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xxxtrigger50xxx (DayZ)

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About xxxtrigger50xxx (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. xxxtrigger50xxx (DayZ)

    Battle eye Restriction #105

    So get this fancy message "You were kicked off the game. (Battleeye: PublicVariable Value Restriction #105) Let me explain story before I got this error. So I started playing on a DayZ custom map called "Taviana". On my first life I spawned and saw a car sitting there missing one tire with a couple dead people near by. I had nothing to loose so I went out and found a tire. I went down the street to another town were I heard a motor cycle and quickly went to investigate. Honestly I was looking for some kills after I found a AKM on a dead guy by the car I had seen earlier. But when I finally came to were I thought i heard it from to guys with hatchets broke ways saying "run". I caught up with one and said I was freidnly. I don't kill noobs. (Noticing he had a Patrol Pack). I then began to talk to him casually about DayZ. I had mentioned the car I had seen earlier and told him If we find a toolbox we can get it up and running. Lucky enouph the building we were in had a toolbox. So we made our way back tot he car. We repaired it and headed to the town we found the toolbox. I heard someone talk and stopped the car to ask my friend if we should pick them up. Two people had shot at us on the way in and out of the city. They shot the tire. I told my friend I had just met to get out and hide. he didn't have a gun so it was up to me to protect me and him from the two bandits. I got out and shot like 3 rounds at them and went to flank around a house when I got a message "Microsoft Visual C+" something something has stopped working. My character was standing their and i could hear the bandits shooting at something but not me. I fear they found my friend... There was no way to close my game and i didn't want to die without having a chance. So I tried the only thing I could think of. I had to ALT+F4 for my first time in dayz. I actually didn't think it would work but it did. I relogged into the server after booting up Dayz commander to get to my recent servers. I joined loaded and Joined in hearing the bandits talking about something. One guy said "there he is" and i heard shots and Died. I was stuck in the black screen of loading/receiving so I had to yet again ALT+F4. I did the same thing as before and reconnected. I logged into ocean with about 20 plus players swimming in the water but I believe and are 99.9% sure they were npcs or something (I also had my ghillie suite on still but didn't have any items in my inventory. I was pissed so I quit AGAIN. I relogged again to see if I would get reset or something. when logging in I spawned in a barn with nothing and my ghillie suite on with about 100 blood left. I was like "A second chance to kill those 2 bandits". I died/passed out of blood lose and got this "You were kicked off the game. (Battleeye: PublicVariable Value Restriction #105)" I get this message to any server name hosted by "Vilayer.com" which is a game hosting company. This applies to the taviana map. I joined a different server and played for about 5 minutes before I threw a grenade at a fence to see it would blow up the fence lol. I fell over and went unconscious and the server restarted and my friend had got the "No message Received futher proving the server actually did restart. So Now I get ""You were kicked off the game. (Battleeye: PublicVariable Value Restriction #105)" every time I log into a server by BSM. So I am screwed and cannot play on any of these servers. Which is 99.9% of all taviana servers. With that said I don't want to log into DayZ normal map/mode because of fear of Battleeye being gay seeing how the error is with Battle eye and not the DayZ mod(s). PLEASE HELP ME. I will bump the crap out of this forum until an answer occurs! Solution tried and Failed. 1. Reinstalled every file, dayz mod, taviana, Arma 2 patch and Arma 2 itself. 2. Removed launch options an re installed Battleye. From steam and manually. 3. Created new Character with different name voice everything. 4. Logged into the server(s) after all that and still get the error. 5. Rebooted pc / more stupid stuff PLEASE LEAVE ANY COMMENTS! I'm sure there is one other unlucky bastard like me who has this error too!
  2. xxxtrigger50xxx (DayZ)

    New Let's Play Season (EP.1, "1 Hour Special")

    This is the first episode of the season is a 1 hour special played by myself and my friend Noyes84. Here you go :D Comment what you think!
  3. xxxtrigger50xxx (DayZ)

    New Let's Play Season (EP.1, "1 Hour Special")

    This is the first episode of the season is a 1 hour special played by myself and my friend Noyes84. Here you go :D Comment what you think!
  4. xxxtrigger50xxx (DayZ)

    Dayz Lag Issue On a good Desktop (I hope anyways)

    Straight to the router.
  5. xxxtrigger50xxx (DayZ)

    Dayz Lag Issue On a good Desktop (I hope anyways)

  6. xxxtrigger50xxx (DayZ)

    Dayz Lag Issue On a good Desktop (I hope anyways)

  7. xxxtrigger50xxx (DayZ)

    Dayz Lag Issue On a good Desktop (I hope anyways)

    No new replys yet?
  8. xxxtrigger50xxx (DayZ)

    Dayz Lag Issue On a good Desktop (I hope anyways)

    Thanks for the reply's so far I'd like to see more but what im seeing so far is new so thanks alot so far guys keep the comments coming!
  9. So recently I bought arma 2 combined operations like many other people to play this mod. Thankfully though i can play it on low graphics settings with no lag at all. Now I play with the settings below. Screen Resolution: 800* 600 (Fullscreen) 3D Resoultion: 800 * 600 Texture Quality / Everything else: Very Low RAM: Very High / Default (I switch between them doesn't seem to change.) Also with modified launch steam options which are, -mod=@dayz -CpuCount=4 -nosplash -winxp -maxmem=8192 (8 gig is the most recent amount you can use with the most recent update/patch of Dayz) I also try this one to but see no difference. -mod=@dayz -CpuCount=4 -nosplash -winxp (No ram modification) Now here are my PC specs, Which I heard are "Good". Processor: AMD FX - 4100 Quad-Core Processor 3.60GHz System type: 64-Bit Operating System Ram: 16GB Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium Graphics Card Info: Video RAM 4.0 GB Pixel Shader version 4.1 Vertex Shader version 4.1 Hardware T&L Yes DirectX Version: 11.0 So yes please tell me anything OI can do to play with DECENT graphics. I dont mind playing in low graphics but since I have a nice Desktop it would be nice to play in you know better graphics. Just having thew screen resolution up to lets say 1024 * 768 would be nice. It lags/stutters if i try that resolution if your wondering. And windowed mode blows wiener because it make the resolution and 3d resoultion way to high because i use a flat screen tv as my monitor which is a resolution of 1804 * 994 (Custom via Nividia Control Panel). Please dont say use -winxp or something stupid like -cpu count= 4 because i have done all that. And dont say did you donwload the "Beta Patch" because yes I have. ALSO I HAVE TRYED booting my pc up with 4 gigs ram because of the ram issue which should have been fixed anyways but i stilled tryed it for myself. I think this forum post should be answered for people with a quad core like myself. Thanks if you leave a comment if you don't then thanks for nothing.