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About kermo50

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. kermo50

    the bambi steak

    I really like this idea I seen on reddit about cannibalism in dayz. Basically his idea is that your toon must be starving before skinning and consuming human meat becomes available, but once you do you can be cannibalistic any time. Here't the link worth a look. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2ikqr3/lets_talk_cannibalism/ Cannibalism... Not even once...
  2. I came across some guys in electro who said and appeared to be very friendly, I shot at a zombie and they gunned me down cos they thought I was shooting at them.. When I was at "you are dead" screen I heard there conversation, "man you should have told us you were going to shoot!", "man.. do you like.. think we should eat him?" "hmm yea.. ok.. lets eat him" I was definitely confused and a bit creeped out
  3. kermo50

    duping is out of control

    Yes there are hacks but if you look at the images I think these guys were clearly duping, I stumbled across this glitch myself by chance and it's an easy to exploit at the moment. I wouldn't worry about this sort of stuff to much right now though, it's still a really early build and people will be finding exploits constantly until the game is more complete. I take the opinion that the people exploiting the game right now actually indirectly help the development process as the exploits are brought to light early. The best thing to do if you come across exploits like this is to just use the bug tracker and be done with it, trust that it will be fixed in time and be patient.
  4. kermo50

    duping is out of control

    I'm not certain but am fairly sure they have already been able to fix it, I dont believe you can dupe on the .51 experimental. This is just going from what someone else posted haven't tested it myself.
  5. kermo50

    Uh, There Were A LOT Of Zombies Last Night

    I can't wait for the final version of the game and there will be zeds everywher like the mod, I remember the zeds at nwaf were crazy the only way I could loot the area by myself was using my truck to run over the horde over and over, not the most stealthy approach but much fun was had. Done this once while a group were looting all stealthy and I scared the shit out of em driving my truck around like a madman
  6. So in my 1 hr play session today... I looted northern Berizino, geared up with basics no problem, found a double barrel shotty and two blaze rifles and plenty of buckshot ammo. I did notice immediately that my damaged tactical shirt wasn't doing the job and I was getting cold, it was a frosty morning, found a wool coat and warmed back up. This temperature mechanic seemed to be functioning better during my short session. Also found a bandanna and was able to unfold it and make it into a face mask which was very neat (not sure if this can be done in .50 or not). Progressed to the school where I also found the mp-133 pump action shotgun. The school was absolutely full of loot mainly food and clothes but I did find a pristine ballistic helmet. I encountered another player who was able to 1 hit kill me with a farming hoe as I squeezed a shot off on his chest, killing him also I assume. The 1 hit kill seemed strange considering I was wearing a pristine ballistic helmet.. maybe helmet protection bugged? Also encounter 6 zeds in 1 hour, all seemed to function much better, no lagging around ect. Server performance seemed very good, played smooth, desync and lag were not noticeable, was able to pick all items up first go ect. All in all seems solid, not sure about the helmet protection though.
  7. kermo50

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    I've been putting some time into the game since the patch and even in the crazy loot baracks and buildings I have yet to find an akm, plenty of ak101's and ak74's but no mags, and like you the mags I find are always for the akm
  8. Yes I agree it's not totally realistic, but hey neither is starving or becoming dehydrated in a matter of hours.. Could be tweaked so that it is relative to other hunger/thirst time mechanics in the game.
  9. My suggestion is as follows; If you can manage to keep yourself in the "healthy" state for a long period of time without becoming sick or injured in any way you eventually get a new status "Fit", with the notification "I'm feeling fitter" or "I'm feeling strong". Becoming a "Fit" and "healthy" survivor leads to some small but valuable buffs to your character which would include: greater stamina while running and possibly a small increase in sprint speed, an increase in total health, and also greater resistance to disease. Soon after you loose your healthy status you loose your "Fit" status and your buffs, and will need to start the process over again. The general idea being rewarding players who strive to actually role play and stay alive in game, and its also justifiably realistic. Thoughts?
  10. Oh ok cool, I was under the impression that drinking/filling up from ponds was disabled too
  11. kermo50

    SPOSN Tortilla Backpack

    Hunting pack looks bigger to me...
  12. kermo50

    SPOSN Tortilla Backpack

    I think the hunting backpack does look bigger... Maybe put a side by side comparison screenshot up
  13. I'm just wondering, hows everyone going with the limited water at the moment? I always play on the same server and things are tough at the moment, all beverages have been taken and it hasn't rained for days and I've been keeping hydrated off my supply of caned peaches haha..
  14. kermo50

    Lets talk persistence.

    What about loot respawning? I usually play on the same server and apart from the rare buildings with loot everywhere, loot doesn't seem to be replenishing even after server restarts. Is this the case for others or maybe it's thr server?