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Maia (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Maia (DayZ)

  1. Ahh same as the helis then...

    I'm all for making something rare but jesus DAYZ, at least give someone a decent chance of finding and playing with the new thing in the game. I've still not found a heli!!. 

    Just wait until you decide to try and hunt down netting! :D

    • Like 1

  2. Server restarted, upon spawning in they never showed lol

    Oh damn. I was hoping for "Yeah there was an epic firefight. I killed two people then my backup arrived. We took down three more guys but all my allies went down. Next thing I know, three trucks with decked out players charged the building. Out of ammo for anything else I decided to go out in a blaze of glory; I picked up my buddies pump action shotgun and opened the doors shooting."

    • Like 1

  3. I don't think it fits in your bag. I found one in a police station. I used it to clear zombies out but then tossed it for an SKS. It looks neat but ultimately I think it's just the same as the MP-133 Shotgun. I could be wrong, it could be "faster" inbetween shots and more inaccurate but I didn't do much testing myself.

  4. That's nothing.




    I just lost a fully geared character from just spawing into a serve with 3 damn people on it.

    Yeah, I always come across the ONE other guy on the server when I'm on low-pop servers like that but when I'm on maxed out 50/50 servers I can't find a soul. The other day, I was geared up in a ghillie and whatnot and logged into a server with one person on it. I found that one person. He proceeded to chase me all over Cherno taking shots at me until I lost him. Shortly after I lost him, he logged out. Better luck next time Alecs. 

  5. To the guy on a lonely German server two nights ago with only 4 people on. I couldn't remember your name, it started with a B. You were in Komarovo minding your own business half-decked in military clothing (military green backpack, TTSKO pants, ballistic helmet, gray(?) tactical shirt) and sporting an SKS. My pal and I saw you run down the road and into the police station. It was starting to get dark. You never saw me, but I saw you. My friend stood outside the front door of your police station with an AKM loaded and aimed. You came out and for a moment that police station was Armageddon. In the end you died and my friend had a bullet in his chest, alive. We took a couple bullets and your pants then proceeded to hide your body.


    I am sorry that we killed you on sight despite the fact you were probably harmlessly looting and headed in the opposite direction. You see, we were on ghillie guard duty and one does not take chances on ghillie guard duty.




    P.S. To the guy we saw south of Berezino possibly three nights ago. You were in gray civilian clothing that killed a friend of mine on sight with a shotgun and proceeded to chant "Get wrecked scrub," yeah we aren't sorry we killed you. I hope you were still conscious as my friend took a poo on your face 8D Also your friend that tried to shoot me in the back: horrible shot; you were a mile off. 


    This was you dead on the ground if you recall:

