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Everything posted by janin99

  1. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    accepted, haven't seen you in ts yet. hope you join soon.
  2. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    Accepted join ts asap please, Thank you
  3. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    Accepted join ts asap,
  4. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    Accepted Join ts, ASAP. Thank you
  5. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    Great App, I'll see you in teamspeak soon. Thank you
  6. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    " Persistence. if i say im going to do something it will happen. im a thinker. my mind processes things a different way whichleads to more creativity and a variety of ideas" This bothers me, you can give suggestions, but you can't just do whatever you like. We're one as a group, not a bunch of random lonewolfers. Think about if that will bother you.If it doesn't ill see you in ts.. Thank you for applying.
  7. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    Thank you for application, Please join our teamspeak, so we can fill you in
  8. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    Thank you for your application soldier, Please join our team speak as soon as you can so we can fill you in.
  9. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    Just saying, we don't. Nice app practice tough
  10. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    Says, the guy with the troll face, Altough ill let that slip now. You can have a shot at it. We'll see how it goes. Hop in teamspeak soon and add me on steam. Thanks for applying -Desert Fox
  11. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    Iam sorry for the late reponse soldier, You seem to be what we're looking for. If you want to join our teamspeak, we can fill you in on all the details.
  12. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    Accepted, thank you for applying See you in the teamspeak.
  13. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    Accepted soldier, Next time you know, everything is mandatory. But ill let this slip. See you on ts. ,Desert Fox
  14. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    Thank you for your application soldier, you're approved hop in our team speak when you have time so we could fill you in. Desert Fox
  15. janin99

    -TFZ- Recruiting

    Accepted soldier, Please join our teamspeak as soon as possible so we can sort some stuff out. Thank you for applying, Desert Fox