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Everything posted by Atzala

  1. Atzala

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    Question - with the new audio system, have they fixed or done something with that god awful chirpy birdsong? So loud its the predominant sound the rest of the house can hear.
  2. Agree, its much more fun. Even with an axe you have to be careful to get the first swing in. I've blown through all my bandages and now med kits and rags are a higher priority.
  3. Enjoying this game and I accept it's alpha and I accept we live with perma-death, but it shouldn't be a whole lotta work to add a message at the end to state how one died. Having built up a character and lots of good gear (without server hoping) it's a let down to be one shot out of the blue and get a black screen. I want to know what happened! My minimal suggestion is that there should be a notice "You were shot by X using a Y". Obviously combat logs would do this better but even if these are not planned for this type of game, we get in-game messages for all other activities and status changes.
  4. That's it. Not a global announcement, I go along with immersive. Just nice to have a personal 'why' to go with the WTF???