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Everything posted by jwain22

  1. Thought this same thing as you probably typed your comment! :P Thanks for the thought though, man!
  2. Having troubles connecting to servers on the SA and realized that my client has not yet been updated to the .32 version and is still in the .30 version. Anyways I could manually update? Is the update even out? If so, why is my client not updating.
  3. 1] Nickname: JuiCe 2] Region(Country):US 3] Are you willing to be active: Yep, active through all times of the day 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: Yes to both, but mic is not currently working. Getting a new one soon. 5] Steam name: jwain22 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: Mod: 7-8 months Standalone: As long as it's been out 7] How many Clans have you been In: None, usually roamed around with IRL friends. 8] Previous experience: Lots of RPG games and some MMO's. Very experienced with gaming in general and DayZ is a very interesting one to say the least. 9] How many bandits have you killed: Total: Over 100. In the Standalone probably close to like 5 or 6 10] Are you willing to help other players: Of course. Hate it when people with good gear take advantage of newbies. And, who doesn't love getting better gear from abusive players? ;)
  4. jwain22

    DayZ Buddy

    Hey! Jwain22 here just looking for anyone who might want to team up together and take on DayZ! DayZ is a fun game but can be loads more fun if you have a friend or two, three, four, etc. Just wondering if there are any people, or groups of people, that might want to team up and take on the world together! Side Note: Currently have a M4 with loads of ammunition, along with plenty of food, drinks, and first aid articles. Decked out in a clown mask, biker helmet, and the best of each of the articles of clothing that can go on your body. Thanks!
  5. jwain22

    DayZ Buddy

    Added you!
  6. jwain22

    Looking to start a small clan/group.

    sent you a friend invite :)