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Maia (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Maia (DayZ)

  1. Maia (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    vechicles seem to get stuck on bridges and no longer move :(
  2. Maia (DayZ)

    Next Vehicle

    My suggestion:
  3. Maia (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    I believe so, both mine were reset.
  4. Maia (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Yeah both my 1st person and 3rd/1st person characters cannot login anymore without crashing. I've tried both about 3-4 times now where did you find it if I may ask? like the original spawn area of it
  5. Maia (DayZ)

    Death in Dayz, how do you meet it?

    That's how you do it. lmao I totally forgot about those gas stations.
  6. Maia (DayZ)

    Death in Dayz, how do you meet it?

    Personally, my last death (last night) was near Berezino on a populated 1st person exp server. Me and a couple friends were starving to death picking apples when a guy came up to us. My friend was chatting with him and I snuck up behind the guy and tried to stun him with a cattle prod. Unfortunately I didn't check the battery and it was dead, as a result he turned around and promptly bludgeoned me to death with a pipe wrench.
  7. Maia (DayZ)

    best common looting gun.

    I stick to a magnum or a repeater. Super common ammo and accurate enough. Neither require clips too. I probably have more magnum kills than any primary gun.
  8. Maia (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    I love the cannibalism aspect of this update lol
  9. Maia (DayZ)

    0.51 Ghillie Showcase

    Oh my bad, I thought you were complaining that it literally wasn't a pretty piece of equipment. It could look better even with high settings, but then again a lot of things in game could. I feel that the idea wasn't to make a perfectly realistic ghillie suit but rather one that blends in with the average/higher average setting terrain (which is also not perfectly realistic). As for my graphics, I generally keep them down both for a consistantly smoother game play (don't have a top dollar machine) and to see the slightly more detailed people against the plain looking bushes/terrain.
  10. Maia (DayZ)

    0.51 Ghillie Showcase

    I don't think it's designed to win any fashion shows, just survive.
  11. Maia (DayZ)

    0.51 Ghillie Showcase

    Don't forget you can paint the green ghillie with black spraypaint to give it a more "mossy" look lol Also can confirm that the ghillie wrap goes on weapons such as the blaze and repeater. First person server (solo) so no good perspective pictures but here's the inventory view difference between woodland green and woodland black (aka mossy):
  12. Maia (DayZ)

    Took me most of the night to get over this

    I applaud you for having the humility to share your mistake. I'm no PVP expert by any means but it did seem you took your sights off the stairs quite frequently (your primary point of entry for assailants). I can see you were probably looking around for other possible targets (out the window and whatnot) but knowing there was someone downstairs I'd have suggested keeping your sights trained on those stairs. I could be wrong but I'd guess the other side of the stairs might have been better. It might have put a little more distance between you and your target (accuracy) but where you were they knew you were there. If you were behind the stairs there would have been a 50/50 chance they wouldn't have seen you coming up. Additionally if you were behind the stairs you could train your sights on both the stairs and the room where people could have been logging in or something. Lastly you would have been away from the window where you may have been sniped. Another suggestion could have been in the room itself looking out the doorway to shoot people as they came up. This position would have probably been more of a surprise since most people either linger atop the stairs or on the other side of them as previously mentioned. The problem here would have been that you would lose sight of your enemy if they got up the stairs and ran to the other side (previously mentioned position) before you killed/disabled them. Just my opinion, take it with a grain of salt. I'm curious to see what other people suggest.
  13. Maia (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    all the servers are intended to be on the same clock I'm pretty sure. Unfortunately they aren't set by region or anything, likely so that all the servers see some constant action and night testing is done, otherwise people would just hop to whatever server is daytime
  14. Maia (DayZ)

    Gorka Helmet uses?

    What functionality does the Gorka E Military Helmet actually have? Does it prevent melee knockouts like a motorbike/construction helmet? Does it have the same balistic properties as the balistic helmets? Is it a mix and if so, is it a perfect mix or partial mix of the two? Is it just one or the other or neither? I couldn't really find any reliable data on this thing and I am wondering if this is the new helmet to get or simply a new varient of something already in.
  15. Maia (DayZ)

    Gorka Helmet uses?

    Yeah I have always kept a motorbike helmet with me to prevent melee-knockouts. It's pretty much indestructible to fists and zombies.
  16. Maia (DayZ)

    respawn broken

    You probably could have ran there quicker than that.
  17. Maia (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Private video is private Side note: were zombies AI changed at all or is that still not implemented yet? ref: SMoss, on 13 Oct 2014 - 6:00 PM, said:This week we'll talk about infected AI, and our plans for the next few months regarding these systems. Looking forward towards our October stable branch update (0.50) and on-wards to the November update we plan on slowly implementing the next iteration of A.I. for the infected into our experimental and later stable branches. The intent with this iteration is focused on several key points for gameplay: Stealth as a viable method of tactics vs infected A.I.Vastly reduced range-of-visionSmaller corner to corner cone of visionInfected hearing ability refactored to compliment stealth as viable gameplay method
  18. Maia (DayZ)

    What if we get rid of Zombies?

    I feel like zombies tend to make it better for pvp though. You can follow them to where a person might be hiding, or if there are none in an area you can usually assume someone has been through the area without even having to go in a building to check for loot. Also if you are a fresh spawn running from a guy with a gun, you can (attempt to) use the zombies to help you 8D Also, who else would chase cows/chickens/goats/etc around towns for comical amusement?
  19. Maia (DayZ)

    One weird trick to avoid upcoming character wipe

    I thought you had to be in a 40/40 server for that to work.
  20. Maia (DayZ)

    Epic Granade Kill ( Revenge On A Crazy Bandit )

    That is a pretty epic kill. Love to see a grenade actually put to PVP use.
  21. Maia (DayZ)

    The bow kill - the WOBO challenge

    I liked that he didn't notice the first shot lol I also loved that his axe flew out the window.
  22. Maia (DayZ)

    Tent problem?

    Yeah I can confirm also that tents disappear when the server resets. I placed my tent in the middle of no where then within an hour on an empty server, after a restart, I went back and it was gone.
  23. Maia (DayZ)

    Loot spawning

    Also the dynamic loot system is out which means respawning loot. This doesn't hold true for standard loot anymore either.
  24. Maia (DayZ)

    Tents dissappearing or looted within half a day

    Alternatively, couldn't you just fill a hunting backpack with loot and hide it somewhere? That might be easier/more hidden
  25. Maia (DayZ)

    Tent Placement

    I am curious to hear of peoples experiences with the tents so far. Has anyone found any good hiding spots for them and remained unlooted? Has anyone found and raided any tents since their release into the live servers (or experimental)? I recently came across one and have been contemplating where to best place it to get the longest use out of it, as a result I've become curious to hear if anyone else has had any luck hiding their stash of goods. For those who may wonder, I found my tent in one of these little stands: