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About Zedicologist

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    The dirty south
  • Interests
    Pc gaming, dayz and Battlefield mostly. Play some MMo's. Riding motorcycles, fast cars. Anything to get the ol blood a pumping.

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  1. Zedicologist


    I think beards should be an indicator of how long your character has survived. Your beard gets longer the longer you stay alive on that particular character.
  2. Its just not that kind of game. Wouldnt be mad if something like this is implemented but i dunno if it has a place in dayz.
  3. Zedicologist

    Big server optimization and more zombies incoming!

    They have different people working on different projects. If one crew gets done with there project they go ahead and release it. Server Optimization is a big deal, i dunno why you would complain about that but whatever.
  4. Zedicologist

    Big server optimization and more zombies incoming!

    Nobody aint got time to hold your hand dude ;)
  5. Zedicologist

    Big server optimization and more zombies incoming!

    Well they post there patch notes on here. And the devs give up to date stuff pretty much real time on twitter when they make improvements. Its actually a lot easier ti use twitter. A lot of the success of the game has been to do with Rocket and the devs connecting to people with social media. More people playing this game use there facebook, twitter. reddit accounts more frequently than they visit the forums. So it only makes sense.
  6. Zedicologist

    Big server optimization and more zombies incoming!

    I posted Rockets Tweet i dunno what more info you want? Pretty much all there is atm. Can you not see it? If not check out rockets twitter @rocket2guns
  7. Zedicologist

    Clothing Repair?

    I hope they change it to wear one gunshot doesnt make the clothes ruined. Every time i get into a gunfight i get my pants ruined usually. Hopefully they change that later on. Unless we will be able to repair ruined clothes but id say you wil only be able to repair Badly damaged and up.
  8. Zedicologist

    Clothing Repair?

    Just seen that. Probably be like the weapon cleaning kit if being able to repair clothes up to a higher condition.
  9. Zedicologist

    Fresh fruit is nonsense

    Hate crime in progress
  10. Not true, most everything is server side now. This was the case with the mod though.
  11. Zedicologist

    DayZ on mac ?

    Mac? (face palm)
  12. Zedicologist

    Sites with hacks for dayz standalone

    Yea lets post them on the forums so 1000's of people can go check them out. Good logic (face palm)
  13. Zedicologist

    Hunting backpack > Mountain backpack (1PP)

    Hunter packs now usually only spawn at military locations. They have lowered the backpack spawns by a lot. And even more in the next build
  14. Zedicologist

    Hunting backpack > Mountain backpack (1PP)

    The back packs are becoming more rare. I have began using the improvised back pack, stick+rope+burlap sack. It only has 20 slots. But honestly with proper clothes i have plenty of room to store everything i need to survive. Also its good camouflage and its even more low profile than the hunter back pack. You guys should check it out.