape instead of being just a visual affect. Im sure it can do so much more things. Anyways check it out. I really hope this gets implemented into the release of the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoLZogUs4No
  2. Zedicologist

    Firefights for dayZ

    Yea trust me weve had our fair share of combat loggers. Right now we make sure to wait for the best shots so they dont have the option to combat log. But people that do CL you have no clue how much fun your missing out by bitching out to save your precious loot. I can more than likely regear close to what you have in 15-20mins, so whats the point of worrying ab losing it?
  3. Zedicologist

    Server History?

    It might not be saved saved client side. But i could be wrong.
  4. Zedicologist

    Only Eastcost spawning.

    thats the way it is atm.
  5. Zedicologist

    m4 spawn nerf too much?

    I find a lot of M4's in the schools, even though that room spawns a gun at random, for me its usually an M4. And every time ive been to NEAF ive never seen an M4 there.
  6. Zedicologist

    How was your first death?

    went afk in stary upstairs for like 10 mins, came back and a zombie was feasting on my body :(
  7. Pretty sure hes talking about an in-game market not like an in-game store lol. I think this would be cool. But very debatable if it actually belongs in the game. I would welcome it though
  8. Zedicologist

    Farming your own blood.

    This is only a good tactic if your character has HEALTHY status. But as most of you know if you take damage of any kind with a HEALTHY status you immediately start regening blood at a fast pace. A lot of people are misinformed that you can bypass using blood bags by just using Saline. This is not the case. Saline only restores your health, not your blood. So you could be at full health and be at only 10 blood. So blood is most definitely still needed. So to keep your character at the best possible condition you need to maintain your blood and health at all times. Instead of having to deal with finding a person that matches your blood type, and having to find multiple blood test kits which are not that common. Just have a buddy take blood from you. Problem solved. Just keep in mind you need to have a HEALTHY status or you wont regenerate your blood. http://dayzintel.com/user-submitted-guides This is a good guide to help understand the blood/health and status mechanics in DayZ standalone. Hope this helps some of you out.
  9. Zedicologist

    Question : Is epoch possible for SA ?

    Well base building from epoch will make it into the game. But it will be tuned im sure. Its possible if Rocket allows modding which im sure he will. But it wont happened until the game is out of beta and is actually released as a finished product. Would not expect that for over a year.
  10. You were sick to begin with. For some reason it doesnt show up until you take measures to heal yourself. The icon wont go away for a little while as it takes time to heal. Just giv it about 25-30 minutes and it should go away. It does for me anyways.
  11. If they stick to their core and continue to make the game like it was meant to be made, i will play it for a very long time. But if they go off track and start trying to please everyone like a lot of games do dumbing it down i will quit playing simple as that. But as of now they are making it even more hard with a lot of new mechanics coming later on in the year. I have faith that they will continue to make the game as intended vrutal, harsh, and unforgiving. That is why the game is so popular.
  12. Zedicologist

    VoIP Not Working?

    CAPS LOCK is your push to talk. But VOIP is not global. Only people in your vicinity can hear you.
  13. Zedicologist

    How many hours have you played DayZ SA so far?

    100hrs loving every sec
  14. Its not even confirmed yet. Rocket said even if they do they wouldnt even begin working on it until they get the PC version fully released. So it wont be happening for over a year probably two. And yes you will have to buy a second copy of course.
  15. Zedicologist

    so... thats what u want Rocket ?

    I think its funny that people think balota and cherno are the only places they can get weapons.
  16. Zedicologist

    Farming your own blood.

    No you are wrong sir. Saline does not restore your blood. It will change yourt screen back to color. But it does not affect your blood. And yes it will lower your blood level. But if u have healthy status. You will regenerate that blood pretty quickly. Its always good to have a blood bag on your person at all times. just in case.
  17. Zedicologist

    A sucker for Alpha's.

    Ive taken part in a lot of the mainstream early access alpha builds. And 99% of them, i felt like i completely wasted my money on it. I would just lose interest in the game and never went back to it. With DayZ i went in expecting the worst and not getting my hopes up too high for the game. Been waiting for it since it was announced like 1 1/2 years ago? something like that. I am more than pleased with the state of the game considering its in ALPHA! Ive already put in almost 120 hours in game and considering i have 2 kids and a job ( I might have a problem atm lol)! That's more hours played than any AAA game i have bought in the last 2 years. Even in its alpha state, the game launched with very few truly game breaking bugs or issues. A hiccup here or there with the rubber banding issues but it got fixed in a resonable time. But At least i could play the game on release unlike some recent games (BF4). Im having fun with just keeping up to date with all the Info about upcoming patches and content going to be added to the game. Mod aside, SA is truly a new kind of game. They are breaking away from a lot of things. me as a gamer, im really tired of the same concepts being thrown around and copy and pasted onto so called new games(BF4). Developers have just beating stuff into the ground to where i dont really have fun playing most games anymore. Im glad to see this team break away from the pack and pave there own roads. The games already a success as of now roughly 900,000 copies have been sold. Hopefully they continue to work as hard as what they have been to keep there word and make the game that they've promised. If so they will sure in the hell have my support. So if some of you out there are not happy with the state of the game as of now, i suggest you read up on the future of the game. Except it for what it is now (an ALPHA) and speculate on what it will be. Cause trust me, this ALPHA is 100 times better than most out there on early acces. Anyways, sorry if i offended any BF fans out there but sorry that game is seriously sh*t.
  18. Zedicologist

    losing blood.

    Well your health is really low. You need to find some one or a friend to give you a SALINE bag to restore health. This will restore a lot i think around 5000 health. Even if u can do this to trully make your character healthy you also need a blood transfusion with your corresponding blood type. Because you have a health level and a blood level. But i wouldnt worry too much ab the blood right now, its a little more complicated for newer players. Anyways GL HF.
  19. Zedicologist

    Stuck in an invisible room

    run at the wall and vault jumb with V. If you cant get out like that relog into another server. If that fails then yes your fucked. Either kill yourself by eating something poisinous or die of starvation.
  20. Zedicologist

    A sucker for Alpha's.

    well im glad to see some of u feel the same as i.
  21. Zedicologist

    The prison.

    So most of you might know if you have watched any interviews or Dev blogs, they are adding a huge prison to Chernaurus. There was talk about having it on one of the islands somewhere. But in an interview they said they have pretty much scrapped that idea. So if not on an island where? Im guessing it will be in the north somewhere. Anyone have any facts or speculations?
  22. Zedicologist

    Cooking Food?

    So im wondering want the incentive to having cooked food will be over your normal can of beans in the future. With the complex health, food, and thirst mechanics they could do so many things with it. Im sure you will be able to cook various types of meals combining ingredients and what not. I dont think that is confirmed but im sure it will be in game. But what im wondering will it fill fill you up faster? Make it easier to achieve HEALTHY STATUS. They could even make it where eating a hot meal will help with your body tempature once the tempature mechanic gets added in. With all these complex mechanics the possibilities are endless with what they can do and more than likely will do. With all this stuff and with the medical systems, it adds a level of depth not seen in any other game out there, that i know of anyway. And i love it. XD Anyways If any of you have some info on any of these topics feel free to post. I know how hard any LEGIT DayZ info is to come by lol Cheers.
  23. Zedicologist

    need help

    Its the servers. Just try switching servers. It happened to a couple of my mates earlier today.
  24. Zedicologist

    The prison.

    The Vid i watched said they were using i think a model of a Ukrainian style prison to keep its authenticity. So to answer your question. yes. And it will be.
  25. Zedicologist

    For those complaining about development pace

    Nice post. Its ok to submit bug reports, but my god don't plague the forumns with your butthurt rants. +1