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Everything posted by Gugolas

  1. Monday to experimental. Wednesday to stable if experimental test goes as it should. If you pay attention to what you can read on reddit, you'll notice that saturday was a "leaked" date. A journalist said that Rocket told him that he wanted to deploy the fix to experimental on saturday (today)...that is not what I would call an official and realiable announce ;)
  2. If you reverted from experimental to stable you downloaded the stable version...that is normal when you switch branches :)
  3. This happened everytime experimental was up, since its beginning :( Nothing that has to do with the current patch or whatever.
  4. Just as they didn't read that optimisation occours mainly in the Beta phase of developing...
  5. Gugolas

    Make mics a requirement.

    I have mic, but I talk only when: 1) I desire to do so 2) Don't have too much fear of the person I meet 3) I am roleplaying/doing the idiot/not playing seriously 4) I don't bother somebody else (given that I don't live alone) The rest of the time I contribute to this kind of suggestions, shooting fresh spawns in the chest without a reason and without a warning. What I mean is that forcing people to have the hardware to talk doesn't force them to talk when they meet somebody. Neither forces them to talk before they shoot. And I consider it pointless. As IRL talking is a possibility, not something you are forced to do - and this is meant to be a sandbox game. If you don't want to talk, then don't do it. KOS will maybe become less predominant as the game evolves and becomes feature complete, but will always be a part of it. Dean with it.
  6. Gugolas

    A Wonderful Litttle Bug (Experimental)

    Some servers (some UK ones) in the past days seemed to be on a different hive...so it might just have been an old toon of yours.
  7. Gugolas

    Half patch release?

    One of the last characters used is always loaded on the background of the main menu, so this kind of errors happen ;)
  8. Gugolas

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    I doubt it. What is holding the update back is the rubberbanding issue. They haven't pushed a solution to the experimental branch yet, and personally I doubt that if a solution is ready they would push it directly to stable without prior testing. But there are still several hours of work for them today, and nobody really knows at what point they are with the rewriting the problematic area.
  9. Gugolas

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    I did not. I'm on experimental atm, so I can't verify it now...but I can assure you that on experimental it is not like that, so if there is really this bug it has already been fixed ;)
  10. ^ Same happened to me two days ago and yesterday. I can't remember the number, but in both occasions it was an UK server (regular), as already reported by others in the past days, if I remember correctly. I just started avoiding the UK servers (in order to save time), so I can't provide further info.
  11. True. Be sure not to mistake it with the option to craft the fishing rod. It "fires" the compound arrows (not the crossbow ones), that you can find and you can't craft arrows atm.
  12. Gugolas

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    The engine is beeing modified regularly in order to create this game...I wouldn't say is old anymore.
  13. Rubberbanding has not been fixed yet...they are rewriting the method that causes it.
  14. They did change it. The devs (maybe senchi?) mentioned it needed some balancing time ago, so I guess they started with that. I haven't found any binos yet, and I played on experimental for several hours in these days...people on reddit asked the same question. I think they were removed from the loot table, maybe because they need to be fixed.
  15. Gugolas

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    There aren't any changelogs for experimental versions. If you want info, search through the experimental branch section.
  16. He's showing that the menu indicates precisely which door you are opening/closing, now.
  17. There are a kitchen and a combat knife, not a hunting one, afaik...but it should work with bayonets...
  18. Yes, Rocket said that animals are actually mod placeholders until the new models are finished (except for the deer that was an old SA model).
  19. So you are actually giving a fuck atm? Or with that you mean something else? Btw, nobody knows. If you read the threads in this section, you will see that the situation has been the same for the last few weeks. Anyway there are reasons to think that the new experimental update could be out this week, so we'll have to keep patiently waiting, but hopefully not for too much.
  20. Maybe it has been that fluid internally...that's what I hope!
  21. Experimental has been down in the last month, so no. There should be a first update this week...wait for it :)
  22. Guys, be serious. This is a great devblog, we should all agree. The thing I like the most about it is the "from now on devblogs will not be weekly anymore but posted only when possible" one. There's finally some good self-aknowledgement behind that one! Sorry, I put sarcasm off now but I had to write it :D It seems like the future is bright, but...I don't think that the next patch will be so meaty, I guess we'll have to wait for the June/July one in order to see some of the first game changers. But the future is definitely looking good...even if it is just a drawing, with nothing touchable yet.
  23. The damage taken from melee by zeds has been decreases by an error in the current patch. It has already been solved for the next one, that we should see at the end of the month. As suggested, headshots for the win at the moment.
  24. Gugolas

    My Blood Was stolen!

    But others can see it, so do it only if left alone...or you will be get killed, probably!