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Maia (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Maia (DayZ)

  1. Nice! And it's only one square
  2. Can you use the improvised knife to skin animals and people? :o
  3. Is anyone still finding the new items? I have yet to see any of them.
  4. Maia (DayZ)

    Silenced Weapon Test Video!

  5. I have been finding nothing but old items since todays maintenance :( also not nearly as lucky in my looting. So far I've managed to break my shoes (can't find new ones), find a hundred magnum rounds, 50 mosin rounds, and every gun except the ones that use those lol
  6. Lame. I enjoyed all the random loot
  7. I see servers. Characters reset I think
  8. I was thinking the east was for the AK's. The m4 already has a silencer though so I wasn't sure on the NATO one
  9. On another note, has anyone figured out which weapons the two new silencers go onto? (Suppressor NATO and Suppressor East)
  10. Maia (DayZ)

    Can't find vechicles?

    Just wait until you decide to try and hunt down netting! :D
  11. Maia (DayZ)

    Silenced Weapon Test Video!

    ^ this. Also curious which weapons can be silenced with the new suppressors.
  12. I wonder if it has to do with the servers saying 0.45 when you try to connect.
  13. incremental update -> game broken
  14. I think the only thing bothering me with this update is all the server crashes lol they don't stay on past an hour it seems.
  15. bah, servers won't stay up long enough for me to get a good joy ride lol
  16. Wonder what exactly "central economy" entails, fixed loot respawning? And woot silencers might finally work.
  17. Maia (DayZ)

    Tactical Nightmare at NWAF w/ [FOG] Clan

    Good video. Can't always be perfect lol Have to enjoy the amount of action seen though.
  18. Maia (DayZ)

    Amazing .51 Experience

    Just my opinion but... two mistakes you made. First, telling a guy you'd let him live and then be a douche and kill him. Second, not standing your ground and shooting the truck as it came at you. Shooting it as it drives away is for cowards!
  19. Maia (DayZ)

    [FOG] blunce's Vybor Base Hold Up - DayZ SA

    Oh damn. I was hoping for "Yeah there was an epic firefight. I killed two people then my backup arrived. We took down three more guys but all my allies went down. Next thing I know, three trucks with decked out players charged the building. Out of ammo for anything else I decided to go out in a blaze of glory; I picked up my buddies pump action shotgun and opened the doors shooting."
  20. Maia (DayZ)

    Found a MP-133 Pistol Grip Shotgun

    I don't think it fits in your bag. I found one in a police station. I used it to clear zombies out but then tossed it for an SKS. It looks neat but ultimately I think it's just the same as the MP-133 Shotgun. I could be wrong, it could be "faster" inbetween shots and more inaccurate but I didn't do much testing myself.
  21. Maia (DayZ)

    Hack or bug?

    Report it. Not much else you can do aside from stop playing.
  22. Maia (DayZ)

    Shot while drinking water

    Yeah, I always come across the ONE other guy on the server when I'm on low-pop servers like that but when I'm on maxed out 50/50 servers I can't find a soul. The other day, I was geared up in a ghillie and whatnot and logged into a server with one person on it. I found that one person. He proceeded to chase me all over Cherno taking shots at me until I lost him. Shortly after I lost him, he logged out. Better luck next time Alecs.
  23. Maia (DayZ)

    Fixed Heli crashes?

    They were removed a while back if I remember correctly. There are just three random crashes per server now.