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Everything posted by lauda

  1. lauda

    To the freshie i killed at NE Airstrip

    Yeaaahhhh, kill the survivors and let the Zombies take over the world. That´s the aim if the game :rolleyes: Not?
  2. How long would you say does it take on average to run back? Noone here is as stupid as you think............. It was funny to some point, but now, i don´t know...........
  3. I can help you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociative_identity_disorder
  4. You can stop that shit, it´s funny enough!
  5. How can i use the ip adress to join that server?
  6. Are you the orange boonie guy? Or did you get killed > running to Chaapaevsk>getting killed>running back..............? I don´t want to keep anyone from coming to Chapaevsk to help, but i find it a bit suspicious. Would be a good trick to get some victims ;-)
  7. lauda

    Game crashing

    I´m using the 332.21 drivers for my GTX 670. Any newer driver gives me random freezes for 5 seconds or so. In happens more in towns then in the fields or forest. Also the occurance seems to depend on some video settings. But can´t figure out which one. So for now i have to use the 332.21 drivers.
  8. Multiplayer=Coast, Airstrips and Military Bases Singleplayer=Elsewhere
  9. I´ve just been way in the north and there was a large field without grass. May be Mr. "Hey there" was up there playing singleplayer with your sickle :o
  10. lauda

    One hit kill punch to the head?

    Hm, when you see "Please wait" on your screen you are already visible on the server and ready to get killed. But you said that you saw that guy running towards you? Anyway, in many cases you simply can´t be sure if you got simply killed, hacked or bugged. There are hackers, that´s for sure, but also many problems that are caused directly or indirectly by the unfinished game. Don´t think about it too much, you would have died anyway eventually :-)
  11. lauda

    One hit kill punch to the head?

    Normally a biker helmet is a really good protection against fists. Without helmet you can get unconscious with one hit, but usualy it takes muuuuuch more to get killed even without helmet. Yeah, Sounds suspicious...........
  12. lauda

    My first unfair death.

    Unfair is that everyone knows how to get out of that situation except you :-)
  13. And when it is beta or gold it is still a survival game and not CounterStrike or Unreal Tournament!
  14. lauda

    My first unfair death.

    Where did he find the Chainsaw? If you mean Hacksaw..... still funny :-)
  15. lauda

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    No , they have been working on a new hat since 4 days :lol:
  16. lauda

    Mouse Movement

    Can you give me more details of your settings, also ingame. I have a G602 and use it at 500dpi in Dayz. Still too much? I also have a G400, G700 and they behave the same. Latest Logi Gaming Software...................
  17. lauda

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Maybe i´ts already been mentioned....... I have the strong feeling that if you are one of the first ten players on the server (after restart for example) you can play really nice without huge lags. But the people that come later are getting huge (>1min) lags and eventually timeouts or can´t even join the server in many cases (Wait for host>Please wait>kick).
  18. lauda

    Mouse Movement

    For me it is strange from the first day (negative acceleration) It has changed somehow in the latest build but not better or worse, simply a little different and still very bothersome.
  19. Don´t worry, i´m sure you will find another sickle one day :lol:
  20. lauda

    I died...

    You can´t change the current char. The amendments to your char apply when you die/freshspawn.
  21. lauda

    I died...

    Yes, it´s annoying, but things like that can happen, especially in a laggy game with clunky controls. The most important thing is, that Quobble still uses the word "friend".
  22. lauda

    I died...

    Can anyone with good english knowledge find the right words for that scumbag please! Sorry, but that´s so poor............
  23. lauda

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Hm, can´t see many complains about heave (really heavy!) lags. Sometimes (actually often) i can´t open/close doors and the inventory is striking for up to a minute or so. Or zombies are running past me in a straight line and all of a sudden they are behind me and baaaam. I guess i´m not the only one, some may just not realize it for now when just running around mostly in the open field. But i can see many players getting kicked due to not responding blabla.
  24. Quoting an old posting? Why? Maybe in January hackers were rare and there where doubts because could have been desync and so on. Now 2 months have passed and hackers are getting more and more. This is really sad but it´s true!