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Maia (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Maia (DayZ)

  1. Maia (DayZ)

    Sharing Chloë! (just me, a V3S and some random acts of kindness)

    Such troll lol that poor guy at the end
  2. Maia (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    My friend and I found one in Gorka last night and had a brief firefight with a squad over it. That's kind of East I think lol
  3. Maia (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    I've found 2 gas cans on the east coast if that helps. I haven't looked for a truck yet
  4. Maia (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    6 burlap sacks + 2 netting for full top 4 burlap sacks + 2 netting for half top 2 burlap sacks + 1 netting for gun wrap 2 burlap sacks + 1 netting for hat burlap sacks must be cut into burlap strips first
  5. Maia (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    It must only be working on like a couple servers then lol I still find it impossible to believe every boat on the coast is looted of all the wellies, raincoats, boonies, hooks, rope, and netting. Also even people on private shard servers haven't found anything. Granted there are now two people in this thread stating they found stuff I'm still skeptical
  6. Maia (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Hopefully they will hit fix the loot spawning but I doubt it since its not a key feature to the game running lol
  7. Maia (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Where did you find said loot? Was the server populated? Was it private/persist? Did you find any netting? Nobody else is finding anything from what I've read and seen so I'm having difficulty believing this was actually loot spawning.
  8. Maia (DayZ)

    Netting and ghillie crafting

    I've checked probably a hundred boats and absolutely no loot. I have seen no convincing evidence indicating otherwise.
  9. Maia (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Are you on a persistent server? I've checked like a hundred boats and absolutely nothing spawns.
  10. Maia (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Im thinking maybe the loot he found was somebody threw something down there. I've been on quite a few servers and boat locations I know should spawn loot and literally nothing is there. I don't think people would heavily loot wellies and hats.
  11. Maia (DayZ)

    Netting and ghillie crafting

    http://puu.sh/deVqn/968063f161.jpg That was taken on exp, that's how the boats look that spawn netting.
  12. Maia (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    ghillie suits were added before vehicles. There was two patches on exp for .51. I am referring to netting
  13. Maia (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    It used to spawn in barns and such before, perhaps you found it before the vehicle update on exp? Still, I'd like to see someone say they found it on stable D:
  14. Maia (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Checked a few servers and quite a few boats, no loot is spawning at the only location where netting can be found. I am lead to assume then that netting isn't spawning and ghillies wont be seen this update.
  15. Maia (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Has anyone even found netting yet? I haven't seen anything spawning at the little boats (not even hats or shoes)
  16. Maia (DayZ)

    Im really loving the new ghillie camo..

    I can see people just running around with the hats on lol the topss are a pain in the butt to make. 4 Burlap Sack (strips) and 2 netting for the incomplete top or 6 and 2 for the complete top. Stack that with 2 and 1 for a wrap and 2 and 1 for a hat and that's like 10 burlap sacks and 4 netting for a complete set.
  17. Maia (DayZ)

    Im really loving the new ghillie camo..

    I would love to see bandits using the ghillie in ambush type situations. I actually would enjoy seeing that lol It will be a rare occurrence though. I agree, not everyone will go for ghillie. Most will not go for ghillie. I think a few will but ultimately it's a pain in the butt to find netting and like 4 burlap sacks everytime you die before you go out and kill people or whatever lol
  18. Maia (DayZ)

    Scope for CR527?

    I'd like to see the transition of Mosin PU vs. LRS CR527 as well. The CR527 seems so much more difficult to find and has more difficult rounds to find so making it "the" sniper rifle would really balance out the whole idea of "too many snipers." Granted I don't run into "too many snipers" myself, but I'd rather see the balance of choosing one gun for another rather than NEVER picking up the CR527. I honestly have come across like two or three clips in my gameplay (not looking) and thusly have absolutely no incentive to use the thing.
  19. Maia (DayZ)

    Im really loving the new ghillie camo..

    I have yet to actually face anyone on exp in a ghillie suit. I don't see what all the fuss is about. If anything it's an alternative to the "get military gear" mindset which allows you to find a more "natural" camo without setting foot in a military base. I like the way they have balanced it so far with the inability to wear a backpack with the top, inability to wear protective headgear (IE: Ballistic helmet or my fav: motor helmet to prevent knockouts), and the fact that it's an item you have to craft. I do admit I hope to see heating up more as a result of wearing the ghillie suit but I don't think much else is needed since the trade off with this equipment is already the loss of inventory and loss of protection. I agree with this, I don't usually run into super leet snipers in ghillies on exp nor do I on stable. I suspect a large portion of gamers like to either hoard their grenades, ammo, and food and would want a backpack. I also would think a large portion of gamers like to do quick gaming styles such as get any gun you can, get out of starving/thirsty and look for people to interact with and not waste their time with difficult craftable items.
  20. Maia (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    I seem to be able to do everything mentioned above but I crash very frequently.
  21. Maia (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    How's my driving? (Note to self: Watch those turns) Note: I've found jerry cans in sheds and only sheds so far. I've found 4 that I can recall
  22. Maia (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    You probably found one out of fuel that someone had abandoned. Ordinarily you just get in one and go.
  23. Maia (DayZ)

    Next Vehicle

    This actually seems like something that should be in the game lol
  24. Maia (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    I can now confirm that you cannot put gas in the vehicle yet. Apparently you have to be in the car with the gasoline can in your hand but it does work.
  25. Maia (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Found this today, though i couldn't find a car to use it on lol Also compasses are bugged. I've logged in several times and north is always south