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About thebalfrog

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. thebalfrog

    What to do when geared on DayZ for fun?

    You could infinitely stack bags Inflated, but you need 4 35 slot bags to make it space viable, as it takes up 25 slots, leading to 9 being used, and this having to be done 4 times to gain more "useful" inventory of 36 slots, also as you mentioned a pain to unpack!
  2. What do you guys do for fun in DayZ? Being sniped/sniping isn't that rewarding and I maybe get one good M4/pistol battle a day what do you guys do for fun when geared? Pic related is what I do http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/451784274781194301/D7CEB132BD5B3DFCA34D27FC02314C97644E329E/
  3. Have tried the second thing aswell as mass spamming servers to try and reset, the one time I actually want it! Also may have been saying "I am your lord and savior" as random people searched the church! As fun as this is I would literally rather eat batteries
  4. As you can see from the picture, today I glitched in to the back of the church after freshly spawning in Elektro. Can you add a quick option to suicide or eat the battery or do something, as I really don't want to have to wait an hour to die of thirst. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/451783904884305670/6CA24447EB0C4209B3802AAB7A1BAA7B08C4ACDE/
  5. thebalfrog

    Clipping through the firestation/fall damage

    Maybe I just looted all the magnums i've seen, must be in the hundreds by now! Was alone at the time which is annoying as I had full gear, literally full from NE-NWAF-Cherno Oh well "Alpher is Alpha"
  6. Was fully geared walking up the fire station in Cherno, fell through the 2nd flight of stairs and just instantly died. Possible bug known but haven't seen any posts about it. Pretty enfuriating, I understand falling a flight while fully geared would make you unconscious/break a leg, but dying? I can't remember looting a stack of cinderblocks or a grand piano.
  7. thebalfrog

    Will they be *able* to fix it?

    I'm running an i7-4770k OCed to 4.5 and a GTX 770 and was at a stable 70FPS on most things on ULTRA on a max pop through cherno/elektro/NWAF/Balota. With more optimization to come I think it will be fine, might be bit of a GTA IV when it comes to having it maxed out though
  8. thebalfrog

    The magnum is a little too common now

    Agreed, I found 7 magnums in the NWAF fire station yet not one single bullet throughout the entirety of NWAF. Not wanting to server hop but wanting to test the thing.
  9. Would just like to start by saying I enjoy the game and have many well enjoyed hours, but the new patch has made me lose some of my love. These are my suggestions to the development team; Instead of removing west spawns why not just make the loot in balota less frequent and make something in the north worth looking for. As of the moment there's nothing attracting anyone there, you can go to the north airfields but having an engaging time there is rare as you have to frequently server hop to get geared and this isn't how anyone wants to play. If any of your friends die or even start the game there is no possible way of getting from say NWAF to solnichniy without dying (in game or real life of boredom), and without being reset in the hour getting down again!(If you couldn't tell i've been subject to the resets on numerous occasions, but atleast I can lose a revolver in the reset this patch yay!). My next complaint is the fact the development team spent time removing spawns, adding revolvers and speed loaders for it, when character resets are still rampant, I've still seen players vanish on dc after death, zombies are still clipping through gates/doors and even floors. Anyone who played today can also state how bad rubber banding was, I personally rubber banded from the krutoy cap to the three valleys cabin today which lead me to writing this post. I understand the annoyance of everyone only going to balota, but why is the solution making it harder to get there, why not make balota less attractive or other airfields more attractive, spawning in three valleys cabin for example, there is nothing there, I've found maybe 5% of the time some things that are useful in the surrounding areas yet people are wondering why you see 10-12 dead bodies on spawn. Any survival game where purposefully killing yourself is an aim has done something wrong. What id honestly like to see in the near future from the game, More useful loot in remote areas, I don't mean 60round c mags in a tree house, I mean food, I mean the actual ability to survive without having to play running simulator from town to town and server hopping (a fix to this would be fishing/foraging in forests/ponds, I know these are stated plans for the game, but why not implement them before forcing people to need them in the east) A less useful balota, spawn rates down on everything, removing 60 rnd c mags and making them NWAF only (maybe even 40's aswell) A spawn system similar to the mod, an ability to choose near enough where to spawn, having a group of 5+ people and all meeting up without being kosed is a lot more infuriating then it needs to be. If choosing spawns isn't an option then a suicide choice, I remember in early interviews and it was said it would be an option, but as things are as they are at the moment, too many towns (kamyshovo for example) are flooded with bambi's aswell as geared players killing bambis, there is nothing there and usually no zombies in sight. Not wanting to server hop or play running simulator with the hard mode of rubber banding isn't an unreasonable request. Also the invincible to fall damage glitch which I and others suffered from today meant you couldn't suicide that way. Pre patch people were having fun and bugs were identified as mentioned earlier. Yet not actually fixing them and making changes to spawn system seems to be a bad move for the game. I bought the game knowing it was an alpha, I see a problem (which a lot of others have noted) and am listing suggestions, so if you're going to comment "hurr durr people leave balota and see the map" then just leave.