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Everything posted by Zedicologist

  1. Zedicologist

    What do you consider to be proper banditing?

    Bandit is a loose term, you can be the crazy psycho killing everyone on sight, or you could be the micer bandit and just hold them up and rob them. There's no one way to be a bandit really. As long as you're causing heart ache and grief in the world. But killing a fresh spawn just for the hell of it is kinda dumb imo. Players with back packs are fair game tho lol
  2. Zedicologist

    So M4 accuracy.....

  3. Zedicologist

    So M4 accuracy.....

    Explain to me why i just had a M4 with pristine mp accessories shot completely off target. I switched my attatchments to my buddies rifle and it shot like a lazer beam. Also pristine Long range scope on a mosin shoots dead on. Switched it too another mosin and it shoots always to the left. There is only one explanation, the condition of the gun itself. I dont have any source but i was watching a stream and Hicks was in there in the chat room and was saying that it is a bug, the weapons do have a quality but its bugged and doesnt show up. Also explains why some magnums and FNX sometimes wont fire when you pick them up. Its conditoin os obviuosly ruined. So im sure youre wrong dude.
  4. Zedicologist

    Changing/inconsistent bloodtypes

    well i will have to try this out. Hopefully this gets figured out pretty soon cause that would suck.
  5. Zedicologist

    So M4 accuracy.....

    The accuracy depends on what attachments are on the gun with MAG PULL attachments being the best. But more importantly the condition of the actual gun. At this point you cant see the condition because its bugged and the only way to determine the accuracy is to test the gun out and see how close your bullets group up. If the gun is shooting way off from where you are aiming you have a poorly conditioned gun and is pretty muh usless.
  6. Zedicologist

    10 min body despawn?

    So is 10 min too short of a time for this? With a 10 min body despawn, this means there is hardly any chance of you actually recovering your body. I welcome this change, considering it will make the game harder. Cause as of right now, if one of our squad members die during a gunfight, we just set up a perimeter around the area and wait for him to return to loot his body. Instantly geared up again. You're still going to be able to pick up their essential items they will need but atleast you wont be able to get all of it. Although this change is going to suck lol i think its for the best. Im loving the new things coming to the game in the next patch!!!! Sawed-off shotty FTW.
  7. Zedicologist

    Blood VS Saline.

    Do you guys think the amount of health or blood you receive should be raised a little bit after a transfusion? I mean you have to find the bags, which are fairly common. Next you need to find a donor either willingly or force someone to donate. When you take blood from someone it turns your screen pretty grey. So whats the point of helping your friend out, if it puts you in the same state. Next you need to find your characters blood type and test the donor for hi/her blood type. Thus you need a blood tester which is rare as hell, but im sure will become a lot more common later on in the game, surely. But a saline bag restores almost all health/blood and is fairly simple to find and use. So blood transfusions at this point are kinda a last resort thing. Do you guys think this is suppose to be like that. I personally think that the amount of blood/health you get from a transfusion should be up to par with the saline bag. Your thoughts...
  8. Zedicologist

    Sudden realization!!!!!

    Yea i cant wait to poison some people haha
  9. Zedicologist

    i Want to play this game but..

    seriously doubt it. The game is not optimized yet. Im running ab a 1400$ rig and barely get 60 fps and around 30 in towns. Its more ab CPU power for arma/DayZ. So dont expect much if your running on a really low end PC. If you can play on all low settings and around 15 -20 fps maybe if your lucky.
  10. Zedicologist

    police/desert and black spec ops clothes

    There are a lot of clothing options coming to the game. Im sure some of these will be a thing. Just have to wait to find out i guess. : )
  11. Zedicologist

    I thought we were gonna have radios?

    All will come with time.
  12. Zedicologist

    Can i run Dayz standalone?

    yea it will run it. But dont expect it to run aove 20fps. It wont be fun for ya honestly. Just try to turn all the settings on low and hope for the best. But to run this game especially with it not being optimized very well. You need a fairly decent gaming rig to play at exceptional fps.
  13. Zedicologist

    Cast Away into the ocean?

    Man this happened to me and ive seen a lot of other people had the same problem but they were able to die, i was not able too. Hopefully just wait it out until your character dies of hirst or hunger. No matter what direction u swim u wont reach land. But my character couldnt die from hunger or thirst tried every single fix for wiping my character. Nothing worked. I ended up having to buy a second copy on an alt steam account but hope this isnt the case. GL
  14. Zedicologist

    People getting killed at the same time.

    your probably getting gunned down by another squad. And just because your geared does not mean you should be running out in the open all the time. Your first mistake was just running around out in the open with only two people. Stick to cover survey the area before pushing to a point. Run along the tree lines instead of open fields. Patience and awareness is the key to survival in this game.
  15. Zedicologist

    The Campaign for Iron Sight Zoom

    I would love to have this option back. But really makes no difference to me, ill play either way.
  16. Zedicologist

    What do you want to see in the next patch ??

    Desync!!! For some reason its only affecting 3 people out of our group. But its hard to get everyone in a server together with having some people desyncing and its unplayable for them. So im sure this will get addressed. But also i cant wait for the Sawed off shotgun as a sidearm.
  17. I think you should have to keep things like that on. It adds more to the immersion factor and it helps conceal your position. Which should be a viable option. But if you're having problems running dayz with shadows you might just need an upgrade.
  18. Game is going to be great. The game is bare atm. Nothing much to do really. But for an alpha its great. the only alpha ive played that is playable at launch. But if your bored with the mod, i would buy the SA now just because its cheaper now than what it will be. And would just wait to play it a lil later down thew road when more stuff gets added. Cause right now its just for testing and fixing bugs
  19. Zedicologist

    Ballistic vest and Press Vest?

    Yea forgot about a boat. Well man that one bullet that gets stopped may determine whether you live or die. In DayZ, you need whatever you can take to keep yourself alive.
  20. Zedicologist

    Ballistic vest and Press Vest?

    Well im wearing a ballistic vest right now and my buddy had a press vest the other day and they are pretty rare. He found the press vest in a train station. But the Ballistic vest are pretty common. They can be found at military bases, train stations, fire houses, ect. They do in fact stop one bullet. But after that they are ruined.
  21. Zedicologist

    good idea to rid the coast of bambi hunters,

    You can spawn in berezino. But i say keep the coast spawns cause i mean spawning on the cost is a part of the story if you didnt know. besides the NOVY spawn that kinda contradicts that. There will always be bambi killers in this game. Always. But to make you feel better if your getting killed a lot by people like this, those guys are killing fresh spawns because theyre probably horrible at PvP against other geared players. So more than than likely they get picked off pretty easily.
  22. Zedicologist


    /face palm
  23. Zedicologist

    Firefights for dayZ

    Was just in an amazing gunfight in Elecktro with 4 people in my group against either a really large group or 3 different groups. took three guys down trying to make a push for us. Then soon as we start to go loot their boddies, another group comes out of know where firing shots pushing us back towards the train sation. We take cover inside the train station and secured the area outside. Was in a stand off for over 15 minutes trading shots. One of our guys flanked to the firestation and took out two of the guys we had pinned down. But our guy that flanked them was also the guy watching our flank. And sure enough as soon as he got the kills, either 2 of there friends or some random guys had flanked us and and pretty much executed us within seconds lol. Best firefight ive had yet in the SA. So much fun!!! Anyways if any of you guys recognize this post and you were in this paticular fight, Cheers for not COMBAT LOGGING. Had fun.
  24. Zedicologist

    Day Z Mod - Gonna Try It First

    Well GL, the mod has its downfalls though but overall its good.