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About TheProphecy

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  1. TheProphecy

    DayZ Mod content vs. DayZ SA content

    I don't see why not. The mod was extremely barebones when it came out in March or April 2012. New stuff came out over time. It's a given that you'll see something very similar with the SA. Very barebones in the beginning (even moreso than the mod IMO), but over time it'll evolve and grow.
  2. TheProphecy

    Utilizing the entire map

    The issue is we have a huge map, but the vast majority of it is absolutely useless. This isn't a mod anymore and people can't use excuses like that to defend it. We paid $30 (or the regional equivalent) for this game. I don't think it's unreasonable to want the other 2/3 of the map to have some significance/reason to explore.
  3. TheProphecy

    Utilizing the entire map

    This is a problem I had when I first played the mod, and it has carried over to the standalone. On the mod, you knew where the hotspots were. Stary, NWA, Cherno, Elektro, Berezino and to a lesser extent, Devil's Castle and NEA (just too far out of the way). The big cities have turned into ghost towns now. I've run through Elektro, Stary and Cherno multiple times and have seen a handful of people. I haven't been to Berezino, as there's really no reason to go there. All of the action is now condensed to less than a 3rd of the map. I don't see how making everyone spawn on the east coast makes the situation any better. All it does is make people run longer before going to Balota, Zeleno, the military bases and NWA. Why not take one of those military bases and move it inside the triangle of Dubrovka, Gvozdno and Krazzy? Just a thought.
  4. TheProphecy

    Whats the point of Humanity?

    Read the date on that post. The full bandit skin was already in before. It was taken out because it was deemed useless, but then it was put back in for reasons I still don't understand.
  5. TheProphecy

    Battleye Global Ban #e7bd

    You were banned for scripting. You know exactly what you did.
  6. TheProphecy

    Remove the AS-50 and M107. Introduce the KSVK.

    Here's a crazy idea; Remove the military-grade snipers because guess what, they don't make any sense whatsoever. The only sniper that has any place in the setting we're supposed to be buying into is the CZ.
  7. TheProphecy

    Berezino not all its cracked up to be...

    Two stores, a school, hospital, 6 apartments, military tents, a few medium yield stables, 10 medium yield industrials, 2 deer stands (3 if you count the one NW of the hospital), low population compared to Cherno and Elektro. It's easily the best big city for loot. One unlucky trip through the city doesn't mean anything at all.
  8. TheProphecy

    Banned on US 500 GET TO DA CHOPPA

    1. You were not pretty sure of anything. You gave me a list of 4 names. 2. I've only come across two M4A1 Holo's since I started playing (one SD, one non-SD), both came from dead player bodies. When I found the non-SD version (like a month and a half ago), I checked the wiki, it was there. I assumed this was an ultra rare version, guess I was wrong. Regardless, that log you posted is not proof of me scripting anything in, only merely having it in my inventory. Rocket himself has stated you cannot get banned for picking up a scripted weapon. Also, UZI SD mags = PDW SD mags. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/PDW_SD_Mag. Found them in a tent city on another server. 3. I assumed rob was the admin given his post. My mistake. 4. Don't really care what you say, I saw someone get banned and the reason for it was exactly as I posted. What was their name? Who the hell knows? I only remember it because it came literally seconds after I sniped those two people and because the message itself is both funny and retarded. LOL. "My server got hacked, and I banned you for having a scripted weapon (which I can't prove you actually scripted in). You're talking shit on me and my server, so you must have some friends continuing your legacy." Here's a tinfoil hat, wear it with pride. I know you got hacked because I already said in the PM, my friend who plays on your server everyday said, "The CHOPPA server was hacked today." I've already given you the names of my group members in the PM, and you can go right ahead and chock those logs of yours to find out they play on that server everyday. If I was a scripter and I had my buddies attacking your server for petty revenge, why would I give you their names? TL;DR: Unban me, keep me banned whatever. I honestly don't care. I wanted to get on that server to help move an ATV, that's it. For the future, though, if you ban someone for scripting, show proof of them actually scripting (because again, the terms you agreed to say you can't ban without proof). This is a good example. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/76720-hacker-scripting-in-uh1h-dz/.
  9. TheProphecy

    How Rocket can make everybody happy in 2 easy steps

    Add these to that list: Get rid of barbed wire. Fix the glitchiness of the new skins. Increase the loot chances of bear traps/make them work properly. Fix duping via changing clothes. Fix the random spawning on the shore.
  10. TheProphecy

    Banned on US 500 GET TO DA CHOPPA

    1. You have absolutely no idea what my in-game name is. 2. I've never picked up a weapon not in the loot table since I've been playing this game (3+ months). 3. It would be a cold day in hell before someone kills two guys from 700+ meters away with an LMG before the people being shot at Alt+F4. 4. The ban message definitely said, "You can't use an AS50 at night." 5. You were probably one of the people I sniped and just couldn't take it. BTW, this server got hacked again today according to one of my group members, so GG I guess. Keep wasting your money paying for servers you have no control over.
  11. So, I'll try to set this up. At least a week ago me and some group members were playing on this server. We were camping Cherno behind the apartments. There were three guys on the tallest building with the letters on it. I sniped two of them, one of my group members sniped the third. After that, some random person was banned from the server because "you can't use the AS50 at night." Exact words from what I remember. I remember that event vivdly, and it was a half or full moon night. I had my gamma and brightness all the way up, and I don't need to tell you guys what that's like. After that message popped up, my friend who got the last kill heard someone walking behind him and talking in direct. He turned, nothing there. Turned around again and he was shot dead. A couple days later, we log into the same server to raid the hopsital and apartments in Cherno. As we were exiting the apartments, a guy with a ghillie was running down from the sniper hill north of the apartments. We killed him, logged off and that was that. I haven't played on the server since. Fast forward to today. One of my group members regularly plays on the server because it has "epic load times" and is usually low pop. He found another ATV while driving his around, and I was the only guy on our TS channel at the time, so I volunteered to come get it. I try logging into the server, and I get a message that says I was banned for Cheating/Hacking. It's only on that server so it's not a global ban by BE (at least I think that's the way it works), so I can only assume this is a delayed ban for sniping those guys in Cherno that one night. So yea, that's pretty much it.
  12. TheProphecy

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Reverting back to .4. Still getting artifacting on some servers (albeit, not as bad), magazines still being refilled on logout, bandit skin glitches, etc. Basically, everything that was supposed to be fixed is still broken, and the new skins are broken as well.
  13. TheProphecy

    DayZ Massive overhaul

    Did you even bother to read the page? "The population of Chernarus is a combination of Chernarussian and Russian peoples. Russian populations are mostly condensed in the Northeastern region of South Zagoria in towns such as Krasnostav." That's pretty self-explanatory.
  14. TheProphecy

    Trading a Dragunov with 4 mags

    Camo, ghillie, NVG's, GPS, rangefinder, AS50 (with NATO rounds), M4A1 CCO SD, L85, MK 48. Any of those interest you?
  15. TheProphecy

    DayZ Massive overhaul

    First off, MAJOR LOL if you believe every player who wasn't killed by PvP was killed by zombies. How many were killed by glitches, and better yet, how many hit the fucking respawn button? Also, Do you know how many deaths were avoided due to aborting or ALT + F4ing? Tens of thousands at least. You can't even get a confirmed kill unless you have a sniper rifle or sneak up on someone. Use your brain.