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About Gimli6543

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    On the Coast
  1. Gimli6543


    Application: Gimli6543 Age:14 Prefered Position: Assault/Support What game are you applying for:SA Previous Clans: None Time Spent Playing Dayz: 3 and 1/2 Timezone: Eastern Time able to dedicate: 2-3 hours a day Time spent playing Arma 2: 33 hours Special Qualities/skills: knowledge of history and past wars. Acceptance of clan rules: Yes Working microphone: Yes Country: USA Steam Account Name: GIMLI6543 Military background: Grandfather flew for 22 years in the AirForce during Vietnam And Korea, Dad joined Airforce as a pilot Flew for 6 years, and uncle fought in the Gulf War. Reason of joining: I would like to be with a group of people who knows how to be serious but also helpful with most things needed. Also i think it would be fun to join a group and play more Dayz.