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About Barbosa1955

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Barbosa1955

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Howdy Ho Buckaroo's and Buckettes!! Stand by folks because in the next few weeks there should be some announcements coming this way. We hope to have a twitter account and a forum (so you can talk with us). Please donate so YOU keep US in the top 15 servers! And remember, if you find a cheater, it really helps to have video evidence.
  2. Barbosa1955

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Possibly not all crash spawns are working in stable servers... Got extremely lucky this morning. Found a truck straight away when spawning in. Server had 2-4 people in it at any one time. Decided to take the truck and explore every crash site on the map, which took about an hour and a half. I didn't hit the two between Zaprudnoe and NWAF because server went down. I found only one American at NWAF. No other crash site had a crashed helo. Those sites I couldn't get the truck to or a hard time getting it there I simply jumped out and ran. I was within 50 metres of every site listed on the map. All the crash sites from Sinistok to Pavlovo to Kozlovka to Pulkovka to Grishino spawned no crash sites. Not sure if server was Persistence off or on because it wasn't listed.
  3. Barbosa1955

    Everyday mundane items

    How about a spoon? Did the people of Chenarus eat with their fingers before they all died? Blanket? Scissors? Candles? Socks? Coffee filters? Milk/water jugs? Air freshener for when everyone eats beans? There are a lot of everyday items we could use in a survival situation. Keep the list growing.
  4. Barbosa1955

    Clarification on "Base Building"

    What good is a "fortress" when you can't pick it up every Tuesday and lose all your loot and the fortress? So you can start rebuilding it Wednesday?
  5. Barbosa1955

    What has been your biggest "I'm done" moment?

    Nothing really made me rage quit...yet. Got pretty pissed off on so many occasions, though...to many to list here. But what's going to be a deal breaker with this game is taking way to long to get 100% persistence. Having tents is great. But having to pick them up every Tuesday night and losing all the stash I've picked up for the week is getting real old. Planting gardens 4 times per month is getting old. Having the Devs give us a multitude of ways to kill each other is fine and dandy. Eventually, I'll rage over what I perceive is the Devs priorities are different than mine...which is a survival oriented game...that won't let me keep the things I've striven for to survive on a long term basis. With 930 hours into this game and nothing to show for it is enough reason to rage...let alone quit.
  6. Barbosa1955

    Christmas Ceasefire

    How ironic. A ceasefire to celebrate the very first zombie's birthday. No ceasefire for me, though. Not one superstitious bone in my body. Dec. 25 is just another day in DayZ...
  7. Barbosa1955

    Would natural gas pipelines work in Case of Apocalypse?

    Yup, at least where I come from we call them "pigs". I don't know why...lol Yes, they would function as long as there is no leak in the tank or pipe to the appliance. A propane tanker would be able to fill the pigs. I'm not sure they could fill (right sort of fittings) the small 20lb tanks like one uses on their BBQ.
  8. Barbosa1955

    Would natural gas pipelines work in Case of Apocalypse?

    More than likely not. Read up on differences between Liquid Natural Gas, Compressed Natural Gas and Liquid Petroleum Gas (Propane). Not to mention the failsafes in production of said gases including storage and transportation. About the only things you will get natural gas or propane from in a SHTF scenario are from the "pigs"; those gas tanks you see in people's yards. And these are reflected in the game. Once the pig is empty, you'll never be able to fill it again unless you find a working tank truck. Whether or not the Devs will implement this is beyong my knowledge.
  9. I want to thank everyone for their replies. Many were quite informative. And thanks to those that "liked" my posts. But since I posted last, one of my friends had picked up the small tent (before Wednesday reboot" and when he came back into the server the next day, the tent was gone. Just disappeared. Last night I found a military tent. And honestly, I have no use for the thing. Not until total, or near total persistence comes out. I have around 900 hours invested in this game...that's roughly 2.5 hours per day averaged out. And I have absolutely nothing to show for it. So me and my M4 and AKM and military tent are going to take a really long sabatical. Hopefully when I decide to come back and play I'll still have it all. Good luck to everyone.
  10. Problem with this merge is that I don't think the game is shit and want my money back.
  11. This is where I disagree. The point of the game is to survive and that's what I plan to do.
  12. Slap me for what most folks are thinking? My posts so far have been nothing but constructive criticism. I've alreat had 4 friends leave this game and I know each one personally. I'm the only oldout. I really really like this game, and as I've said in a previous post, this game has so much potential. So when you find the words, I'd like to hear them.
  13. Because with a game such as this, with so much potential going for it, it seems that after two years Alpha it would be much farther along than it is. There really is no sense to play a survival oriented game when your caches disappear every week and you're forced to forage once again. There's 52 weeks in a year. That means you choose a tent or food 52 times a year. Tents have been out for only 2 months and already it monotonous.