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Everything posted by Zedicologist

  1. Zedicologist

    Stomach update?

    Well you dont have to eat nearly as much. Drink is lowered a lil bit. But before the patch you had to eat crazy amounts of food to get healthy status. Now its nearly half as much and healthy status is easily achieved.
  2. Zedicologist

    Rifle disappeared

    Do not paint rifles atm lol
  3. Zedicologist

    Weapon cleaning kit?

    So i was looking through these patch notes on this website. These aren't on the official Dayz forum announcements but usually a pretty reliable source. Anyways it says added a weapon cleaning kit for keeping weapons in good shape. As in real life you need to clean the barrel after firing to prevent rust forming caused by powder residue left inside the barrel. If not the rust could mess up the rifling and what not. But since we can now see and determine the condition of the weapon with this new patch. Does that mean we can repair the condition of the weapon to bring it back to a more reliable state? unless the weapon is in ruined condition. If that is the case, that means weapon condition will deteriorate over time with use. Ive speculated that this would be implemented but never had any concrete facts of the matter. Anyone have any information on this topic plz post. http://dayzintel.com/dayz-standalone/dayz-patch-notes-jan-21st
  4. Zedicologist

    Need some help please

    Thats one of the easiest places to get shot at. If some one half ass knows what they are doing your dead. So have fun sniping on those buildings. Let me know how that works out for ya. :)
  5. Zedicologist

    Server lag on experimental

    Have u tried switching back to the stable build?
  6. Zedicologist

    Vehicles: For or against them?

    Vehicles are a must. But im almost positive they wont be as simple as they were in the MOD. People are crying for vehicles but the thing is you wont be able to just get in them and drive on into the sunset. Its going to require some work and effort to get the thing running.
  7. Zedicologist

    Weapon cleaning kit?

    Nope but have gotten a painted mosin and a sawed off though. Everything seems to be looted, got super lucky finding that stuff.
  8. Zedicologist

    Server lag on experimental

    I feel like the exp build runs a lot smoother. I was getting 55 fps in cherno and before this patch i was barely gettting 40.
  9. Zedicologist

    Weapon cleaning kit?

    Sad but true lol
  10. Zedicologist

    fnx mags?

    Magazines usually dont spawn with the gun. Can be found usually in and on top of firestations or at military bases. Found them at other random places aswell but those two are your best bets.
  11. Zedicologist

    So M4 accuracy.....

    Now you can actually see the weapons condition with the new patch coming out. So this will solve a lot of confusion people are having atm.
  12. Zedicologist

    Today was a good day

    Alpha :)
  13. Zedicologist

    Can't Play Experimental???

    ive not actually tried that but it might work. I just scrolled down in the internet tab of the server browser until i found a exp server. NP.
  14. Zedicologist

    Can't Play Experimental???

    Also most of the servers are night time too.
  15. Zedicologist

    Can't Play Experimental???

    No the EXP servers will actually say experimental in the description. But go into your filter and turn your ping up to 200 to search for more experimental servers cause there are only 4 of them in the US and from what ive searched there are only 14 servers total. But you will just have to scroll down until you find the servers. Its kinda pointless to play in them anyways cause there is no loot to be found, you will more than likely die of starvation before you find anything lol. Its been almost 10hrs since the patch went live and the servers have not reset. So if your lucky enough to get into one of the servers you more tha likely wont find anything.
  16. Zedicologist

    Can't Play Experimental???

    If you are trying to join a server with a red X then that is not an experimental server. The experimental servers will have a GREEN CIRCLE where that X is. But to continue to play in the stable build you will have to opt out of the EXP beta in the properties section then reinstall the old version for some reason to play again on the stable build. You use to not have to do this but i guess thats a thing now. GL
  17. Zedicologist

    Military Zombies, Military Loot in Houses?

    Yea M4s have the chance of spawing in schools, but thats not really random. But id like to keep all military grade weapons to stay at military bases to keep the high risk high reward aspect of actually going to a base.
  18. Zedicologist

    Question about hunting

    I hope so but i dunno, hopefully they get the AI sorted out.
  19. Zedicologist

    I am so confused....

    Hive, mode and time columns in server browser Database support for sub hives. (Sub-private, Hardcore/Regular public) DayZServer.exe support for sub hives. Excuse me for my ignorance lol But does this mean private hives are going to be a thing now, this early? Enlighten me.
  20. Zedicologist

    Panic Logging...

    Put one in between there eyes. My current fix for combat loggers.
  21. Zedicologist

    How seriously do you take your gameplay?

    It depends. When im playing with my aquad we all take it pretty seriously using different tactics and i have a blast playing like that. But if im playing by myself i just derp around usually doing whatever.
  22. Zedicologist

    Why ARMA Engine?

    Even though the arma engine has it problems. I couldnt think of any other engine that could do dayz as well as RV.
  23. Zedicologist

    I am so confused....

    Thats awesome, goodbye ghosting, combat loggers, and server hopping to an extent. Also i hope the admins dont have the ability to teleport and be able to see everything on the map. but oh well i like it either way.
  24. Zedicologist

    So M4 accuracy.....

    I have no prblem using an m4 if its an accurate one. I've killed people up to 500 meters. But you ahve to watch out for mosins as well cause some of them will deviate the bullet way left. And some of them are dead on. Its pretty frustrating not knowing but it will all be fixed with time. ALPHA :)
  25. Zedicologist

    So M4 accuracy.....

    You cant really determine the condition of the M4, only the condition of the attachments. The actual weapon condition is unforeseen. But is there and makes a difference trust me we have tested it out as have others. But its weird. Some items in the game condition does matter like attachments, mags(you cant load a ruined mag into a gun the traditional way you have to use your scroll wheel), but a lot of other items condition does not matter yet. But later on im curious to see what condition will actually mean for certain items. Cant wait!!!