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Everything posted by JakeZ

  1. I, along with many others think that the text is pretty inefficient. The GUI for Blood, Food, Thirst, and Temperature(I'm gonna use BFTT for short) was fine in DayZ mod. It allowed you to see exactly what BFTT you were on. I personally would like to be able to see how much blood I have left before I'm gonna die. "Bleeding" just doesn't cut it. It honestly plays a big factor in the game. I'm not sure if the text is just temporary for the alpha, but if someone could shed some light on it, that'd be great.
  2. It doesn't show the exact level though. You don't know exactly when you NEED to eat or drink, or how much time you have to find a bandage, etc.
  3. It wasn't a bad idea, but I personally like to be able to tell specifically what I need.
  4. JakeZ

    Low Fps

    I can second your issue. I have experienced very low FPS(10-20) as well, and it doesn't change no matter what setting I use. I guess it's just another bug with the game. I usually get 60-100 FPS on ultra in a few intensive games. Hopefully we will see a fix soon. Specs- GPU: AMD 7850 CPU: AMD 6300 RAM: 16GB DDR3 don't remember the speed PSU: 500w ASUS mobo EDIT: Windows 7 ultimate is my OS as well.