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About ShadowDuck

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ShadowDuck

    Despawning dead bodies

    A quick question: Does bodies still despawn after a short amount of time? Will it be like that in the future as well?
  2. A few days ago me and a friend played together on one of our usual servers. We were in a town, don't remember which one, but we were looting a police station when my friend had to go afk for some minutes. In a pure coincidence we ended up in the room where the mosin usually spawn. He layed down on the floor and I was covering the door in case someone would run into us. While I was watching over my friend and the door I see something moving on the right side of me. When I turned around I saw a guy spawning and raising his gun. I didn't hear him spawn, so it came as a suprise really. Before he could gun me and my friend down I had ended him. His gun, axe and so on just flew around the room and he dropped dead. Thinking back, I have a feeling that it was a serverhopper. I mean, he spawned RIGHT IN FRONT of where I have found a mosin severeal times, and he was geared up with everything he seemed to be needing except a mosin/SKS/whatever. The server had also restarted a few minutes before, cause we got disconnected and had to relog. There were few people at the server at a time. Sounds to me like a good place for a serverhopper. It was EXTREMELY satisfying to gun down a player who, after what I can guess, is hopping around pretty empty servers for loot. If he wasn't, well, it was awesome anyway :P
  3. Hello! Me and my friend was just playing on a server and we were hacked. The hacker killed my friend by pulling him up in the sky and he fell to his death, and when I was teleported around on a green empty field, I disconnected. Now when I log in I'm out on the sea. How can I solve this? Do I have to wait for my character to die of starvation/thirst? Anyone else experienced this?
  4. ShadowDuck

    Reset config files?

    Thanks guys.
  5. ShadowDuck

    Reset config files?

    Hello! I have a quick question. I've been following some guides to get better FPS ingame. I didn't think of taking backup of the three config files in the folders "DayZ" and "DayZ Other Profiles". Stupid, I know. However I'm now wondering if I can just delete those files, or the two folders, and everything will be back to normal? Will I delete my current character in the process? Hope someone can help me out, and sorry if it's already a topic about this, didn't really know what to search for.