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Everything posted by discuit

  1. I have no problem with them doing what they do, i actually find it amusing as hell. I just have a problem with hiding behind the "we are Rp'ing" bullshit. It's not Rp'ing, it's griefing.Thing is, that's fine, it's part of DayZ, they just need be honest about it. What really makes me laugh a LOT in this thread though, is how they call out for "people to team up and come and stop them instead of complaning", yet when taken up on this offer by 2 or 3 clans, they say "we aren't really looking for a fight" and "we don't want to tell you what server we play on so you can stop us", which makes it pretty damn obvious that my initial statement is in fact true. You are simply griefing new spawns under the guise of RP'ing. If you are really RP'ing why not let groups know where you play? Do you really think if this was the "real apocolypse" not a single organised group of people would come and oppose you guys and your "experiments"? So if you want to use the RP line to defend your actions, then follow it through to the end. Don't use it when it suits you (so you can kill unarmed nubs) then run from it when it might hinder your griefing.
  2. Sorry if this has been mentioned, but my google-fu didn't turn anything up, so.... There are a lot of threads about "make zombies faster", or "make zombies tougher" etc So i was wondering, would it not be more engaging if when a zombie is spawned it was assigned a random value to say Damage, Health and Speed? That way each zombie, although they may look alike, could/would behave in a unique way? Is this even possible? Or would the server load for doing this be rather intense?